Tuesday, September 12, 2017


Misconceptions continued.  Our population's penchant for tunnel vision when it comes to blame and schoolyard finger pointing, has put handcuffs on understanding.  It’s the centuries old problem of seeing the splinter in your eye while ignoring the log in mine.  Sad.  Pragmatism, logic, reason, open mindedness and common sense seem to be rejected concepts today.  We seem to be going through a stage of growth in our country that would make Dr. Phil tear his hair out.  Any sane person knows that a wounded relationship, based on believing derogatory rumor and innuendo, has little or no chance of healing and revival.  Our country is no less in danger of a major fracture. The statement below is a great example of the divisive nature of our society’s inability to have a sensible discussion regarding anything.


I am a firm believer that every human being on this planet has components within himself of both godliness and the basic nature of our animal.  The good dog bad/dog approach seems to be factual.  Who we are as a person is shown by which of those dogs we feed.

The apparent missdefined term of “Liberal-Snowflake” is not applicable to any of the traits listed in this statement, even though these traits may be a part of those who can be defined as Snowflakes.  I do find it interesting that there is probably a lot more in common between our opposing groups than believed possible. Once again my abhorrence to the mental use of “all” of any group has given the raised hair on the back of my neck cause to occur.  Having those traits do not classify you as a “Snowflake”.  What might make you join that group is the of use of a truthful statement to propagandize a falsehood. 

I am an individual, moderately conservative in almost every respect.  I do not see myself as a hateful misogynistic, racist, nazi, war monger with a bigoted approach to understanding and accepting those of different beliefs, races, religions and skin color.  I would classify myself as a pragmatic, empathetic American conservative.  Just as some of you may resent being classified as a bleeding heart liberal progressive with Snowflake tendencies, I have resented being categorized as a person who hates gays, one who would strip all federal programs designed to help others etc.  I have put up with those designations of conservatism for some thirty years, sometimes out of fear.

Just for a view of what this one conservative Trump supporter would include in the probabilities of one being a “Snowflake” is the following group of clues:

1.        An inability to accept the election of our President under the centuries old tenants and laws of “The United States of America” which puts the Electoral College above that of population centers.

2.        The adherence to the religion of political correctness as defined by the progressive world view of what is acceptable or not.

3.        The need to remove all forms of competition and recognition of superior achievement in favor of simply being a part of.

4.        Revulsion toward opposing viewpoints and beliefs, to the extent of denying freedom of speech to those who hold those views.

5.        The elevation of feelings to a priority position in everyone’s life regardless of morality, subjugating all other choices of action to that one yardstick.

6.        A lack of pragmatic, logical reason pertaining to what our body politic should be providing our population and the rest of the world.

7.        The presence of a sense of moral superiority over anyone who does not fit into the currently accepted belief structures.

8.        The refusal to seek truth that might diminish your current distaste and anger toward us poor misguided, deplorable, hateful conservatives.

One thing I must emphasize is this fact. If you are a Snowflake, a liberal, a progressive, a “Never Trumper” or a Democrat, I do
not hate you,
I do not wish you ill, I don’t want to inhibit or prohibit your right to think the way you do or to promote your beliefs.  I might, however, consider you to be woefully misinformed.

God bless our country, our people and especially those with whom I may disagree.

Support our country, its warriors and our endeavors.

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