Wednesday, May 25, 2022





21 lives lost in another mass murder sparks the rhetoric and misdirection of politi-speak.  Rather than seeking the causes of this type of horror, our society is told to blame anything but the causes.  Our attention is directed toward the weapon, the perpetrator, even the lack of protection. The folks behind those voices shout the approved standard accusations.  The common denominator in those terrible occurrences is not the weapons of choice, the race, creed, social strata, or education.  The effect of this misdirection is our inability to prevent and stop the senseless loss of innocent lives.  It’s time to stop blaming the tools used in these events and to start looking at the WHY.

It seems that this type of event, one that creates deep societal emotion, prompts the urge to shout out all the political and personal beliefs that prop up whatever the cause.  Perhaps one of the WHYS behind the increasing number of these occurrences is the reluctance to look at the log in our own eye.

THE WHY is in the WHAT we put in minds. Not in the WHAT is in the hand of the perpetrators of disasters.  I addressed some of WHAT is happening in my blog.

The WHY in these events is held in the mind of those killers and is generally some ideological warped thoughts.  In a society where every norm is being questioned, and the morality of previous right and wrong is in doubt, bad things can happen. (I was raised on a small farm and I learned early on that you can't plant weeds and expect wheat as a result.)
While the politicians, educators and news media commentators blame weapons, instead of true cause and effect,  the killing will continue.  These events will continue to plague societies.  When we are being taught to accept everything as right, everything is acceptable, regardless of what we used to believe in, there are no more guardrails.  Instead of looking at the causes of mental instability as the cause, we allow the misdirection of making guns the cause of violence.  We need to pluck our heads from the sand and get pragmatic instead of allowing the emotional permissiveness of political correctness to prevail.

The facts of causation show that the perpetrators of these disasters are: angry, disillusioned, misinformed, prejudiced, mentally disabled or damaged, emotionally separated individuals.  These are the situations that are causally responsible for actions, the actions or the weapons are not what we should be focused on.  If we want to stop this inhumanity we need to attack cause not effect.  One other thing that I learned growing up on the farm/ranch is that holes in the fence, or no fence at all, allow the livestock to go and do whatever they choose to do.

If you choose to teach your children that there are no consequences in life, the fence is gone.

If you choose to teach your children anything they want should be theirs, they will take whatever they want.

Unfortunatly, not getting whatever they think they are entitled to can create any of the above mentioned causes for acting out.

It’s not the guns folks, it’s the mental weeds we sow in the minds of our children, our friends, and our neighbors.

THINK before you sow your seeds.  You just may be part of the cause next time.


Pray for our country, our children, and the families affected by any and all tragedy’s

Friday, February 11, 2022


I just finished watching, for the fourth time, one of my childhood heroes unleash justice upon the criminal element of Gotham.  Where is that Bat-creature when our cities are over-run with the unfettered abuse of laws, property and lives?  Gotham was infected with governance that played patty-cake with the criminal element, a judicial system that gave no jeopardy to those who harmed the society at large.  Sounds all too familiar to be pure fiction and sadly too easily recognized as what has become part of our everyday lives in the good ol' U.S.A..  Our national game of politics, as the priority, has taken us into the realm of fiction becoming reality.  Had this been a real sport, the game would have been called a long time ago due to rule infractions and downright cheating.

Batman was, or is, a fortunate vigilante accepted by the majority of regular folks in Gotham and as such he was able to wage his war upon the criminal element.  He was lucky because the society he was trying to protect were not anti-law enforcement.  We are not so fortunate.  We will continue giving up our safety, our income, and our lives to the anarchists and criminal elements as long as we allow the seditionist elements of our country to survive.

Batman may be a figment of one’s imagination but the uprising of vigilantism that will eventually occur will be real.  The society will not allow criminality to continue as long as the population is capable of physically protecting themselves.  If the current trend, in some metropolitan areas, of taking the teeth out the rules protecting the public continues, there will be a war in the streets of our country.  I am not suggesting I am predicting.

What we are experiencing in our country in this time period is the result of our desire to be understanding and forgiving.  In order to concentrate on our everyday lives we have trusted, and trusted but we have not verified.  While we were busy trying to give our children a better world, give ourselves some sugar to go with the lemons of life, we neglected our primary obligation to the preservation of a society that held (still holds) the best hope for mankind’s  future.

It seems the power of ulterior motives much like the “Trojan Horse” has crept into our politics, our educational system, and our entertainment.  We are under constant bombardment of propaganda and indoctrination methods designed to change our society at its foundations.  We may not have the vigilante “Batman” to turn things around but there are still enough folks who care, about the future, that can.  We can see the results of no reprisal for crime throughout our country that is a result of our educational system failing to lift students, in all corners of our society, with the tools to rise above expectations.

What describes the individual person and what dictates his actions is the result of what has been accepted into his thinking. We individuals are naturally forced to act on our beliefs whether they be fact or false.  We have to act according to the information we have gleaned from all phases of our lives.

Most adults in our society are law abiding folks who want to see our world as a peaceful place where we are allowed to live a pleasant life.  We expect our children to learn how to be good little humans who can add, subtract, write and read.  Well folks that just isn’t going to happen if you trust the other guy to make it happen.  You have skin in this game and as such you have some responsibilities.  You can’t depend on Batman.

Pray for our country, our children, and our future.  Most importantly love your fellow man, brother and neighbor.

Saturday, October 23, 2021


Def…. endemic A disease or condition regularly found among particular people or in a certain area. Endemic is an adjective that means natural to, native to, confined to, or widespread within a place or population of people.
 Endemic is perhaps most commonly used to describe a disease that is prevalent in or restricted to a particular location, region, or population. For example, malaria is said to be endemic to tropical regions
Def… systemic Something that affects the whole instead of just parts, and is inherent in the basic nature of the entire of the construct. 

This post on Facebook caught my attention 

 Karen Kirby Atchley October 5, 2020 
 I have often wondered about why Whites are racists, and no other race is...... 
Someone finally said it. How many are actually paying attention to this? 
There are African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, Arab Americans, etc. And then there are just Americans.. 
You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction. You call me 'White boy,' 'Cracker,' 'Honkey,' 'Whitey,' 'Caveman'... And that's OK. 
You have the United Negro College Fund. You have Martin Luther King Day. You have Black History Month. You have Cesar Chavez Day. You have Yom Hashoah. You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi. You have the NAACP. You have BET.... If we had WET (White Entertainment Television), we'd be racists. If we had a White Pride Day, you would call us racists. If we had White History Month, we'd be racists. If we had any organization for only whites to 'advance' OUR lives, we'd be racists. We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a Black Chamber of Commerce, and then we just have the plain Chamber of Commerce. A white woman could not be in the Miss Black American pageant, but any color can be in the Miss America pageant. If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships... You know we'd be racists. There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black Colleges in the US . Yet if there were 'White colleges', that would be a racist college. In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights. If we marched for our race and rights, you would call us racists. You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not afraid to announce it. But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists. I am proud...... But you call me a racist. Why is it that only whites can be racists?? There is nothing improper about this. Let's see which of you are proud enough to send it on. I sadly don't think many will. That's why we have LOST most of OUR RIGHTS in this country. We won't stand up for ourselves! BE PROUD TO BE WHITE! And No, I am Not Racist! It's not a crime YET.... But getting very close!

Sunday, October 17, 2021

RECAP 2019 TO 2021



   A RESPONSE 2: March 2019 (   In the New Testament, Jesus stated the two most important laws for mankind to follow are: love God with your whole self and; love your neighbor as yourself.  All that is required for a charitable people is for the individuals to follow those last two laws.  We don't need a government to direct what we as individuals should choose to do as a course of our own individual guidance systems.


TIME TO RESPOND Thursday, March 7, 2019

A RESPONSE 2: TIME TO RESPOND (  After months of trying not to drive myself, my friends, my family, around the bend with all the things and subjects the can push me over the edge....there are too many things cluttering up my mind so here I am again.  Right off the top I can list a few subjects that act as a motivator for my ire. 

·       The continuation of the 2016 Presidential hate Trump agenda;     

·       The promotion of Socialistic tenants throughout our educational system;

·       Party politics instead of the legislative branch doing what their oath of office requires, working to        achieve what our country needs;

·       The erosion of ethics and morality in our society; and on and on and on adinfinitum*

·        More than enough subjects not mentioned that will make my yadayadyada  continue for years to          come.


WHAT ARE WE ALLOWING TO HAPPEN?    Sunday, September 29, 2019

A RESPONSE 2: WHAT ARE WE ALLOWING TO HAPPEN? ( If I remember my civics education there was something about the oath of office as it pertained to the members of congress, the presidency, as well as many positions of states and cities "to protect and to obey the laws of the United States of America.  Recently that part of the oath is antiquated as far as our borders are concerned, and as far as our constitution is concerned.  The Press is no longer a reporter of facts. Our history is being rewritten and we are being sociologically reprogrammed by educators and the entertainment industry.

Abraham Lincoln: America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. Nakita Khrushchev: "We will take America without firing a shot.  We do not have to invade the U.S. we will destroy you from within."

TAPS WASTED    Monday, December 2, 2019


How sadly today must be viewed by all those souls whose blood was spent for the ideals of our country.  Thousands of those who believed in standing up for a great society and fighting to give the rights of freedom to others around the world.  How could they condone the fiasco and hypocrisy that is being played out in our body politic when the cause of good is spent on the theatrics of political gamesmanship?  How is it that the practice of falsehoods, inuendo and word-twists has put us in the position of moving backwards in time towards those other times that we pitted brother against brother.


Monday, June 15, 2020   A DESCENT: VIRTUE SIGNALING 

A RESPONSE 2: June 2020 (   

VIRTUE SIGNALING EQUALS A BULLY! How far we have come in the last fifty years or so. I remember some seventy years ago that it was so important to be able to help your neighbor when he needed help. I remember how important it was to treasure honesty, respect, hard work, your parents, your family as a whole. I remember being taught in grade (elementary) school to respect your teachers, your country and your country’s flag, I remember being taught that it was wrong to steal, to damage someone else’s property.  Rather than being ruled by the rule of law, we are watching a decline to a rule by mob, perceived moral justice, and a muzzle on thought. We are no longer allowed to think outside the box of “political correctness” and “virtue signaling”. Even though those screaming in the streets decry the acts of physical and psychological bullying, in schools and social media, they condone showing off their superior virtue by bullying everyone they disagree with. 


 Just a thought...... If the "Silent Majority" is aware of the term "spiritual warfare", and that the spiritual is often acted out in the physical world.... WHY ARE WE STILL SILENT? 

We stand quiet while the truth is being drowned out by the shouts of a few.  We are at a time in our national existence that the resolve of our people is being tested.  A time that will determine our future, once again as a country and as a society.  We have been here before in our history.  We would be well advised yo use history as guidance into our future.  Political correctness has infected every part of our society and seeped into the very heart of our educational system, our body politic and by those, we should be able to trust for accurate information, the news media.

The effectiveness of divide and conquer tactics utilized by our enemies is now proven as we watch the streets of our great cities being over-run and victimized.  We are not born fearful of other humans, we are not born with a heart and mind of hatred. Our enemies know that a house divided can not stand


Monday, July 6, 2020  YOU GET  A RESPONSE 2: YOU GET (   Just a thought...... We get what we let happen with our silence!I consider myself to be one of the large silent majority that shows up when it’s time to vote but makes sure no-one can know what they really think.  We are now reaping the costs of our silence over the last six decades.  We have allowed our country to be infiltrated, allowed our educational system to deteriorate, have allowed our children to be indoctrinated, allowed our country’s internal history to be twisted and contorted. The bible tells us “You reap what you sow” but if you don’t sow anything you will be overrun with weeds.  Our silence has led to the current state of anarchy and we have allowed our crop and our children to be transformed from the crop we wanted to field upon field of poison ivy. 


Tuesday, July 7, 2020   A RESPONSE 2: HOW MANY TEARS (


Why are we allowing the squeaky wheel to run rampant over the rule of law, the protection of our citizens, the theft of our future, and the children’s minds that will inherit from us, a broken society?  If it is to be rule by noise, for God’s sake people wake up and demand our cities return to the rule of law, and respect for those on the front lines who face the anarchists head on.



Wednesday, July 8, 2020  LOGICAL PROGRESSION


One of my favorite go-to books is As a Man Thinketh written by James Allen.  His book proposes that we are what we think, just another example of cause and effect.  If we take that a little bit further, our society is a result of a mass of thought.  It is up to each of us as individuals to understand what result our individual belief systems will contribute to society.   Our individual responsibility is to be the gatekeeper of what comes into our minds.  The process of “garbage in garbage out” pertains to our minds just as much as to computer programming, and there is plenty of garbage to go around.  We all have our favorite sources of thought food, often without even understanding the truth that went into our minds diet. 

The effect on adults is monumental but even more horrendous is the effect on future members, our children.  Those future members of our society are sponges to what is being fed into their minds.  They are taught what to think, what to believe, how to act or react to those they come in contact with.  They are not equipped with veracity filters that would allow them to discard false knowledge.  They are primed and ready for indoctrination. 

Sunday, July 12, 2020  A RESPONSE 2: LOOKING AHEAD (


FUTURE HEADLINE: Two Texas law enforcement offers escaped assassination when 911 dispatched social worker and anger management professional to handle a domestic dispute situation. Luckily no police personnel were harmed when the homeowner unleashed a barrage of gunshots as the social workers approached the door. Thankfully only the social worker and the anger management professional were killed in this engagement.

We are watching an interesting social experiment play out right on our TV screens our phones and our computers. We get to watch what happens when millions of people quietly seethe and do nothing to stop the madness. We get to see first hand how a few people with loud voices can frighten a much larger group into submission. We can watch as the few take over our municipal, state, and federal bureaucracies without one shot being fired. Whoops that last statement wasn’t quite accurate.


CHICAGO: 87 SHOOTINGS; 63 WOUNDED; 14 KILLED, included in those killed were an 7-year-old girl and a 14-year-old boy.


ATLANTA: 24 SHOOTINGS; 4 DEATHS, one of which was another 8 yr old child




Sunday, August 2, 2020  CAUSE AND EFFECT

A RESPONSE 2: CAUSE AND EFFECT (  We are in the middle of a war for the hearts and minds of the American people:  a war for the physical health of population, a war on the basic freedoms and opportunities that benefited our society for the last 235 years.

We are seeing the effects of the sociological attacks on our basic ideologies by partisan politics and anti-American factions from within and outside of our country.  There are power-seekers who have promoted division within our population by creating tension between races, creeds, and politics.  History has shown our country to be, “One nation under God”, united in cause and effort during difficult times.  We were born as a nation in strife and have been on both sides of right and wrong.  In one respect, we have remained steadfast in our quest for a better society. 

 in today’s divisive political culture.  The prospect of working together to find solutions seems to have reached an uncrossable chasm.  We are trapped in the, seemingly unending political quest for power.  The professional politics, through ideological propaganda and persuasion, which bombards us show little respect for truth.  It is no accident that we are at each other's throats on so many different topics. How does it happen and how is it believed that “Black Lives Matter” is a correct sentiment when at the same time targets are on the backs of law enforcement personnel?  Wrongfully causing the death of any fellow human being is to be viewed as a criminal event regardless of race, color, or creed.  Like it or not, we all possess the same DNA base as one another. 



Rather than being ruled by the rule of law, we are we are watching a decline to a rule by mob, perceived moral justice, and a muzzle on thought.  We are no longer allowed to think outside the box of “political correctness” and “virtue signaling”.  The art of protest has been infiltrated by those who profit on the discord they can create within our society.  

Sunday, August 9, 2020  A LONG, LONG TIME AGO 


Once more I am being nudged by the relevancy of the oldest book.  The application of the story given to us in the first book of the Old Testament.  Most of us, in the persuasion of Judeo-Christian beliefs, regard the bible as the word of God the creator and as such has meaning for mankind.  As one of the believers I regard man as being more than just flesh and blood, that he was created by God in His image.  That image is one of mind, body and spirit.

Satan was created before man and that being was the first example of what we now regard as hubris.  Satan tried to establish his own rule over creation and since that time warfare has been waged for the souls of man.  I do believe that, since the Garden of Eden times, the ownership of mans spiritual being has been the goal of Satan.  Satan gave birth to the act of manipulation, by using partial truths mixed with lies, to grasp mankind’s greed to separate mankind from the Creator.  That spiritual battle has continued throughout the millennium of our existence.  Our country exists as a result of blood spent to give us the freedom of deciding our own futures, seeking our own fortunes and making our dreams reality.  We may not all achieve our highest but at least we have the freedom to grab at the golden ring


Sunday, August 16, 2020  IRONY, OUR HOUSE OF MIRRORS


 IRONY:a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result.  The irony of today is in no way amusing

It seems that we are living in a world comprised of circus mirrors, a world where nothing is what we have hoped for and aspired to be. It’s as if our country and our way of life, once looked upon much as one would view a lush green landscape is suddenly recognized as ravaged by a slow insidious iceberg of hatred, mistrust, and greed. Those who would see our country, our great experiment of freedoms and opportunity destroyed in the name of control and power, have been allowed to exist much the same as the iceberg or the volcano.  We “the people” have chosen our leaders, (not all), because of what they have sold us, what they may give us rather than what they do for “the people” and the good of the country. We have allowed our good dog to be tethered and our bad dog to roam freely, how ironic that our good intentioned freedom of speech has allowed the tyranny of socialism and communism to infect our body.  Sadly, that is just a symptom, not the cause or the weakness that has allowed that to occur.  

We have allowed a societal shift in values to creep through our population. It’s ironic that our desire to allow, anyone person, the freedom to be anything, anyway, anytime, anyplace has created so many more cracks and divisions.  Our desire to be loving, caring, charitable toward all people, we have allowed that to happen with all good intentions not necessarily with wisdom, prudence or in most cases logic.  Centuries of history have shown so many bad actors, literature and the arts have depicted villain after villain, adage has told us so many times “a leopard cannot change its spots” we have however seen snakes shed skin and acquire a new look. The Democratic party has shouted their own praises for representing the little guy by battling the big bad rich guy, for trying to raise the minimum wage, by spending more on education, and most recently for sanctuary cities and releasing those who have broken laws.  The really big one is their defense of abortion which has cost the lives of more under-privileged and minority lives than any other program in our history.  Democrat support of the teacher’s unions in lieu of school choice has been one of the major causes of poor educational provision in those communities.  Finally, they have decided that defunding law enforcement is a good thing.  Really? 

Wednesday, August 19, 2020 


 One of our political party factions strives to portray the Elephant group as being uncaring, unsympathetic and its members as being incapable of empathy.  The Donkey group seems to extrapolate the Elephants immersion in reason and logic with a focus on actual results as being an indication of this cold-hearted beast. It’s the basic nature of irony to be humorous but when it comes to political purpose and result, it just isn’t the least bit funny.  One of our political party factions strives to portray the Elephant group as being uncaring, unsympathetic and its members as being incapable of empathy.  

The Donkey group seems to extrapolate the Elephants immersion in reason and logic with a focus on actual results as being an indication of this cold-hearted beast.  The ironical part of this situation, from my viewpoint, is that the Elephant’s hard love approach and the Donkey’s buy the vote system, of promising the moon, places our country’s election season in jeopardy.  

It is ironic that the system designed to give power to the people, freedom of speech has been allowed to deteriorate the safeguards our political guard dog, the free press, was expected to provide.  The power of manipulation and propagandist influence has been infecting our educational and media “mind meals” for far too long.  It is the time to bring back factual truth, country before party politic and the realization that our choices have decade long results.  

 Free is easy to sell, hard to provide, and often has unexpected results.  Some of the Donkey’s wish list items. Are included in this article


Friday, August 21, 2020 

You might not like his tweets (President
Trumps’)  His hair, his exaggerations, his egotism, or you may believe what you see and hear from his detractors, BUT.. Our president gets things done. This list was provided by someone other than me me me. Quite long but is worth reading prior to November. Bear in mind POTUS did not have to plagiarize this list.

This list will amaze you

Friday, August 21, 2020 A RESPONSE 2: "SCUUUUUSE ME... (  SCUUUUUSE ME...

 we have fully immersed our people into a psychotic world of split personality disorders.  One planet made to give the impression of two completely different, mirrored, piles of rock in the middle of our galaxy.  Two years ago, almost to the day, my blog was addressing the same sentiment as today’s blog entry, “We miss the why because we always want to blame the other guy in lieu of seeing all sides of the matter, including our part (as in all contests) our side. Denial of history has one absolute result - it will repeat itself. The principle speakers of this cleansing, blaming extravaganza, would have the Trump Presidency reaching back through time.  The distress of history is being bent, twisted, turned and changed by rhetoric designed to mitigate the actual failures of the past.  Believe it or not… Trump was not involved in: The slowest economic recovery, and the longest since the great depression of the 1920’s; the loss of manufacturing base and the jobs that were lost during the Obama regime; the strangling, job costing regulatory over-reach of government; the belief that our national GDP would never again reach over the .2.5% mark and would be our new norm; the Benghazi fiasco; the mass influx of illegal border crossing into our country; the loss of medical coverage for millions of people; the high cost of fuel that increased cost of goods across our country; the mistake of calling ISIS a junior faction and allowing the growth of their Caliphate

FOR WHO OR FOR WHAT?  Tuesday, August 25, 2020   


Here we go again. It’s time to stand up and be counted.  It’s time to decide what’s really best for me, for you and for our children and their children.  Like it or not we have a responsibility to do this based in fact and truth.  Like it or not we need to vote not for someone, but for the resulting impact of purpose.

In our country today we are experiencing the results of herd thought, mob mentality in some, cowardice, greed and apathy in others.  Some of us have taken refuge in the title of the “silent majority” and in our silence, we have given approval to what-ever happens.  Our silence is a condemnation of what we have allowed to take place in our country.  Some of us have even chosen not to vote at all, some choose not to vote for someone we feel is not a good enough person to vote for.  It’s time to vote for what we want to see happen and against what we don’t want to see happen.

We need to have an honest look at what has happened to our country, to our large cities, to the increase in crime.  The why, what and who of that is important.  We need to take an in-depth look at our body politic and how it has served our people in the last fifty or so years.  It’s time that we put a limit on the term of influence any one individual can have on their influence on the direction of our country.


Sunday, August 30, 2020 A RESPONSE 2: BEHIND THE MASK (   BEHIND THE MASK     

One Of the first things I learned in my college psych class: the face we show others, the who we want them to see is our persona and it is kinda like a gilded Lilly or in truth speak its misrepresentation. The persona of a political party is much the same except it consists of a whole bunch of contributing prevaricators

Here are some ideas that were put into practice in the last fifty or sixty years and these are just the few that my ol’ mind is able to recall.

·       Let’s make it easier for people to own homes: lower the credit history requirements for home loans, let’s make the loans with an adjustable rate and longer term.

·       Let’s make college and university educations available to more people by offering loans to pay for the education.

·       Let’s stop keeping folks with diminished mental capacity and those with chemical imbalances in those wretched asylums.

·       Let’s show the world that we are a nation of kinder, gentler warriors that will allow our enemies to fire upon our military first and only then will we fire back.

·       Let’s provide those addicted to drugs with drugs and the freedom to self-medicate.

·       Let’s show our enemies that we trust them to hold true to treaties if we pay them enough.

·       If we treat our enemies and our friends “nice” they will in turn be nice to us.

·       If we open our borders, we are showing the world that we really, really, care about other people.

·       If we make regulations to protect our environment, reduce carbon-based fuels, raise taxes on businesses, collect from the rich and give to the poor we are better people.  Those are just a few of the things that come easily to mind. We should have learned that moderation is a better rule than shut your eyes and believe your persona’s mirror.  The examples of the unexpected results are scattered across our landscape and across our history.  The majority of these misplaced intentions have actually harmed the folks that were the targets of them.

·       The housing bubble, the ruination of individual credit, cost our population billions of dollars in loss of our national output because the banks loaned money to people who did not have the sufficient means to pay the debt.

·       The education loan program buried many of our students economically for years after their graduation, the costs charged by the universities and colleges took advantage of the large increase in dollars available to make their own bank accounts larger.

·       The dislodging of the mentally ill filled city streets with people who needed the help that was no longer available. 
This has cost, many of our larger metropolitan areas, the loss of business and revenue.

·       The limitations and rules of engagement which hand-cuffed our military in the middle-east conflicts prevented our warriors in prosecuting the war.  This caused the expense of blood and treasure to continue for many years longer than needed.

·       Preventing guns has prevented safety in our schools, our places of worship and is even now hindering our basic rule of law.

·       The current defunding of law enforcement, sanctuary cities has escalated violence across our nation, cost our taxpayers millions and assisted mob assaults on both large and small family business’s.

We all need to look past the proposals of well intentioned, misled and misguided politicians and those who are in it just to win it.  As long as we allow ourselves to vote for promised potential we will forever be enslaved to our greed.  Our country, our people, were once driven by the potential of achievement.  We were motivated not just by riches but we were pushed by curiosity, by inventiveness, and by our quest to become better.  Today we have allowed ourselves to be motivated by anger, distrust, and the feelings brought on by a constant barrage of discontent as a weapon of political choice.  We need to look at what our politicians are actually doing for us, what they are producing in actual positive result.  It’s not about how nice we feel, how much we will get for free or how much of what we get will be paid for by someone else, it is about our society’s future existence.  It’s not about how we appear to others, not about our mask, not about what we hide.  It is about what we will leave as fact.


A RESPONSE 2: TRUMPS NO HEALTHCARE PROGRAM (  Saturday, September 5, 2020


Trump is not the Senate, Trump is not the cause of the failure of the ACA, it is not Trumps fault that so many in our country are losing their coverage do to their inability to afford the payments or the deductibles required. Regarding the present offering of the Senate...

Pre-existing conditions are not being removed from the program being offered. The fact that our people are being miss-informed in an effort to continue what is failing us just on a political basis, on so many fronts is plain criminal.  

While constantly being harassed by Russia blather, (proven hoax) President Trump has facilitated and passed numerous health-care-related bills and improvements  see below

 HELP HEAL      A RESPONSE 2: HELP HEAL (  Saturday, September 19, 2020 

BLACK LIVES MATTER…  Great bumper sticker, great blame game rally cry, great for finger pointing, but not valid as a weapon.  As a society glued to our media sources, we are being led to the sacrificial alters of color and wealth discrepancy baiters.  I am in total agreement that Black Lives Matter but there is more to it than just being a biased trigger that further separates us from one another. 

We have all sorts of wealth hoarders in our country that kneel, before the alter mentioned above, as esteemed members of our professional sports heroes, our political government members, our media and entertainment guru’s that look at every opportunity to appear better morally than the rest of us.  Granted a number of the top 5% of the wealth owners in our country are very generous toward all of humanity, but how many focus on the discrepancies in our own society?  How many of them are really trying to improve the conditions that they blame other folks for causing.  The current blame name-calling on our society white privilege and systemic racism rank #1 and #2 as the cause for lack of employment opportunity; poor access to good education; homelessness; little or no access to home residence; low income; unfair law enforcement practices; unequal racial incarcerations, etc.. Probably some truth in that view point but perhaps the finger is being pointed in the wrong direction. It seems that most of this will  take money to correct, some take congressional action and some need the local governments to do their job.  None of the solutions are really affected by race but by inaction.

Political decisions in the past have been to merely throw money at the causes of the fear, the causes of the lack of schooling, opportunity and jobs go unattended.  Jobs will not be readily available in the neighborhoods that children help provide food by being in gang families.  People will be afraid of gangs and those who dress and act like gang members.  Jobs will not be available as an escape as long as those children of a good high school education. Rather than promote the feelings of fear regarding law enforcement you might try some of the above ways of using your wealth to create opportunities.  A large portion of the systematic racism that affects our society is a result of fear of the unknown response we are prone to expect.  When some of us interpret our world through color, the word some is translated as all.

COLOR ME HUMAN   (C) Ron Burres










A RESPONSE 2: HOW COULD HE??? (  Monday, October 5, 2020  

HOW COULD HE ???   Fact check it ðŸ‘‡  What has PRESIDENT TRUMP and his cabinet accomplished.....      for minorities;  our government:  for military  for va:  law and order: for economy for medical:: for education: for mid-east involvement: for environment: for seniors: for seniors: for lgbt: for business: for corona: for prison reform: international: for women: in general: