Sunday, August 16, 2020


 IRONY:a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result.

The irony of today is in no way amusing

It seems that we are living in a world comprised of circus mirrors, a world where nothing is what we have hoped for and aspired to be. It’s as if our country and our way of life, once looked upon much as one would view a lush green landscape is suddenly recognized as ravaged by a slow insidious iceberg of hatred, mistrust, and greed. 

There are many, in our society that fill our streets with violence, crime and anarchy.  This state of ruination seems to have erupted like a volcano rumbling far beneath for so long and then breaking through the lush green of our country to spew dark ugly hatred over our land.

Those who would see our country, our great experiment of freedoms and opportunity destroyed in the name of control and power, have been allowed to exist much the same as the iceberg or the volcano.  We “the people” have chosen our leaders, (not all), because of what they have sold us, what they may give us rather than what they do for “the people” and the good of the country. 

Using the weapons of hatred, mistrust, and the partial truths of oppression to create the fire we watch destroying our streets, our prosperity, and most importantly, destroying our unity as a people.  Our words are no longer to be trusted as positive communication they are being used and miss-used, by some to magnify ills in our national body.  We have allowed propaganda to separate our “one nation under god” into “a nation divided into small tribes” pitted against each other.  I can guarantee that this nation founded under the God fearing and God loving tenants of our Declaration of Independence and the Constitution didn’t prevent Satan from helping with that divisive factor. 

We have allowed our good dog to be tethered and our bad dog to roam freely, how ironic that our good intentioned freedom of speech has allowed the tyranny of socialism and communism to infect our body.  Sadly, that is just a symptom, not the cause or the weakness that has allowed that to occur.  We have allowed a societal shift in values to creep through our population. It’s ironic that our desire to allow, anyone person, the freedom to be anything, anyway, anytime, anyplace has created so many more cracks and divisions.  Our desire to be loving, caring, charitable toward all people, we have allowed that to happen with all good intentions not necessarily with wisdom, prudence or in most cases logic.  Centuries of history have shown so many bad actors, literature and the arts have depicted villain after villain, adage has told us so many times “a leopard cannot change its spots” we have however seen snakes shed skin and acquire a new look. 

Even with all the warnings we have destroyed what were our family values with the desire to have whatever we want whenever (selfishness and greed).  We have been lulled to complacency with the bounty our nation has provided the majority ignoring, to some degree, the pain and festering anger of those in the minority.  That pain has been intensified by those politicians, race baiters, and educators who use that anger to feed their own purpose.   Not only is it ironic, that those who profess to be on the side of the minority, the poor, the infirm, the elderly, actually cause the most harm and that is much worse than ironic.

The Democratic party has shouted their own praises for representing the little guy by battling the big bad rich guy, for trying to raise the minimum wage, by spending more on education, and most recently for sanctuary cities and releasing those who have broken laws.  The really big one is their defense of abortion which has cost the lives of more under-privileged and minority lives than any other program in our history.  Democrat support of the teacher’s unions in lieu of school choice has been one of the major causes of poor educational provision in those communities.  Finally, they have decided that defunding law enforcement is a good thing.  Really? 

They blame our racial problems on systemic racism and I believe they are correct in that assumption, but they have placed the blame on the wrong carrier.  The carrier is not “white privilege”, it is not a corrupt law enforcement population.  Systemic racism exists throughout the rainbow of our country’s skin tones and it exists because of so many, many different reasons.  The main reason is learned reason to fear that have been passed down generationally.

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