Sunday, August 2, 2020


aR2 Cause, Effect         © Ron Burres
We are in the middle of a war for the hearts and minds of the American people:  a war for the physical health of population, a war on the basic freedoms and opportunities that benefited our society for the last 235 years.
We are seeing the effects of the sociological attacks on our basic ideologies by partisan politics and anti-American factions from within and outside of our country.  There are power-seekers who have promoted division within our population by creating tension between races, creeds, and politics.
History has shown our country to be, “One nation under God”, united in cause and effort during difficult times.  We were born as a nation in strife and have been on both sides of right and wrong.  In one respect, we have remained steadfast in our quest for a better society. 
Our unity, during WWI and WWII and after the attacks on the NY World Trade Center, showed a cohesiveness we should seek to emulate outside of major conflicts.  Unfortunately, that is not a reality in today’s divisive political culture.  The prospect of working together to find solutions seems to have reached an uncrossable chasm.  We are trapped in the, seemingly unending political quest for power.  The professional politics, through ideological propaganda and persuasion, which bombards us show little respect for truth.  Rather than working together to achieve better results for our country, our body politic has devolved into a game of win or lose.  The struggle for control and power has become the objective far outweighing the honest effort for improving our societal condition.  
The turmoil we witness in our country at this time is a result of the unfortunate death of a black citizen by the hands of a member of the police force.  We are led to believe that situation occurred as a result of “systemic anti-color” sentiment throughout our nation's law enforcement agencies.  This seems to me to be one of our nation’s media and political fauna to continue their attempts to people into groups of conflicting tribal mistrust and confrontation. 
It is no accident that we are at each other's throats on so many different topics. How does it happen and how is it believed that “Black Lives Matter” is a correct sentiment when at the same time targets are on the backs of law enforcement personnel?  Wrongfully causing the death of any fellow human being is to be viewed as a criminal event regardless of race, color, or creed.  Like it or not, we all possess the same DNA base as one another. 
Many of our citizens are watching their media screens in disbelief at the constant stream of anti-law enforcement events taking place across our nation.  This stems from the mistaken belief that our nation is a united tribe, that those we elect have our best interests at heart, and that we are a nation of laws.  It’s time that we “back up the bus” folks.  We are not “all of the above” and we, in our silence, have given an open doorway to those who would see our way of life and our freedoms melted away into history. 
Why would we let this happen when so much of our nation’s treasure and blood has been spent to keep our experiment in freedom alive?  We are coming up on an important date in November and it’s time that we raise our voices not in violence but in OUR vote.  It’s time that we forget prejudice and ignore the divisive promptings of politics and new media and actually inspect our beliefs.  What will be truth and what part of fiction will we base our vote on? 
Who will be paying for FREE?
Pray for prudence, knowledge and for right.  Pray for our nation and our leaders.  Pray for our first responders and for their safety as they face anarchy.

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