Saturday, January 21, 2017


It’s really interesting to me how differently President Trumps Inaugural speech has been interpreted.  It seems that he must have given two distinctly different speeches.  I must have missed the other one.  I will try to list some of my favorite points and excerpts from the speech that I and a whole bunch of other people heard.  I heard a speech that gave me confidence in an America that was once again standing up for itself.  It gave me confidence that our economy would once again return to the powerful force it used to be. An economy that allowed its people to afford a better life.  I heard words that spoke of we the people, that spoke of a renewal of infrastructure, that spoke of security, that spoke of the rule of law and order and of safety in the neighborhoods of our inner cities.  I heard a speech that made me think our new President not only had a national pride but that he had a heartfelt need to heal Americas’ divisive society.  I heard a President call out Radical Islamic terrorism, call out politicians who work only for their parties ideological extremes, and recognizes that originally we the people were to control the government.

The speech that I heard is transcribed in full on this MSN web-site.  I’m sure that if the words are read it might ease some pain, and misinterpretations that are circulating across the internet world.  I have copied the transcript a bolded some of my favorite points.

I’ve read this over a multitude of times trying to find the parts supporting misogyny, racism, bigotry, and downright nastiness but couldn’t find that part.  I couldn’t even find the part that said the world was going to end.  Could some of you who heard the other speech let me know what you heard?

God bless our new President, our country, and our people.

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