Thursday, January 5, 2017


2017 Here we come world. What have we learned, forgotten, and what can we expect.  The past is to learn from, lessons to be used to cut down on the errors.  It’s not there to give regret but to give hope of a better future.  Now is where we need to place our focus.  What can we do right now to give ourselves a better tomorrow?

As we look at the past, making ourselves aware of where and how we need to change our way of thinking and doing, what worked and what didn’t.  This is not the time for delusionary thinking or ignoring the facts just to continue a narrative.  In the United States we, as a country and a society have the advantage of being able to stand up every four years and proclaim our approval or disapproval of the past.  This past year brought us the unexpected outcome, for many, due to a perceived need for a change in direction in our body politic.

Even as our nation has chosen to take a new direction, with a leader that gives the feeling that we might be jumping off into an unknown abyss, the present is giving most of us hope, if not faith, in the oncoming future.  Unfortunately, there are some who choose to disregard the useful past patterns of behavior to guide us on that new path.

The donkey is known to be one of the most stubborn and obnoxious animals on our planet, and it appears that the party they represent chooses to follow that tendency.  As is my usual disclaimer, it is never all, “thank you, Lord”.  To look at what just took place in the past election the logical conclusion would be that our people wanted a change and they rejected the activity, or lack of, during the last few years.  That result was shouting out that we were tired of stalemate politics and tired of much of the highly touted social changes being foisted upon us. 

Our people were tired of an overreaching administration that governed by politics rather than what would have been in the best interest of our country.  We were tired of an administration that promised one thing and delivered little; being deceived and mislead; being looked down upon; that used the old gambits to divide our country into small political segments.  We want a government that serves the United States rather than ideologies that disallow our best chances for continuation.  The American people are not stupid, and once again all is not an appropriate part of the statement, nor are we all in favor of a new world order, and that was just a part of the lessons of the past.

Old habits are apparantly very hard to break so the practice of politics over country is once again in vogue. We saw the House minority leader, Ms. Pelosi, continue with her anti-any-thing-not-her party-agenda. Vowing to fight PEOTUS Trump’s agenda every step of the way, no room for compromise here folks.  In the Senate, Senator Schumer sounding a bit more insecure, vowed quite the same as Pelosi.  Not one iota of this stance had anything to do with what our nations election screamed out about.  We elected a President, the House, and the Senate to get our country back in order.  We chose to put country over politics and ideology and with good reason.  Get a hint folks its not about political party, we don’t care about your job security or your pride, this one was about WE THE PEOPLE.  President Kennedy had a great perspective and [“Note to the government et al”] It’s about what you can do for your country.  You should all be aware that the key part of that is “your Country”.

Love your neighbor, spread understanding not hatred.

Pray for the safety of the next President of the United States.

Pray for our country and our warriors.

God Bless you all.

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