Monday, March 6, 2017


Remarkable.  The infamous Dan Rather penned a heartfelt editorial piece regarding what he sees as a pending calamity to our country.  He sees President Trump as the epitome of disaster, a viewpoint held by a vast number of our country’s citizens.  Using his credentials as a self-proclaimed Dr. of psychology, like so many others, he has proclaimed the POTUS to be paranoid and of “of questionable mental fitness.”

My response to his editorial has nothing to do with the past history of Mr. Rather's ideological bent towards creating false narratives to give credence to his beliefs.  I do, however, disagree with so many of the beliefs he has taken to heart and I will attempt to look at our state of division from a different point of view.

In the first paragraph, there were so many points of disagreement that I debated about wasting my time on an article so steeped in talking points, innuendo and propaganda.  The report, by the Truth Examiner,  also is worded as to create a colorful picture of reality.  To my point, “Trump’s paranoid accusations have taken Rather to his breaking point” is an example of spreading an attitude through innuendo.  Sometimes, in the scope of reality, that which seems to be paranoia has just perception as a foundation.  I do agree with parts of what Mr. Rather is putting forth in his essay and that is the point that our country is divided to the point of creating a danger to our citizens and to the very fabric of our country and our society.  We do not agree on the causation of this great divide.

Rather writes: On one side we see understandable outrage, with many questioning the mental fitness of our Commander and Chief.”           

AR2: The outrage he is speaking of is understandable, not because it is based on facts but it is based and entrenched in many minds due to the practice of spreading fear through the media which Mr. Rather represents.  As citizens, we have become oblivious to the amount of mental manipulation foisted upon our societal mores on a daily basis.  Our perception of “what is” no longer depends on factual foundation but it is now formed by whatever the elite coastal P.C. police have decided is in our best interests.  The progressive religion of making the rest of us conform to what they perceive as being a higher moral standard.  This past political season has proven that not all of us are in agreement with that elite group.  My contention is this: that so-called “understandable outrage” is there but is based on false narrative.

Rather writes: We see Trump’s allies rallying under their shared hatred of our previous President.

AR2: The talking point trying to present the noticeable racially (fictional) hatred on the part of President Trump, and those of us who have been tagged as deplorable, racist, bigotted, ignorant and morally deficient, has no connection to the irrational policies of the previous administration.  Our disagreement with the previous administration is not due to racial color but to the policies and methods in play during that period of our history.

Rather writes: We do know that there were numerous contacts between close aides to Donald Trump and senior Russian officials at a time when all indications point that the Kremlin was actively trying to undermine the integrity of our election.

AR2: This is a pretty far stretch in the practice of innuendo.  That statement is clearly making the connection between any contact with Russian is tied to an attempt to influence the election process in favor of Mr. Trump.  This bit of unsubstantiated rhetoric has been widely promoted by the detractors of President Trump in the continued onslaught of political partisanship. There were contacts for sure but the why is most apt to be “because it was their job.”

Rather writes: It is long past time that we have a complete and independent bipartisan investigation, especially since the director of the FBI is under such a cloud of political manipulation. Now is the time to breathe the cool winds of impartiality and facts. We need statesmen of steady head and temperament willing to put country ahead of politics. We cannot afford for our democratic institutions to be consumed by a bonfire of lies, innuendos and conspiracy theories.

AR2:  So I have to admit, there is more than one part of the Rather commentary that I agree with, and the above statement is the other.  Although I agree with the need for an investigation, I am quite sure the outcome will not be what is expected by the progressive faction of our society.  The reason being is POTUS will be found to not be paranoid.

The recent flap regarding the possibility of wire-tapping the Trump campaign (denied by the Obama side) has been proven to have credibility.

 Trump’s error with his tweet was to say that Obama was the one behind the surveillance, when Obama may not have ordered the illegal wiretap of an Amerian citizen, he was made aware and he allowed it to occur.  Not good.

Seek truth, not validation.

God bless our country.  God bless and protect our President.  

God give us all the ability to discern fact from fiction.