Wednesday, September 27, 2017


Racism, bigotry and prejudice are all part of the mantra behind the current display of anti-American discourse in the kneeling protest movement occurring in what used to be the NFL and is moving into the NBA.  It’s not like our society hasn’t been hammered these last few years, with the narrative that our country is bad to the bone.  The phrase “dog whistle” is predominantly used as a slur used to describe conservative speech but almost never recognized in the march of liberal, progressive demonstrations. 

Race baiting has almost reached the level of being an acceptable means of gaining income and relevance.  In order to sway public sentiment and gain political power, using the shout of victimization due to color is an acceptable part of our society.  Justification for this claim is not without validity. When the history of our country is looked at in the long term, the propaganda used to promote the ideology pitting color against color, advantage vs. victimization is the loudest bark on our planet.   

We all translate our environment through the veil of our individual belief systems, and because of this our responses can be manipulated by feeding our beliefs with false information. Fear is one of the most basic motivators and is also the most easily manipulated by rumor and outright falsehood.  There is a reason that the tablets presented to Moses on that mountain included the commandment Thou shalt not bear false witness.” ( 

The “take a knee” demonstrations are a direct result of the actions of such groups as the “Black Lives Matter”, “Antifa” and those promoted on various websites that help organize demonstrations designed to weaken our cohesive society.  The basis for these promotions are not altruistic nearly so much as they are part of the decades old battle between our free national concepts and socialistic and communistic ideologies.  Typical partial truths mixed with complete fabrications are the weapons of choice in the longest continual war endured by our country.  The technique of dividing the herd into smaller, weaker groups and spreading the fear of victimhood has spread across our nation thanks to groups like the Soros funded “Move on dot org”.  

I am fully aware of the sins of our fathers in regards to slavery, racial inequality and outright heinous forms of hate filled activity against our brothers of color.  I have to be honest in my assessment of the differences between then and now.  We are not the same society that incited the War fought against slavery and the American lives lost, primarily in the “white” populace.  We are not the society that segregates our people into the factions of “white privilege” and victimized “oppressed” colored citizens. The narrative that has been promoted regarding law enforcement, broad brushed, has appealed to those who have learned that being Black in our country is a condition with no real hope.  Race baiting politicians have helped to promote the idea that law enforcement is infected with bigoted, racists who set out to arrest and/or kill those of the colored community.  This belief has spread and has been used by the BLM movement which in turn has put a target on all of law enforcement.  That belief has no more validity than the beliefs that deny the HOPE that our country and our federal republic was founded on.  Blame narrative has put the plight and the blight of many neighborhoods as the result of white oppression when in fact the actual blame spreads across privileged and “victimized” all. 

Societies are living breathing organisms. If a large enough number of individual cells become infected, the entire organism suffers.  Our country is in great distress infected by divisive that divide this once united population.  A society that is divided by the narrative denying the move away from segregation in our country, denying our majority desire to be a cohesive mutually respectful society, becomes an easy prey for predators. The individual person is defined by what they believe and how they act in accordance with their belief systems.  Our society is the same with one exception and that is that the society is reactionary to the loudest noise and in some cases the most physically threatening groups, believed or not.

In the recent history of our society we have watched, mostly in silent apathy, the loss of many things we once wound our individual threads into a rope of strength.  Through the activity of social engineering we have suffered through attacks on Christian values and traditional moral and ethical constraints.  We have been a society sitting, as a whole, allowing our educational system to change us into a flock of sheep that no longer hold our country in esteem.  The push to remove staples of our society such as the “Pledge of Allegiance”, standing for our national anthem, the right of the individual to pray or even mention God.  The list goes on and on.  We are rapidly becoming a group of individual victims of circumstance, people who have to accept a position of not having any hope.  Instead of accepting any bit of self-reliance or responsibility. We no longer allow competition, score keeping, grading systems, free speech, as we rapidly move toward the infection of sameness.  Misinterpreting individual rights into the mantra “I deserve everything you have, regardless of my abilities and my effort to achieve” and if I don’t get the same things I am a victim. 

A note to the kneeling NFL and NBA millionaires:  What are you doing to help?  Are you a positive part of the answers to correct the poverty, the drug use and sales, the loss of business, the poor educational services, the indoctrinated hatreds and mistrust, the lack of hope and the vision of success.  Perhaps your present act of dissent is more detrimental than helpful.


You might take the time to check out your belief system.

Monday, September 25, 2017


My humble response to the players of the Seattle Seahawks:

I fully understand that racial tensions have been a problem in our country but what I don’t get is why you blame our country for the fault of a dwindling few in our society.  You show disdain and total disrespect for our flag, our anthem and the history of progress our society has made toward inclusivity.  You talk about being committed to working toward equality and justice for all, but as a group your efforts toward helping the factual problems are for the most part extremely minute.

When we, the fans, see you guys who are or should be heroes to our children acting out of ignorance due to race baiting and propaganda and disrespecting our country, our sentiment is shame on you.  Your obvious approval of groups such as BLM, Antifa is pretty evident but I implore you to look at the facts and the falsehoods promoted by these groups.

Our country is under attack physically and mentally by the actions of the terrorists.  Those terrorists, many of them have a “hatred” toward people of different races and creeds, it has been taught to them by parents immersed in an ideology. The same is true of most who hold on to the angers of the past without giving credence to the efforts made toward unification of a society.  Do we really want to wallow in the inequities of the past?  Do we really want to maintain the falsehood that our country’s people are bigoted and a bunch of racists who are out to hurt people of color?  How do you maintain that those under the wings of our country’s symbol, under the waving furls of our flag, those of every color, creed and race who have fought and died for our freedoms are deserving of your disrespect.

I am curious as to what the injustices are that cause you to protest and infect our country as a whole.  I am curious as to what percentage of police and first responders you think don’t care about people of color and don’t or would not risk their lives to help folks of another color or creed.  I am curious as to how many of the NFL elite are actually doing anything positive to create better environments and helping to elevate the opportunities in neighborhoods that are self-destructing.  If you want to protest, fine, but do your part to lift your fellow man into a place of equal opportunity, equal education and an attitude that shows the availability of success in our country.  Telling our young people that they are victims who are looked down upon and racially down-trodden due to their color is as much of a lie as believing that all police want to shoot black and brown, as believing that it’s permissible to kill cops and whites, and the belief that young people of color have less opportunity in our country than those who chose to be white. There is a lot of racism in our country being taught to our children, but it’s not all white against black or brown.  There is a disparity in our educational system but it’s not because whites are trying to hurt people of color.

My points are these: if you honestly want to change things, look for all the truth and disregard talking points; teach folks how to look for points of commonality as well as those that differentiate; stop teaching young people that they will be subjects of hatred and mistrust; understand that positive change is not brought about in the absence of hope; help people understand that neighborhoods that are filled with crime and violence will not improve without a concerted effort of investment.  NFL do something positive!  NFL players for the most part have received opportunities to be educated.  I suggest you help others to enjoy and to improve their world.  That is not accomplished by exemplifying fear and distrust.

If you support groups like BLM, Antifa etc. ask yourself if all that anger and if the causes for all those riots, looting and burning are based on fact or fiction.  Narratives starting with Trayvon Martin, who was depicted pictorially as such an innocent looking 12 year old youth.. (wasn’t). Regarding slavery, less than 1-1/2 % of U.S. citizens were ever slave owners.  Fact is almost all shootings at the hands of police involve a failure to co-operate with  law enforcement requests……………

If you want to change our country, dispensing disrespect and hatred will not be the answer.  If you want better results, be a better team… same with our country!

God Bless our country, our people, and our warriors.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Dear Senator Feinstein,

I can understand you opposing our President, and your party’s intent to state disdain over anything President says or does.  I do not understand your reluctance to change path on the N. Korea situation.

Today our President spoke before the United Nations Assembly and made it abundantly clear that the patty-cake policies that have been used to curtail N. Korea’s march of insanity are no longer going to be in use.  President Trump’s unmistakable straight talk regarding N. Korea should not have any false reading on what was said.  That fact, I hope, is easier understood in N. Korea than can be understood by one vested in politics as usual.

Senator, for you to detract from the President’s statement with your purely political complaining is beneath you and your office.  You have been privy to the lame policies that have allowed N. Korea the freedom to increase its nuclear capabilities.  As a private citizen of the independent thinking part of our society, I would like to make you aware of how sick and tired I am of you and your comrades in arms thinking of re-elections rather than the safety and welfare of the lowly little citizens for whom you were supposed to be working for.  You have had decades to prevent the precarious position our country is in at this time in history, but you still have the guts to complain about someone who is standing up to the blackmailing regime that endangers the entire world.  You should be ashamed of yourself.


Friday, September 15, 2017


I decided to change my routine this morning, I started to read in the New Testament.  Trying to break my usual input of politics and the study of current sociological malfeasance I denied my urge to turn on the usual media outlets.  Within the first three chapters of Mark I read the words of Jesus as he explained the inability to survive as a divided entity. 

Mark chapter 3:24-27  24 How can Satan drive out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot last. 25 And if a household is divided against itself, that household can never last. 26 Now if Satan has rebelled against himself and is divided, he cannot last either -- it is the end of him.

Those words have survived for centuries but it seems that we as a society have ignored that warning when it comes to our own nation.

Abraham Lincoln: America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. 

Nakita Kruschev: We will bury you and 'We shall destroy you from within'. Words within the context of defeating our capitalistic democratic philosophy and our society through the use of words rather than physical warfare. 

A historical Syrian adage “The word is mightier than the sword” has proven itself time and time again throughout our species history.  The use of words has been used as a prop for ideological propaganda to gain great success.  That success as far as benefit, is only in regard to effectiveness, but more in terms of its resulting debris.  The debris left scattered throughout our world by well-spoken, persuasive tyrants, ie. Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Castro and a list of others promising answers to discomfort, is quite similar to the fate suffered by those mammals scurrying after the pied piper as they rushed toward their own demise.

Our society has discarded pragmatism in favor of idealism, unfortunately, while thinking we can run and leap, we are still just crawling and stumbling not yet able to personify our goal of perfection.  Mankind in its climb toward becoming more god-like, more merciful, kinder and gentler than the rest of those in various food chains has some of us denying the nature of our world.

It is difficult to understand why, after all the forewarning and historical lessons we, as a society, have allowed our country’s government and educators to drive us toward the edge of a suicidal jump from hope and promise. Just as our physical bodies require healthy nourishment our society requires beliefs that are pragmatically constructive to its healthy growth and survival.  We would never allow our heads to be severed from our bodies on the promise and arguments of a thief.  To our detriment we allow power grabbing politicians to lead us toward the removal of our base concepts of self-reliance, hope of achievement and trust in those who lead. 

More reading of the Book gives warning in the beginning chapters.  Evil is able to coerce with lies, partial truths and false promises.  The story of Eve being enticed to act against the best interests of mankind by the Snake gives us the warning…  Not all things that sound really good, are and care should be taken before accepting a free lunch without looking at it.

It would make sense to be prudent in our acceptance of most all things that sound too good to be true.  Nor are all things we hear regarding the ill intent and history of others are factual and true.  It makes sense that we learn to be individual thinkers that delve into the truth of what we see and hear.  We need to understand the motivation behind what is fed into our belief systems.  The “GIGO” principle in computer language and input is understood in the world’s languages, but somehow, ignored when we choose our own personal operating systems. 

These are a few of the things we should examine before we dump things into our belief systems, and our choice of actions.  The need for self-education is more important today than any other time in man’s history, due to the intense manipulation of the mass.  The use of propaganda is a very silent and insidious tool and we are seeing the effect of some 50 years of the infection of the educational, media and entertainment personal information systems available to our people, most particularly attacking those not yet in control, our children.  Pragmatism has been overturned in favor of social engineering and letting others determine what the highest purpose of the individual should be.  We complain about school yard bullying, about bullies that pick the weakest link in the social hierarchy then attack them verbally and physically.  Yet those same “I’m better than you” who condemn the young bully, will use the same well-honed techniques of shaming someone they disagree with.

Our nation is in danger of being overturned by our younger generation, those who feel disenfranchised, who have been taught that our system and our society are bad for mankind as a whole.  We see multiple generations of our society attacking a duly elected political administration, decrying a governing system that has provided the world with so many positive things.  The result is predictable if we allow it to continue.  We cannot reverse this march toward extinction as a political and social system by the use of force.  We need to use truth, honesty, and history.  The same methods need to be employed, we need to educate our young people, not abdication our responsibilities as adults.

Our country and our President are under attack by a media and backed up by public idols (actual or self-titled) who regurgitate false rumor and innuendo.  The same techniques used by the schoolyard bullies are used to stop any possible chance of success.

Pray for our country, our people, and our warriors.

May God bless us all.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017


Misconceptions continued.  Our population's penchant for tunnel vision when it comes to blame and schoolyard finger pointing, has put handcuffs on understanding.  It’s the centuries old problem of seeing the splinter in your eye while ignoring the log in mine.  Sad.  Pragmatism, logic, reason, open mindedness and common sense seem to be rejected concepts today.  We seem to be going through a stage of growth in our country that would make Dr. Phil tear his hair out.  Any sane person knows that a wounded relationship, based on believing derogatory rumor and innuendo, has little or no chance of healing and revival.  Our country is no less in danger of a major fracture. The statement below is a great example of the divisive nature of our society’s inability to have a sensible discussion regarding anything.


I am a firm believer that every human being on this planet has components within himself of both godliness and the basic nature of our animal.  The good dog bad/dog approach seems to be factual.  Who we are as a person is shown by which of those dogs we feed.

The apparent missdefined term of “Liberal-Snowflake” is not applicable to any of the traits listed in this statement, even though these traits may be a part of those who can be defined as Snowflakes.  I do find it interesting that there is probably a lot more in common between our opposing groups than believed possible. Once again my abhorrence to the mental use of “all” of any group has given the raised hair on the back of my neck cause to occur.  Having those traits do not classify you as a “Snowflake”.  What might make you join that group is the of use of a truthful statement to propagandize a falsehood. 

I am an individual, moderately conservative in almost every respect.  I do not see myself as a hateful misogynistic, racist, nazi, war monger with a bigoted approach to understanding and accepting those of different beliefs, races, religions and skin color.  I would classify myself as a pragmatic, empathetic American conservative.  Just as some of you may resent being classified as a bleeding heart liberal progressive with Snowflake tendencies, I have resented being categorized as a person who hates gays, one who would strip all federal programs designed to help others etc.  I have put up with those designations of conservatism for some thirty years, sometimes out of fear.

Just for a view of what this one conservative Trump supporter would include in the probabilities of one being a “Snowflake” is the following group of clues:

1.        An inability to accept the election of our President under the centuries old tenants and laws of “The United States of America” which puts the Electoral College above that of population centers.

2.        The adherence to the religion of political correctness as defined by the progressive world view of what is acceptable or not.

3.        The need to remove all forms of competition and recognition of superior achievement in favor of simply being a part of.

4.        Revulsion toward opposing viewpoints and beliefs, to the extent of denying freedom of speech to those who hold those views.

5.        The elevation of feelings to a priority position in everyone’s life regardless of morality, subjugating all other choices of action to that one yardstick.

6.        A lack of pragmatic, logical reason pertaining to what our body politic should be providing our population and the rest of the world.

7.        The presence of a sense of moral superiority over anyone who does not fit into the currently accepted belief structures.

8.        The refusal to seek truth that might diminish your current distaste and anger toward us poor misguided, deplorable, hateful conservatives.

One thing I must emphasize is this fact. If you are a Snowflake, a liberal, a progressive, a “Never Trumper” or a Democrat, I do
not hate you,
I do not wish you ill, I don’t want to inhibit or prohibit your right to think the way you do or to promote your beliefs.  I might, however, consider you to be woefully misinformed.

God bless our country, our people and especially those with whom I may disagree.

Support our country, its warriors and our endeavors.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

"GIT'R DONE...."

So much to do and so little time…

There is, as usual, the correlation between the body politic and the body of an individual.  We are in a situation, nationally, the same as any one of us would be in as a result of incision, laziness, fear or plain procrastination.  There is not one of our nation’s ugly situations that could not have been, honestly and effectively, taken care of years ago.  Our politicians and lawmakers have consistently acted not in our country’s best interests but instead have based their decisions on the ballot box.  Our people have enforced that ignorant approach to governance by our what “I want”, selfishness and the “gimmee” syndrome.  Our politicians are like any other animal on our planet that gravitates and relies on the easiest means of gaining sustenance.  They have learned the easiest way to maintain their positions as elected officials is to basically bribe and promise the electorate anything that gets the sheep to follow the gift truck.  We are experiencing the result of a chosen parent who has decided that their two year old child is capable of making decisions for the entire family.  Politicians who cave into the tantrums of ill informed, angry mobs in order to collect them into ideological herds that will repay them at the ballot box, are traitors to their ethical purpose.

Quite a few of us, who are attached to the more conservative ideologies, are upset with POTOS 44 for “kicking the can down the road” need to be honest.  It ain’t the first time all those cans got dented and a bunch of those dents bear the conservative footprints.  Sadly, that “give to get” buy the vote is not the fault of the politicians, it is the fault of whoever has failed to teach how to make rational well informed choices.  What the individual wants is not always what is best for the all.  One of the titles “The art of Selfishness”, pointed out that not all selfishness is bad.  Our country can only sustain itself out of a position of strength on all fronts, out of a sense of cohesiveness and unity that gives opportunity to each and every one of our citizens.  That type of system will only continue if it is governed with factual, logical decisions that will give our country the ability to survive.  The demise of the USA will affect you, me and most of the free world in a detrimental fashion.

Our nation came about through the belief that all men are created equal, that all men have the right for self-determination and the right to choose.  Those tenants cannot be ensured for all of us if we are ruled by the squeaky wheel of selfishness or by the whoredom of political vote purchasing.  Good choices are not going to be made by a society that allows itself to be separated into groups by propaganda that has led individuals to believe that “they” have been and are being treated unfairly by some other group in our country.  Some degree of truth is always a part of propaganda and that is what makes it so insidiously effective.  Unfortunately, like in the case of racism, there are still some pockets of that occurring in our country, but, not all white people, not all people of color, not all Hispanics, not all men, not all women, not all democrats and not all Republicans, not all the wealthy and not all those on welfare are screwing you over or anybody else. The odds are that anyone preaching with the word or the inference of “ALL” is trying to influence you with some form of propaganda and are lying to you.  As individuals we each have an obligation to our neighbors to be reasonable and knowledgeable about the subjects we are asked to vote for.  We have an obligation to be honestly and factually informed before we jump on the bandwagons (demonstrations) of anger that result in personal and property damage in order to bring awareness to a “problem”.  Just a thought: “not everything I believe is true and not everything you say is wrong.” One thing I am 99% sure of, is the statement I just made is true of you too.  We need to start moving our feet out of ideological concrete and start looking for points of agreement rather than the “me right, you wrong” disbelief that puts an end to reason and discussion. 

The results of “kicking the can” have our nation on a very precarious cliff with another cliff just about everywhere we turn.  North Korea, Iran, Russia, Syria, Afghanistan on the international Military cliff; our society torn apart by the practice of dividing us into racial and economic components; vicious crime and murder rate in our cities are just a few of the problems that should have been handled and were not. 

The solutions for immigration, DACA, our border is not really all that impossible to see solution for, but because of politics the obvious answers are not coming forth.  It should not be that difficult but due to desired appearances, or optics as it is called today, common sense does not and will not prevail.  Stop the illegal border leakage, set up a reasonable means for those under daca to gain citizenship, give illegals a opportunity to become legalized, set up a visitor work program for those who seek employment in our agricultural supply chain.  These all have a way to come to a logical, comprehensive and compassionate solution once we remove the politics.

The answer to ending our longest armed conflict in Afghanistan would not still be happening if it were not for the political correctness of trying to appear as the most humane nation in the history of mankind.  Guilt over the bombing that ended WWII has been politicized to the point of not completely fighting the conflict with the intention of winning. 

As for our national debt… if it were your debt, just how much would your be willing to increase your debt load if your earnings were dramatically decreased?

Open your eyes folks, and be totally honest.  We must survive in order to help any one.

God bless our country, our society, our warriors.  Help us to understand and to love our fellow man.