Friday, December 25, 2020




 Christmas morning spent in thought about the gift that God gave us all.  A Gift that has born meaning throughout the 2020 centuries since mankind tortured and hung that gift on the infamous cross on the hill.  God, throughout all the ages we have shared space on this planet, has always spoken to we humans.  Sometimes His speech has been heard through our ears, sometimes in dreams and sometimes sent through his messengers.  
History has shown that we would always benefit by listening and by doing or reacting in an obedient manner.
This last year has been a constant wake up call.
In one way or another, we have all been touched by the possible messages of our own creation. Occurrences, in some cases, that we have no control over.  
When God created man, He allowed us the gift of free choice.  We can act and do anything we choose to do, but, that doesn't mean those choices go without consequence.  We have been allowed to observe the effects of almost every mal-action mankind can inflict upon our society, and this has happened at the same time we have had to endure a worldwide plague.
The self-inflicted pain to our national society, caused by fraud, deceit, pride, hatred, anger, theft, pretty much all those actions, that rub the stench of sin over the traditions of the "TEN COMMANDMENTS", has resulted in chaos.  Those of us who live in the United States of America have seen our society devolve into groups of angry separation.  The Bible has warned us that one warring against itself will not survive.  We have all watched the same things, thanks to television, but we have seen only through the closed eyes of our own particular dogma or belief systems.  Our country as a nation originated as an idea, an idea based on the teaching passed down through centuries God based, Christ-based messages to us all.
Societies are reflections of the thoughts and actions of all the people involved and our people have steadily moved away from our foundations toward a prideful footing of sand in an attempt to put the individual above the place of God.
As I try to get some type of perspective, on what all has taken place this past year, I hear God raising His voice to us again.  The year has shown us the avarice of putting self first in most unpleasant effects. The plague, Covid virus, maybe a simple warning, a warning that we have moved in the wrong direction and that we need to reverse immediately. 
The shouting voice of scripture tells us we know not when the "thief" will come. Neither hour nor day.  That was a warning that each of us needs to be ready for our own passing.  A warning that each of us need to repent so that we are prepared.  Covid has shown us that it can kill quickly, we have to ask ourselves... am I ready.
The warning contained with-in this virus is not just to the individual but to our entire world society as well.  We need to repent as nations and return to righteousness.  
This has always been a spiritual battle fought on multiple fronts and we need to be sure of which side we choose to be part of.  
Now is the time for prayer, prayer for our brothers in humanity, that we are each ready. Pray that our society moves back toward the blessings of God's directions.

Monday, December 21, 2020


 Well, finally it might just happen.  Congress is on the verge of passing a Covid-19 relief bill.  The bill has passed the house in a bi-partisan agreement consisting of some 6,000 pages in the amount in excess of $800B.  Not quite what could have been agreed on some six months ago if it were not for the attempts to get rid of President Trump.  House hammer-head Pelosi pulled off her best get rid of Trump move since the 2016 election.  As she publically admitted, the timing of getting a bill passed was contingent upon the results of the 2020 presidential election.  Her reasoning was calculated and cold-blooded, as she put hundreds of thousands of our citizens into a financial bind.  As many watched their life's work, their savings, businesses evaporate as the governments prevented them from conducting their lives.

She (Pelosi), put team politics above the needs of our people, ahead of our national interests. So what do our people get in terms of economic aid?  We get an aid bill some 2 Trillion $$'s less than what was offered to her six months prior to the election.  Not much help for the failing businesses, the jobs that will never return.  Come to think of it 80 billion dollars of the 800 in the new bill comes from the 150 Billion that Pelosi would not release from the last aid package.  In the old style of math that would make this new package only 650B.  The good news, for the career politicians beneath her gavel, is that they get a forty thousand dollar annual raise in their pay.  The real capper to this travesty is a 6,000 page bill that sneaks in billions in PORK.  Tell me how much the kinder gentler Donkey clan cares about our people.  Pick up the scraps people.

Lord I pray that you would grant our people the gift of discernment and that you would expose those who unfairly weight the scales of truth.  I pray that you would expose those who hold positions in governance who do not have our country’s best interests at heart.  I pray that you put in place leaders that will serve your purpose rather than their own.  I pray that you put in place leaders that will heal the anger and the hatred that has taken hold in our nation.

Most of all Lord I ask that your will be done.

Sunday, December 20, 2020




It’s a strange point in time, in which God-believing people are falling on their knees in prayer.  Hoping that He will answer their pleading and deliver our country into the hands of whomever.  We may even prostrate ourselves earnestly for a specific outcome.  God being God should know what is best for us, so why do we think we know what He should make happen.  I listened to a minister say that God wants to make Trump our President for a second term… but there was a caveat… Trump would need to be accepted by the believers.

In our nation, society is splintered into so many different groups, it would be difficult for there to be any consensus of opinion or of desire.  There is one thing certain God knows what’s good for us even if we don’t. 

We the people are being guided by what we think, what we are as a society as a nation is equally formed in the image of those thoughts.  Most of us are sincere in our beliefs but that is a pretty insecure way to operate when the information fed into those belief structures is fraudulent or just plain wrong.

I have been praying, asking God to protect our country and to help our current President.  I am sure that there is someone else out there with a different view of what that would entail.  So, I think that a different prayer might be in order.

Lord I pray that you would grant our people the gift of discernment and that you would expose those who unfairly weight the scales of truth.  I pray that you would expose those who hold positions in governance who do not have our country’s best interests at heart.  I pray that you put in place leaders that will serve your purpose rather than their own.  I pray that you put in place leaders that will heal the anger and the hatred that has taken hold in our nation.

Most of all Lord I ask that your will be done.