Wednesday, May 25, 2022





21 lives lost in another mass murder sparks the rhetoric and misdirection of politi-speak.  Rather than seeking the causes of this type of horror, our society is told to blame anything but the causes.  Our attention is directed toward the weapon, the perpetrator, even the lack of protection. The folks behind those voices shout the approved standard accusations.  The common denominator in those terrible occurrences is not the weapons of choice, the race, creed, social strata, or education.  The effect of this misdirection is our inability to prevent and stop the senseless loss of innocent lives.  It’s time to stop blaming the tools used in these events and to start looking at the WHY.

It seems that this type of event, one that creates deep societal emotion, prompts the urge to shout out all the political and personal beliefs that prop up whatever the cause.  Perhaps one of the WHYS behind the increasing number of these occurrences is the reluctance to look at the log in our own eye.

THE WHY is in the WHAT we put in minds. Not in the WHAT is in the hand of the perpetrators of disasters.  I addressed some of WHAT is happening in my blog.

The WHY in these events is held in the mind of those killers and is generally some ideological warped thoughts.  In a society where every norm is being questioned, and the morality of previous right and wrong is in doubt, bad things can happen. (I was raised on a small farm and I learned early on that you can't plant weeds and expect wheat as a result.)
While the politicians, educators and news media commentators blame weapons, instead of true cause and effect,  the killing will continue.  These events will continue to plague societies.  When we are being taught to accept everything as right, everything is acceptable, regardless of what we used to believe in, there are no more guardrails.  Instead of looking at the causes of mental instability as the cause, we allow the misdirection of making guns the cause of violence.  We need to pluck our heads from the sand and get pragmatic instead of allowing the emotional permissiveness of political correctness to prevail.

The facts of causation show that the perpetrators of these disasters are: angry, disillusioned, misinformed, prejudiced, mentally disabled or damaged, emotionally separated individuals.  These are the situations that are causally responsible for actions, the actions or the weapons are not what we should be focused on.  If we want to stop this inhumanity we need to attack cause not effect.  One other thing that I learned growing up on the farm/ranch is that holes in the fence, or no fence at all, allow the livestock to go and do whatever they choose to do.

If you choose to teach your children that there are no consequences in life, the fence is gone.

If you choose to teach your children anything they want should be theirs, they will take whatever they want.

Unfortunatly, not getting whatever they think they are entitled to can create any of the above mentioned causes for acting out.

It’s not the guns folks, it’s the mental weeds we sow in the minds of our children, our friends, and our neighbors.

THINK before you sow your seeds.  You just may be part of the cause next time.


Pray for our country, our children, and the families affected by any and all tragedy’s