Sunday, February 28, 2016


Wow, have things ever deteriorated in the world of grown up politics.  The Trump phenome has brought decorum to one of the lowest points in my lifetime. Thanks to the childish nature of taunts, name calling and whining this GOP primary group has really lowered the bar.  If this is the tone of the non-politician, anti-establishment populous pandering candidate for President, I don't see how this can possibly reunite our country or redeem our lost status on the world stage.  This is a good example of what happens when anger and mob action takes over in any type of discussion, common sense and civility exit stage left, and I mean literally to the left.  Presenting a President Trump to the world stage of country leadership is catamount to taking a ship that has overturned in violent seas and rotating it 360 degrees and leaving it still in a overturned nonfunctional state.  The sad part in all of this mess is the part we the people are playing in this bunch of kindergarten candidates.  We are the ones who have given credence to a petulant billionaire showman, and allowed him the total freedom of acting like a jerk.  We have allowed this under the excuse of anger and retribution out of disappointment with a group of politicians that we perceive as non-functional.  Granted it appears that our votes in favor of conservative GOP senators and congressmen have netted no points against a POTUS that shows no respect for the things we deem important to our country.  That is not all the Republican office holders fault, and it's time we quit throwing a hissy fit on the playground.  It's time to come to our senses.  We all agree that the worst scenario is another four year term of government under a O'bammy type Hillarious semi dictatorship.  If that is true, we need to coalesce behind someone who is not a nine year old. 

Monday, February 22, 2016


Dr. Carson,
Make no mistake about where my mind and heart are regarding you. You are greatly admired and I consider you to be highly intelligent, but I ask you to please consider what is taking place in the GOP race.  We are in jeopardy of giving the nomination of our party to a showman who has stated he can be anything he wants to be.  We already have one of those occupying the oval office, and that is something, I for one I believe, we don’t need to duplicate.  In order to put a halt to that probability I implore you to withdraw your bid for the nomination of the GOP party.  There is no shortage of ways that you could benefit our society, our educational processes, our medical programs, and the list goes on.  You sir should be, and are, an example to all races and religions residing with in the boundaries of the United States of America.  You have already awakened the focus pertaining to the lie of political correctness, the need for truth, and living a life with the understanding of mankind’s’ place in relation to our Creator.  Please sir, allow us the opportunity to nominate a viable candidate for the most important office held by man on this planet.  God bless you, our country and pray that our people are given the wisdom required to vest their power in the best person.  Thank you Dr.
Ron Burres,
Las Vegas, NV. 


The Secretary of State says it was due to some anti-Muslim video.  I don't think so Hillary.

While we in the United States were intent on paying our respects to the lives lost to Islamic extremists on September 11, 2001, Islamic Fundamentalists had another hate filled act in mind.  Knowing that 9/11 is a sensitive date to the Islamists our country failed to be vigilant and as a result American lives were again lost on American soil.  The current administration’s policy of “don’t offend the Muslim population of the world” exhibits the utmost naiveté and endangers our country and that of our allies.  There should be no doubt as to the tinder box the Middle East psychology is in reality, but this administration tries to act as if the Shariaist extremists are not our enemy.  In an attempt to salvage the President's sad excuse of foriegn policy and his presidency, the false narrative of the video was spread throughout the news media.  By the way, Madam Secretary was well aware that it was a militaristic attack. 

The administration’s policies of appeasement neglect utilization of information gathering capabilities and all resources available to keep our nation and our citizens free of attack.  The dream of “hope”, that all would be “lion lying with the lamb”, has proven to be a nightmare.  The numerous times this administration has thrown our country to the wolves in favor of a one world order, will be shown in history to be a massive trigger toward “Armageddon”.  Those who are ashamed of the United States position, as a powerful sheriff, need to put fact in front of fantasy.  It has been through the actions of the United States that there is a “Free World”.  Abdication of that responsibility, through weakening of our military, will lead to worldwide anarchy.  The riots in Libya and Egypt, along with the ongoing farce of talks with Iran, translate in the Middle East as American weakness. 

Nature has been a system of survival of the fittest, regardless of what is or is not pleasing.  When we appear weak, we incite violence against our people and our country.  We have shown our weakness to a myriad of governments and ideologues who would gladly join together to cause the downfall of the United States of America.  The fact that China, Russia and Iran have scheduled joint naval war games, that China and Russia have blocked every peaceful resolution to Iran’s nuclear program, is a sign not to be ignored.  The Mid-Eastern saying that your enemy is my enemy takes on a great meaning.  We do not dare ignore the threat to our country created by the “Appeasement Doctrine” of this administration under the Secretary of State Clinton.
Pray for our country, pray for wisdom and pray for our GOP candidates.



Thanks to the decline of education in our country we have spawned a few generations of anti-American Americans.  This new breed have cleaved themselves to the progressive thought that Lenin and Marx put forward a more socially generous political system giveing all people equality.  

Mr. Obama stated in college he had sought out the most radical Marxist, Socialist professors and students to surround himself with.  In the last days of his bid to gain the presidency, he said he was going to ”fundamentally change America.”  He has been true to his word and true to his educational roots. We all tend to translate the world through our own belief systems regardless of validity.  I have no doubt Mr. Obama is sincere in his beliefs and believes it is his destiny to correct the America he never really agreed with.  In the past year, Mr. Obama has shown himself to be apologetic to the rest of the world, cool towards our friend Israel and reaching out a friendly hand to those countries who do not have our best interests at heart.

Mr. Obama and the progressive elitists keep inferring that the objections to his presidency and the direction the current Congress and Senate are forcing on an unwilling populace, are due to Mr. Obama’s skin color or the belief that we are a bunch of rednecks, bible hugging, prejudiced, screaming illiterates.  It would do them well to realize that the American public is proud to be Americans, and we are proud of our history.  We are a people who have contributed more to the world in terms of advancement, dollars, generosity and freedom than any other civilization since the beginning of time.

Unfortunately, we have candidates on the Democrat side of our politic that are stressing their allegiance to the continuation of Obamas promise to fundamentally change our country.  The changes that he has started have had devastating effects on our economic system.  His constant derision of our country on the world stage and inability to conduct our foriegn affairs from a point of status has put our military in a dangerous  position in every part of the world in which they are present.   I ask "is this a fundamental change you approve of?"

I am asking for a complete reversal of that direction.  I am asking for a retraining of our educational system and a return to a moral fibre of the past that kindled a set of beliefs that gave the individual human being the freedom to excel.

God Bless our country and our choices of governance.

Friday, February 19, 2016


AR2          Why my choice is Marco Rubio
I am proud to be a conservative part of the GOP for we have put up some of the best candidates for POTUS as a stellar group.  
My choice Is Senator Marco Rubio followed by Jeb Bush, then Ted Cruz.  
Next Tuesday I will be at the Nevada Republican Primary Caucus so I thought I would refresh my own mind as to the why and for whom I will stick my neck out for.
Mr. Trump is the leader in most of the polls.  My stance on him would be to support him if he becomes the Republican nominee, but for me he is farther back in the pack.  The only redeeming part of the Trump candidacy is the business acumen that he brings to the table and brashness that would make our enemies insecure.  That same brashness is also the main reason I have placed him so far down on my pick list.  My opinion of him, as President, is that we are just finishing an 8 year term with a narcissistic, petulant personality and I am not in too big of a hurry to go through that again.
Ted Cruz is my third choice.  I sense that he would be quite good as far as keeping in line with the Constitution, but I think we would be in for another bout of stalemate in the government.  I don’t think Cruz would be able to garner agreement from either side of the aisle.  I am not sure of his stance on the 11 to 15 million illegals that inhabit our country and what and how he intends to deal with that problem.  I am not sure that he has the knowledge of foreign affairs that is needed for our country at this time.  I would really like to see him in another position such as Attorney General because he is truly an expert in that area.  The reason that I am hesitant to vote for him is a sense of him personally.  I feel that he is too much lawyer for me to trust.
Governor Jeb Bush is my second choice. My only problem with him is his electability. As far as his abilities go, his history is full of plus factors.  He has the advantage of the tutelage of two past presidents. He has proven his ability to respond to crisis circumstance as evidenced by his actions during six hurricane disasters. His stance in Florida regarding Planned Parenthood added jobs in the State of Florida and increased Charter schools during his governance.  I trust his moral fiber and think he is sincere in his love of our country.  When it comes to foreign affairs and keeping our country safe, he has a great understanding of current conditions in terms of enemies and allies alike.
Finally my first choice would be Marco Rubio.  I see in him a passion for our country, its history and its importance in the world theatre.  He understands that without leadership the vacuum created in its absence has led to the rise of the Jihadist movement.  Senate committee involvement on world affairs has given him an understanding and ability to make decisions from day one in the Office of the President.  I see a lot of traits in Marco Rubio that will mend the divisiveness that has plagued our nation to the point of weakness.  
Mr. Rubio shows traits that were prevalent in two of my most revered past Presidents.  I see in him the charisma of a John Kennedy and the communication ability of Ronald Reagan.  He has a vision for the future of our country and a passion for the rekindling of unity.  We had that unity in our country after 9/11.  We have watched that unity dissipate over the last seven years due to a lack of respect for our country by the current President, and the inability of a Congress to act; thanks to the power of the President’s veto threats.  Marco Rubio has shown himself as one who will stand and fight for conservative programs but will not waste time fighting unwinnable ideological battles. Marco Rubio would rather spend time winning the war.  He will rebuild our disseminated military and unstrap the hands that were told to prosecute a war of politeness.  Marco Rubio has my vote. 
Please consider Marco Rubio and vote him to be our next President.

God bless our country, our people and guide us as a nation back to an ethical morality.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Bernie is no Jesus

I realize that hyperbole is an important aspect of political campaigns, and that everyone concerned with particular candidates will use this technique for promoting views.  I sincerely hope that the above example of this practice which puts good ol’ Bernie, in the sandals of Jesus Christ, doesn’t gain the traction hoped for.
Socialism has nothing in common with the life or the teachings of Jesus Christ which were pointed most directly at the individual lives of those to whom he was speaking too or about.

Socialism definition,
a theory or system of social organization that advocates the ... of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, ... are controlled substantially by the government rather than by private enterprise, and in which cooperation rather than competition guides economic activity.

It is very easy to equivocate a government action to some of the tenants of Christ’s teachings, but Christ always put emphasis on the individuals responsibility to his fellow man.  Christ taught mainly by parable, and from what I have read in the New Testament the only real reference to government had to do with felonious collection of taxes. Taxation was something, even in the time of Christ, was in most instance regarded as unfair and onerous. Something Christ regarded, in most cases, unfair.

Christ stated that mankind would always have its’ poor and that our role as individuals regarding them was to be that of caring in the form of Charity.  The progressive stance of a government based on collection of taxes under the ruse of being charitable has nothing to do with the practice of charity.  In fact it absolves the individual of his or her responsibility toward fellow man.  The politician ploy of providing goods and services through taxation is nothing more than a means to the goal of power.  The sales pitch of good vs evil based on the government being able to provide better than a charitable society does nothing to promote the growth of kindness within the society.  To love our neighbor as ourselves is a lot different than saying take from the rich and give to the poor.

Saturday, February 13, 2016


A Response2 facebook diatribe from Rudeguy
Rude seem that you need to complete your education as well.  You might well take your own advice, ie., get a bit more informed before your lips start moving again, just quoting some well known know it all.
We would not of had to bail out half the country last time if the liberal progressive, (  those with socialistic belief structures),
1.      Had not of pushed for easing loan and mortgage regulation and credit rating requirements.
2.      Had the Clinton administration not fought to negate a congress passed law prohibiting banks from investing in stocks and commodities. That law had been in effect since 1933.
Increasing the minimum wage might sound like a panacea for those in need of caring for their families but.
1.      Increasing the minimum wage will make it harder for new comers to the work force to get a start on their earning life.
2.      Minimum wage was not put into place for those who would normally have reasonable full time unemployment.  The reason so many people are relying on minimum wage part time job is their full time jobs have become globalized.  A result of companies not being able to compete globally or even within our own country.
a.      A result of high labor costs brought on union labor add-ons and perks.
b.      The added business costs enflamed by obommacare.
c.      Increase of minimum wage will affect the fast food industry adversely.  This industry provides meals to many people who could not afford to eat without their existence.
Investing in Education?  Do you mean Bernies claim to provide free college educations for everybody?  This is in fact not economically feasible or viable.
a.      The cost of college education has increased rapidly since the government has provided programs paying them to provide scholarships based on race.  The more funds received from government programs has only increased the competition to get more funding.  It has not lowered any of the tuitions.
b.      Our country is in need of more trade education than it is in need of the courses being taught by the college curriculums.
c.      Low cost college loans have resulted higher revenue potential and has allowed the colleges to blatantly increase their tuition fees.  These added revenues have not benefitted the students.
If you are displeased with our government now, do you honestly think you will appreciate its paws in more and more of your life?  Just a couple of thoughts you might explore:

               Socialism sounds great. Che and Castro were going to promote that brand of helping their people.  How’s that work for Cuba?  How’s it working in Argentina?  You might say its different for Bernie, but Che’s followers believed it too.  Some quarter of a million of his followers were murdered by him,.  Just sayin’ “big stuff starts small”.

Monday, February 1, 2016


Being of sound mind and reasonably unimpaired thinking ability I find myself recalling a college class called logic.  I don’t really recall all the intricacies involved in logic but to me it boils down to a mathematical equation that seem to have lost favor in today’s educational system, ie. Common sense or more easily understood in mathematical circles as 1+1=2.
There are quite a few things in the last few years that just don’t add up, such as :
Why is it in a government that was to be by the people for the people do we find ourselves flailing about is search of something that was found some two hundred plus years ago?  Why is congress who is supposed to keep government in check so involved with keeping we the people in check and under control?  Why do we the people continue to elect people that give the government more power election after election?  Why do we accept being controlled by laws that are shoved upon us just so our body of government can say it is being productive?  Why do we accept laws, regulations, taxation and license requirements by the thousands?  Why do we continue to promote to office those who are most adept at misleading and redirecting thinking just to keep their profession as lawyers in business?

There is no doubt we as a people have a reason to be angry and a reason for wanting different outcomes than what we ourselves have provided in the past through our voting or lack thereof. I have watched one political party in particular gain ground by simmering this anger and helping it to boil over occasionally.  I have watched that party fight to separate the American U.S. citizenry into small controllable factions pitted against one another in order to gain more political clout.  This has been done in spite of what is beneficial to our society as a whole.