Thanks to the decline of
education in our country we have spawned a few generations of anti-American
Americans. This new breed have cleaved themselves to the progressive
thought that Lenin and Marx put forward a more socially generous political
system giveing all people equality.
Mr. Obama stated in
college he had sought out the most radical Marxist, Socialist professors and
students to surround himself with. In the last days of his bid to gain
the presidency, he said he was going to ”fundamentally change America.”
He has been true to his word and true to his educational roots. We all tend to
translate the world through our own belief systems regardless of
validity. I have no doubt Mr. Obama is sincere in his beliefs and
believes it is his destiny to correct the America he never really agreed
with. In the past year, Mr. Obama has shown himself to be apologetic to
the rest of the world, cool towards our friend Israel and reaching out a
friendly hand to those countries who do not have our best interests at heart.
Mr. Obama and the
progressive elitists keep inferring that the objections to his presidency and
the direction the current Congress and Senate are forcing on an unwilling
populace, are due to Mr. Obama’s skin color or the belief that we are a bunch
of rednecks, bible hugging, prejudiced, screaming illiterates. It would do
them well to realize that the American public is proud to be Americans, and we
are proud of our history. We are a people who have contributed more to
the world in terms of advancement, dollars, generosity and freedom than any
other civilization since the beginning of time.
Unfortunately, we have
candidates on the Democrat side of our politic that are stressing their
allegiance to the continuation of Obamas promise to fundamentally change our
country. The changes that he has started have had devastating effects on
our economic system. His constant derision of our country on the world
stage and inability to conduct our foriegn affairs from a point of status has
put our military in a dangerous position in every part of the world in
which they are present. I ask "is this a
fundamental change you approve of?"
I am asking for a
complete reversal of that direction. I am asking for a retraining of our
educational system and a return to a moral fibre of the past that kindled a set
of beliefs that gave the individual human being the freedom to excel.
God Bless our country
and our choices of governance.
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