Saturday, March 12, 2016


 Presidential politics is no longer business as usual.  It seems that the hood has finally come off, as the practice of shutting down the first amendment is out in the open.
Decades of indoctrination taking place on college campuses by some professors.  The anti-American progressive ideology is spreading.  The war within our country is not one of weaponry or violence but one of manipulation in order to create attitudes division, separation and blame.  Once divided into smaller groups, our populace can be manipulated much easier than a population united.  The method of creating a feeling of persecution among those smaller groups is easier when our economy is broken. That may be one reason Democrat focus is on social issues rather than constitutional based issues.  When we see and hear more and more propaganda activity and the growth in numbers of those who perceive themselves as being mistreated, people are able to justify anger and frustration.  Once the groups of disenchanted find they have a commonality, they can then feel comfortable in expressing their anger against anyone or anything they perceive to be a possible cause of their misfortune. 
The last few years we have seen the growth of the blame game being used effectively in order to cause the growth of anger against capitalism, conservatives, the wealthy and the military as well as against our system of government.  We have allowed the erosion of our successful way of life through the very freedoms that made our country unique. The fabric of freedom, that once held us together as a nation, has become no stronger than the weakest link in the chain of our success.  The ability of media and educators to manipulate those who are under-employed, those who are under educated, and those who want to be recognized as better, kinder smarter, people into protaganistic mobs.  The practice of political correctness has allowed the noise created by those mobs to bully reasonable discourse into silence.
We have seen strength of the socialist movement morph into a much more fascist movement; shutting down the freedom of speech by interruption, name calling and prevention of participation.  I find it quite ironic when those groups call someone Hitler like, or a fascist while using the same techniques used by the fascist governments of Italy and Germany throughout the late 1930’s on into WWII.  They have not yet reached the point of book burning and the collection of dissenters, but the practice of remaking history and shutting down political speech and rallies is pretty close.  Folks like Bill Ayers and George Soros (while stirring the unrest of the unemployed) are able to use this to their advantage in the overthrow of our way of life.  

The last seven years has shown the strength of the progressive agenda within our country.  The belief system that seems predominate among academia now sits in the White House as an example of their vision of what the most intelligent rulers of the world would deem as perfect.  In order to achieve that end, one of perfection and nirvana, the “American way” must be changed and the easiest way to accomplish that change is to be patient and methodically transform opinions.  The propaganda that is used to affect opinion in our nation, to change the mores and customs that once gave us a unity, has exercised patience and has flooded us with a multitude of thought that will further divide our society.  The indoctrination that has occurred in the media, entertainment, and academia has effectively changed our society’s beliefs regarding religion, marriage and family values, self-actualization , just about everything connected with what used to be right and wrong.  We no longer want to give our children the value of competition, the ability to succeed or to fail and pick ourselves back up. We no longer have the ability to accept or even understand the value of constructive criticism.  Political correctness has invaded every part of our lives with the permission to lie about anything by silencing and editing what people really think in order to join the flock.
Do you really want to lose any ability of self-reliance, do you really want to give up control of your existence, do you really want to lose the opportunity to learn the truth?  Think about it neighbor.
God Bless our country and by all  means love your neighbor.

Friday, March 11, 2016


 During and after last night GOP's debate it occurred to me that our society, i.e. most people living in our country, are unable to accept individuality.  To define any group by the actions of one or a few within that group as "all" is a dangerous error.  The effect of that type of thinking promotes ignorance and prejudice.  We saw that during the debate in the questions and in a lot of the responses to those questions.
I'm as upset as anyone regarding our parties inability to change and or upset the applecart of progressive liberalism which infects our society, but.  As Senator Rubio pointed out, regarding the Islamist jihadists, not "all" Muslims are infected with a hatred of American values, principles and our people.  The world has a difficult problem on its hands.  How do we acknowledge the existence of millions of Islamic Jihadists within the group of a billion or more Muslims who are peace loving, patriotic, positive contributing members of the world and the nations in which they abide?  We have a right of protection both nationally and individually against those who would do us harm.  To accept all or to deny all is not an intelligent answer, nor is it logical.  Once again I reference Senator Rubio.  It is a fact that there are multitudes of patriotic American Muslims, there are Muslim countries that oppose, both actively and passively, the Jihadist movement.  To paint all Muslims with any singular brush will and can only have a negative effect in the annals of history.

I was raised on a cattle ranch in Eastern Oregon and drawing on that country boy experience I can only think about how we used the tools of a good cutting horse and our ability to use a rope in order to cull our herds.  In similar parables, a surgeon does not exterminate the whole body to remove a tumor, nor does a dentist pull out all of the teeth because of a cavity.  Common sense says that we need an effective method of determining what and who needs to be extracted from our countries population, and denying the problem and the source is one of the propagating factors of the expansion of Islamic Jihadism.  We need to understand that the hatred of our culture and our people is not due to any action of our people, but it stems from the basic culture and indoctrination of that infected belief system with in the larger religion of Islam.  Our politically correct methods of “niceeenesssss” has not and will not change centuries of indoctrination.  We need to operate within the realm of truthful reality and not that of fantasy.  The Muslim population knows the difference and its high time both they and we work together to put this part of human history  as people who have overcome prejudicial hatred.


Just a quick note to the Bernie's out there in dem land. To quote the great panderer "free health care is a right because we are human beings" (paraphrased)
Just a quick thought to ponder, How can that be congruent with a womans right to terminate a life?

Seems that pandering to voting blocks is the most important and effective method for the Democratic political candidates for President of our great country.  If you a member of the block denying the right to life then by all means you should vote for someone who does not consider the potential birth of a human being as a right.  
Seems pretty ilogical to me

Close to a hundred percent, of we who consider a impregnated reproductive cell to be the same as a fully grown human life, agree that if a mothers life is endangered then the choice of which life to save is a legitament choice.  So the war on women excuse does not hold any water when used against the pro life faction of our society.
Our bill of rights made the right of LIFE liberty and the pursuit of happiness part of our countries collective soul.
God Bless America and the souls of all those children who were denied their right to life.

Thursday, March 10, 2016


There are certain words and names that are used, in our society, too deflect or to halt conversation.  In our society the most common is the term “racist” and to be labeled as such makes you politically incorrect and therefore anything else you might say or do will have no credence.  This technique has been used in all sorts of discussions and venues to simply shut down discourse.  This election cycle seems to have spawned all sorts of these nasty little “varmits” that are used to describe those on our list of those we don’t agree with.
The latest and most noteworthy in my list of dirty names are those of “facism, fascist, racist, nazi, and Hitler”.  I personally can relate to being called these names for the simple “crime of being a conservative thinking individual trying to eat lunch in a liberal workplace lunch room.   Having one of my co-workers label me a fascist out loud in a lunchroom full of people had an effect.  The effect was one of intimidation that affected me at work and even gave me concern for my safety.  Words do make a difference.
What caused my concern, about this name calling deflection technique, was a phone conversation with my Canadian sister.  She asked me if Mr. Trump was going to be like Hitler if he was elected President.  She said that there was a lot of conversation in Canada about that.  I assured her that there was actually no comparison in reality, and that was a conversation started by his detractors.  Name calling has been a weapon used by politicians for ages, but this is beyond the pale of decency.  Ignorance is a partner of this technique and in this case the historical facts, regarding the spread and practice of fascism and the propaganda methods used by Hitler’s Nazi party, are not in evidence.  The sad thing is that we are always subject to what the ten commandments called the spreading of false witness.  Those spreading this hateful propaganda regarding Trump is part of the same faction that called President Bush hitler, and I submit that they are the ones emulating the practices of that scourge of humanity.