Monday, November 16, 2020




November 2020 saw the emergence of the first President of color put himself back into our national discourse.  Yep it was the same President, that the systemic racist WHITE folks in our country, voted to loan our white house too.  The same President who spent eight years in the White House setting the table for the election of President Donald J. Trump. “Is there anyone in our population who doesn’t recall who said “You can keep your doctor”?  Who said, “Ours will be the most transparent administration”?  Who was it that said “Hope and Change” would be a good thing.  In some states, if a car salesman made such statements and gave a similar grade of product in place of the car advertised, he might well face hefty fines and in egregious cases jailed for fraud.”*  

To listen to Mr. Obama call Donald Trump unqualified and unfit to be President is almost laughable were it not such a giant lapse of recall.  Mr. Obamas credentials and qualifications did not even exist at the time we elected him President.

Thanks to the standard bash Trump media, Past POTUS Obama once again stepped up to the camera’s eye, facing bravely, tough questions that would allow him opportunity, once again, to further bash the Trump presidency and Trump personally.  Mr. Obama, with sincere pompocity, said “he (President Trump), should “PUT COUNTRY FIRST”

Hearing Mr. Obama infer that President Trump is harming the office of President of the United States of America made even me doubt my memories abilities of recall.  Here are a few things, of many, that the Obama administration orchestrated: The international mea culpa tour**; Obamacare; one and one-half billion dollars to Iran; outsourcing of businesses to China; disruption of our relationship with Israel; re-establishing diplomatic relationship with Cuba; and the list goes on, and on, and on.

To hear Mr. Obama, chide our current President, touting the non-acceptance of the past election as being harmful to our system and to our country, was vomit inducing.  Mr. Obama kept his silence during the last four years of his Democrat Donkey Congress, the mass Media, the intelligentsia claiming the Trump presidency as illegitimate.  Where was his sage advise as he aided and ignored the fake Russia hoax in an attempt to disrupt the Trump administration?  Where was he as he listened to the media spew propagandic falsehood and innuendo backing up the false narrative?

The past President, as a constitutional lawyer, must be ashamed of himself as he tries to make us believe that Trumps efforts, to complete the election under the constitution, are not legitimate and called for by it.  I would hate to think that Mr. Obama is a liar.***

Mr. Obama “did not concentrate on improving race relationships in our country, improving the problems of his race within their own communities, showing young people the advantage of education,, exemplifying the opportunities provide for people of all color and creed within the boundaries of our great country. He did not use the strength and power of our country to make the world a better and safer place.  He did not provide a better standard of living for any section of our society.  He did not unify our country.  The list could go on ad infinitum.  Just ask yourself what would you have done?”****

For Mr. Obama to fly the “false flag” of patriotism, is a really rich way of calling all “WE THE PEOPLE” ignorant and to uneducated to recognize his attempts, to make his prejudice against our nation and its history cause a fundamental change for what it really was.    







Friday, November 13, 2020



Oath of Office for Members of Congress. “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.

support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic


The 12th Amendment to the Constitution,1 which supersedes Article II, § 1, clause 3, was adopted so as to make impossible the situation that occurred after the election of 1800 in which Jefferson and Burr received tie votes in the electoral college, thus throwing the selection of a President into the House of Representatives, despite the fact that the electors had intended Jefferson to be President and Burr to be Vice President.2 The difference between the procedure that the Amendment defines and the original is in its providing for a separate designation by the electors of their choices for President and Vice President, respectively. As a consequence of the disputed election of 1870, Congress enacted a statute providing that if the vote of a state is not certified by the governor under seal, it shall not be counted unless both Houses of Congress concur.3
A number of provisions of the Amendment have been superseded by the Twentieth Amendment.  


While the oath of office does not mention the process of election or the measure of elections results on a national basis it does give that function to the states.  The thing it does mandate are the dates of performance.  It is my thought that when allegiance is promised, through oath, to the United States of America.  


In order for our republic to survive there are certain things that we as “the people” should be able to trust, and in fact we should demand.  We, as “The People”, should demand a system that strives for the “every vote should count” requirement.  In order for that to occur we must use every possible method to ensure that accuracy in the count, adherence to the law, and collection methods are performed in an honest and factual way.  We know that mistakes can be made, unfortunately we also know that, over the last couple of centuries, irregularities and outright fraudulent practices can and have occurred.  It is imperative that we ferret out wrong doing in order to preserve our faith in the election process.  This is particularly true in the situation where we “The People” are so emotionally invested and divided in belief and practice.  Over the past few years, we have been under the attack of divisive and partisan political and media rhetoric which has led to actual violence in our streets.  That has resulted in the full-fledged doubt of our having a fair and honest election process.  Regardless of which President is actually elected as our Commander in Chief our faith in the process has been damaged.

Should we continue along the same path in our governmental deterioration, by the clapping and cheering  for the team play of political parties, lifelong political office holders, and adherence to ideology, our republic is in danger of obliteration.

How many of We The People are in favor of those who shout and scream:

We will change the United States; Defund the Police; Open our borders; Outsource our products; allow for the theft of our intellectual output; Remove our independence on energy production

Not I


Wednesday, November 11, 2020

I WILL... part one of Pres hopeful

I WILL...   part one of many to come

BE A UNITER: Interesting Mr. Biden, you have shown nothing more than lip-service in this regard.  By allowing the discourse trying to deny President Trump his constitutional duty, of ensuring the validity of our election process and results, does not give a feeling of unity to the 70 million citizens who voted for the current President.

MOVE OUR COUNTRY TOWARD A CLEAN ENERGY FUTURE: So far it seems that Mr. Bidens' process will result in the loss of millions of jobs; increase the cost of food transportation which will be transferred to our population; increase the cost of electricity affecting millions of businesses and households nationwide.

SAFELY REOPEN SCHOOLS: This is a time-sensitive situation but Mr.Biden's proposals include a complete revamping of the structure of the buildings that house the students and teachers.  In the time required our children will be educationally, psychologically, and physically deprived. Parents who have jobs and younger children will find it difficult if not impossible to be available to both.   

I WILL REJOIN THE  W.H.O.: This is the same organization that failed to report the danger and the source of the Covid-19 virus.  That failure internationally is responsible for the spread of the virus. 

I WILL RE-COMMIT AND RE-JOIN THE PARIS CLIMATE ACCORD: This will put the responsibility of paying for the disparity in reduction directly on our nation while allowing the major contributors to the excess contamination of our planet.

I WILL TAKE CARE OF DACA: My question about this Mr. Biden is that you had multiple years to help correct this problem and yet you accomplished nothing.  What makes you think you can make we the people think you will do any better should you get elected.

I WILL CEASE BUILDING THE WALL BETWEEN MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES: Good thinking Mr. Biden... return to the ability of innumerable unknown entities, enemies of our country, illicit drug cartel members, drugs and weapons to freely enter our country. We have seen the effects of that before. 

PRIORITIZE THE "EQUALITY ACT": This sounds like a really good thing until you realize its actual effect.  The impact of this prioritization allows for those who have had sex-change operations to use restrooms and shower areas of a sex they were not born with; it promotes the sex-education of children as young as the age of six; it would dis-allow the denial of abortions by those medical institutions with religious objections.

BEAT THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC: We all want to see this pandemic come to an end, but at what expense.  The proposed actions of another shut-down will affect every aspect of American life experience.  The cost of shut down is found in not only the economic disaster but also is detrimental in the emotional, psychological, educational stability of our citizenry.

GIVE EVERY AMERICAN AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE:  We have been here before.  This is another move toward socialized medicine which, will in fact, cost thousands of jobs; take very good to excellent insurance coverage away from approximately 70-80 million people in our working force.

RECOVER JOBS AND ECONOMIC GAINS FOR THE WORKING CLASS: This probably means cow-towing to the unions again.  While the Trump administration saw gains in earnings rise faster in the lower and middle classes than in the management layers.  The previous administration of Obama/Biden actually hurt middle class earning levels
























To look into all of his advertised "will do's" have a look at his policy web-site, and then ask yourself what those policies will contribute or cost you personally, or our nation.  

Sunday, November 8, 2020


 Move along now... Nothing to see, hear, or speak about. Hold on for just a minute. Just coming in a report from Nevada... Registered Republicans, Ron and Catherine Burres did not receive any of the millions of mail-in ballots, (not even one). This translates to how many others with no transportation were able to vote. More now... newly registered Democrat younger member of the family received 3 (three) of the impartial mail-in ballots. hmmmmmmm...  I wonder if that was just an innocent error. 

Well, it has finally come to pass.  To the chagrin of our progressive, woke, a citizenry that there are actually winners and losers and not everybody gets a medal of participation.  With all the subdued response of the liberal faction, over the eventual transfer of our Presidency from one party to the other.  This seems at this point to be inevitable although not yet legally substantiated.  The press continues with its successful use of false narrative to misinform the citizens of our country. The press does not tell us, nor is there any legal avenue for them to tell us emphatically that there is a winner or loser of any election. It may be that they can't wait for the legal decision is in the books. They do appear to have been successful in their four-year attacks on our President, to prevent a second term.

For the sake of conversation, let’s assume that the unproven election results hold.  Let’s assume that the more intelligent, more highly educated, the kinder, gentler portion of our populace will now be in charge of our country. 

That is, however, a bitter pill for the wild angry, bible thumping, gun wielding, ugly, racist conservatives to deal with.  It is a given that conservative anger will bring about a rampage of destruction across the face of our nation, abolishing all hopes of defunding the police, of abolishing late term abortion, and income distribution with-out a united population.  Thanks be to whatzname for letting us board up all the businesses.

President Trump may lose the office of President of the United States of America, which at the moment does not appear to be very united, BUT he may not be the only loser in this race.  In most races there is one winner and a bunch of folks that came in behind the winner.  They are losers.  In the case of our country the losers may be the policies and the positive results achieved by bad boy Trumps administration. Prior to our receiving the gift of Covid, some of the Trump administrations activities actually helped, the minorities with-in our borders, the growth of manufacturing, energy independence, lower fuel costs, bringing jobs back into our country, lowest unemployment in our history, highest increase of income for the middle-class in our history, and the list goes on and on and on.

Abraham Lincoln: America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. Nakita Khrushchev: "We will take America without firing a shot.  We do not have to invade the U.S. we will destroy you from within." It appears that we have reached a precipice in our country's growth toward enhancing the animal society called mankind.  We have seen a portion of our body politic as it attempts a coupe against a legally elected President of the United States of America. Our society has discarded pragmatism in favor of idealism, unfortunately, while thinking we can run and leap, we are still just crawling and stumbling not yet able to personify our goal of perfection.  Mankind in its climb toward becoming more god-like, more merciful, kinder and gentler than the rest of those in various food chains has some of us denying the nature of our world.

So America, as you ask who the loser is… go to your mirror.


Saturday, November 7, 2020



The adage, usually attributed to our indigenous brothers, was actually written by Mary Lathrop in the 1870’s because of her contact with various tribes during her ministry

Walk a mile in his moccasins” is meant to instill temperance in our understanding of those we may disagree with or whom we simply don’t understand.  Often putting ourselves in the circumstance of others, will result in a position of trust rather than one of fear.  In today’s climate, of separation and divisiveness, we have allowed our society to be on the verge of social cannibalization.  Rather than seek commonality we tend to magnify that which we reject and fear.  Long before Ms. Lathrops poem reached its final stanza, some 1800 years had passed since Christ first instructed us, through his parables: “Let he, who is without sin cast the first stone cast the first stone” and Judge not lest ye be judged. 

Seems to elicit the boundaries of common sense, you would think, but not so fast Pilgrim (in keeping with the moccasin suggestion).  We apparently feel more normal when we have opponents.

We would do better, as individuals and as a herd, if we understood each other better.  To accomplish understanding we need to listen rather than speak.  You might even ask yourself to recall how many times you experienced and felt the dismissive rejection of being ignored.  As adults it’s to easy to recall the feelings of being told, as a child, to be quiet because you were unable to contribute anything in reality.  Fortunately, some of us escape that syndrome and actually attempt to bring us together into a unified effort to move toward a common good.  Christ again supports the moccasin adage with his commandment to “love your neighbor as you love yourself”. That also creates a problem because many of us use other people’s perceptions to measure our own self-worth.  It really doesn’t take too many sour opinions, of how your moccasins have made you appear to others, for the seeds of doubt about yourself to grow.  (This is not all bad because it has allowed many, in the profession of psychiatry and counseling, to feed themselves and their family.) So all of the above can be capsulated into, I don’t really like or trust me so much so I probably don’t like and trust you so much.  I can justify that because you, don’t act, or look, or think, or dress, like anyone I am familiar with.  Mix that with all the outside influence, of what other folks have said about you, our relationship will be adversarial. 

The fact of the matter is that judging by hearsay leads to what may be false beliefs fueled by gossip rather than truth.  That fact holds true for relationships with others and with ourselves. 

There is a lot to be said in favor of pragmatic thought going into the decisions that influence our lives.  It’s kind of like the difference between walking on solid ice or on the water that made the ice possible.

Once we understand that our moccasins have taken us, (me), on a path filled with a multitude of different experiences and that path has led me to now, we are closer to understanding the other moccasins resident.

Understanding the path, we ourselves followed doesn’t imply that we will like ourselves any better but it gives us the opportunity to accept ourselves where we are in the now and remain the same or allows us to understand and change those things that will enhance that acceptance.

So what advantage is there in walking a mile in the other guys moccasins?  It gives us a closer to fact basis about him, (or her), for our basic fight, flight, or freeze form of action.  We as individuals need to be prudent and use intelligence when choosing our course of agreement with others.  There are times when things are not as they seem no matter how much we would like them to be.  It is our own individual responsibility to practice discernment in our search for agreement.





 At a time in history when we are so separated emotionally, physically, and politically, why were we in such a hurry to condone lax voting requirements?

During the existence of our republic, our citizens have always been able to swallow the bitter taste of losing our political arguments.  We have always been able to out-number the outlying corner of dissent and to coalesce as a united force in the world.  I would expect we will be able to do so at this time, perhaps not to the degree of acceptance of the result that we have ever reached in the past.

Our divisions, due to the myriad of causes, have given us reason to doubt, to fear, and to dismiss every situation that we are on the different side of the coin.  The doubts created during the counting of our vote ballots and the gathering processes in progress are doing our country a grave disservice.  So much for reviving unity.

Our governing politic looms large in this formula as does our watchdog the “Press” which we gave the “freedom of the press”.  We no longer have the yardstick of honesty in fact to base our decisions of national direction on.  The factor of truth, formerly base on fact, has been replaced with the unending barrage of personal opinions coming from the mouths of those susceptible to the propaganda and partial truths they have been in contact with over the course of time.

In the jungle of politics, this weakness has allowed the predatory lure of political power and societal control, to attack our freedom of choice of whom we elect as leaders.  Using the basic and fundamental underlying foundation of the majority of our country’s people, “fairness” and “equality”, we have attempted to give our citizens easier means of voting.  This factor has put ourselves in a situation of potential national disaster as a society. 

Our politicians, in an effort to win, have not always had our country’s best interests at heart.  There are actually times in that “game” they have attempted to change the rules, the number of players, and the position of the goalposts.  The oath of office taken by those we have elected, hired and are paying for, should require those folks to put the country first, in front of self and party.

Using the “China Pandemic” fear-factor, as a cause for change, changes to our voting process have increased the opportunity and probability that vote manipulation will or can occur.  Instead of creating rules that would give us all a degree of trust in the process our leaders have managed to increase doubt.  Regardless of which side, red or blue shirts, ends up with the most points… doubt in the process has been established. 

Our democratic republic has received a systematic blow from our own hands. 

Without our individual effort to seek fact, over innuendo, propaganda, and self-serving rhetoric,

We are in danger of losing that which is inherent in nature.


Thursday, November 5, 2020


 Well, well well America, at least the USA part, looks like we have finally learned how to act like a third world country.  Our government has finally learned the art of how to hold an election, how to sway and steer a vote through establishing a fear factor, how to engage a news media in the art of propaganda with the support of some in the field of higher education.  The stifling of Conservative speech on social media and in the universities has reached a level equal to that of the nations they aspire to emulate.  Our 235 year history of being a democratic federalist republic is at the threshold of becoming, what we have fought against since WWI, a socialist (eventually communistic) politic governing the herd of humans with-in its borders.  Some in our country have put the fear of a pandemic to use, as a means of control and persuasion, to modify the rules of our Presidential election.  Using that fear factor to excuse the centuries old standards and time tables in favor of a system more easily manipulated.                                                      It would help for us to read the history of presidential elections to give us the background of the evolution of the procedures involved.  Like every other thing, since the beginning of time, the only constant is that everything is affected by change.  A quote from the article shows that some factors return every so often, without awareness of history we fail to learn.  “The 1828 election campaign was one of the dirtiest in America’s history. Both parties spread false and exaggerated rumors about the opposition. Jackson men charged that Adams obtained the presidency in 1824 through a “corrupt bargain” with Clay. And they painted the incumbent president as a decadent aristocrat who had procured prostitutes for the czar while serving as U.S. minister to Russia.   and spent taxpayer money on “gambling” equipment for the White House (actually a chess set and a billiard table).” 

Does that remind you of anything America?

I’m not going to write about the propaganda strewn about by a failing news media used to disrupt the current administrations’ policies and legitimacy this goes further than that.

We have watched and listened to the divisive speech and actions of a politic more divided than any time in my lifetime, and that includes some really rough stretches.  The year 2020 will be a giant black mark in our history.  The “China Pandemic” shut our country down during an election year, bringing an end to one of our country’s best and strongest economic upturns since the birth of our nation.  The pandemic opened the door to the spread of fear and government control over our nation's businesses, our educational system, our right to congregate as religions and other group functions, and yes, as a means of further division.  This fear gave the local governing bodies and the federals the opportunity to change and manipulate our country’s voting procedures, in such a way, that would erode our faith and trust in the system.  My guess at this time is that the loss of faith and trust is justified.  The pandemic allowed for the mass mailings of ballots in some states and the false narrative of those mass mailing being equal or the same as the absentee ballots used for those out of area voters.  It allowed for the extension of time, in some jurisdictions for up to a week, for a ballot to be received.  It also allowed, in some states and counties, to process ballots without any proof of identity and without any Republican oversight of the process.

At this point in time…     I FEEL DEPRIVED OF MY VOTE 


Monday, November 2, 2020


  President Trump has sparked a new fire in our political approach to help lift our minority population out of the mire of past administrations failed and non-existent or factual responses to their economic and educational conditions. Words matter for sure, but actions do speak louder than words. Leftists believe that good intentions are more important than results. If you meant well and your heart is in the right place, that's what really matters, according to this creed. As Bill Clinton put it so famously: "I feel your pain." And that was enough.   Quoting the Chicago Tribune No one cared more about the plight of black Americans than Barack Obama — our first African-American president — who won well more than 90 percent of the black vote. But the sad paradox of Obama's presidency is that a president who was going to lift up black America economically didn't deliver. From 2009 to 2015, the incomes of black Americans fell by more than $900 per family adjusted for inflation.

The black unemployment rate has fallen by a full percentage point in the last year, black labor force participation is up and the number of black Americans with a job has risen by 600,000 from last year. Preliminary data show black wages and incomes are up since the election.

Another issue that is critically important to black and Hispanic economic progress is good schools. Trump is advancing the idea of school choice so that every child can attend a quality school, public or private. In cities such as Washington, D.C., and Milwaukee, the children who benefit from voucher and scholarship programs are predominantly black. Trump wants to increase by tenfold the number of black children who benefit from these vouchers and scholarships.

Trump also wants more infrastructure spending, more energy jobs and more apprenticeship programs so our youth have access to better jobs and better training. Disproportionately, blacks and other minorities will benefit from these programs, because fewer have the financial capability to go to a four-year college.

Trump is creating more jobs and higher incomes for blacks and other minorities and is trying to give a better education to every disadvantaged black child in America. That is a pretty impressive civil rights record. ‎