Sunday, November 8, 2020


 Move along now... Nothing to see, hear, or speak about. Hold on for just a minute. Just coming in a report from Nevada... Registered Republicans, Ron and Catherine Burres did not receive any of the millions of mail-in ballots, (not even one). This translates to how many others with no transportation were able to vote. More now... newly registered Democrat younger member of the family received 3 (three) of the impartial mail-in ballots. hmmmmmmm...  I wonder if that was just an innocent error. 

Well, it has finally come to pass.  To the chagrin of our progressive, woke, a citizenry that there are actually winners and losers and not everybody gets a medal of participation.  With all the subdued response of the liberal faction, over the eventual transfer of our Presidency from one party to the other.  This seems at this point to be inevitable although not yet legally substantiated.  The press continues with its successful use of false narrative to misinform the citizens of our country. The press does not tell us, nor is there any legal avenue for them to tell us emphatically that there is a winner or loser of any election. It may be that they can't wait for the legal decision is in the books. They do appear to have been successful in their four-year attacks on our President, to prevent a second term.

For the sake of conversation, let’s assume that the unproven election results hold.  Let’s assume that the more intelligent, more highly educated, the kinder, gentler portion of our populace will now be in charge of our country. 

That is, however, a bitter pill for the wild angry, bible thumping, gun wielding, ugly, racist conservatives to deal with.  It is a given that conservative anger will bring about a rampage of destruction across the face of our nation, abolishing all hopes of defunding the police, of abolishing late term abortion, and income distribution with-out a united population.  Thanks be to whatzname for letting us board up all the businesses.

President Trump may lose the office of President of the United States of America, which at the moment does not appear to be very united, BUT he may not be the only loser in this race.  In most races there is one winner and a bunch of folks that came in behind the winner.  They are losers.  In the case of our country the losers may be the policies and the positive results achieved by bad boy Trumps administration. Prior to our receiving the gift of Covid, some of the Trump administrations activities actually helped, the minorities with-in our borders, the growth of manufacturing, energy independence, lower fuel costs, bringing jobs back into our country, lowest unemployment in our history, highest increase of income for the middle-class in our history, and the list goes on and on and on.

Abraham Lincoln: America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. Nakita Khrushchev: "We will take America without firing a shot.  We do not have to invade the U.S. we will destroy you from within." It appears that we have reached a precipice in our country's growth toward enhancing the animal society called mankind.  We have seen a portion of our body politic as it attempts a coupe against a legally elected President of the United States of America. Our society has discarded pragmatism in favor of idealism, unfortunately, while thinking we can run and leap, we are still just crawling and stumbling not yet able to personify our goal of perfection.  Mankind in its climb toward becoming more god-like, more merciful, kinder and gentler than the rest of those in various food chains has some of us denying the nature of our world.

So America, as you ask who the loser is… go to your mirror.


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