Wednesday, January 13, 2021


 March 6, 2020March 6, 2020  · 


by Liz Crokin

As an entertainment journalist, I've had the opportunity to cover Trump for over a decade, and in all my years covering him I've never heard anything negative about the man until he announced he was running for president. Keep in mind, I got paid a lot of money to dig up dirt on celebrities like Trump for a living so a scandalous story on the famous billionaire could've potentially sold a lot of magazines and would've been a Huge feather in my cap.

Instead, I found that he doesn't drink alcohol or do drugs, he's a hardworking businessman. On top of that, he's one of the most generous celebrities in the world with a heart filled with more gold than his $100 million New York penthouse.

Since the media has failed so miserably at reporting the truth about Trump, I decided to put together some of the acts of kindness he's committed over three decades which has gone virtually unnoticed or fallen on deaf ears.

In 1986, Trump prevented the foreclosure of Annabell Hill's family farm after her husband committed suicide. Trump personally phoned down to the auction to stop the sale of her home and offered the widow money. Trump decided to take action after he saw Hill's pleas for help in news reports.

In 1988, a commercial airline refused to fly Andrew Ten, a sick

Orthodox Jewish child with a rare illness, across the country to get medical care because he had to travel with an elaborate life-support system. His grief-stricken parents contacted Trump for help and he didn't hesitate to send his own plane to take the child from Los Angeles to New York so he could get his treatment.

In 1991, 200 Marines who served in Operation Desert Storm spent time at Camp Lejune in North Carolina before they were scheduled to return home to their families. However, the Marines were told that a mistake had been made and an aircraft would not be able to take them home on their scheduled departure date. When Trump got wind of this, he sent his plane to make two trips from North Carolina to Miami to safely return the Gulf War Marines to their loved ones.

In 1995, a motorist stopped to help Trump after the limo he was traveling in got a flat tire. Trump asked the Good Samaritan how he could repay him for his help. All the man asked for was a bouquet of flowers for his wife. A few weeks later Trump sent the flowers with a note that read: We've paid off your mortgage.

In 1996, Trump filed a lawsuit against the city of Palm Beach , Florida, accusing the town of discriminating against his Mar-a-Lago resort club because it allowed Jews and blacks. Abraham Foxman, who as the Anti-Defamation League Director at the time, said Trump put the light on Palm Beach not on the beauty and the glitter, but on its seamier side of discrimination. Foxman also noted that Trump's charge had a trickle-down effect because other clubs followed his lead and began admitting Jews and blacks.

In 2000, Maury Povich featured a little girl named Megan who struggled with Brittle Bone Disease on his show and Trump happened to be watching. Trump said the little girl's story and positive attitude touched his heart. So he contacted Maury and gifted the little girl and her family with a very generous check.

In 2008, after Jennifer Hudson's family members were tragically murdered in Chicago , Trump put the Oscar-winning actress and her family up at his Windy City hotel for free. In addition to that, Trump's security took extra measures to ensure Hudson and her family members were safe during such a difficult time.

In 2013, New York bus driver Darnell Barton spotted a woman close to the edge of a bridge staring at the traffic below as he drove by. He stopped the bus, got out and put his arm around the woman and saved her life by convincing her to not jump. When Trump heard about this story, he sent the hero bus driver a check simply because he believed his good deed deserved to be rewarded.

In 2014, Trump gave $25,000 to Sgt. Andrew Tamoressi after he spent seven months in a Mexican jail for accidentally crossing the US-Mexico border. President Barack Obama couldn't even be bothered to make one phone call to assist with the United States Marine's release; however, Trump opened his pocketbook to help this serviceman get back on his feet.

In 2016, Melissa Consin Young attended a Trump rally and tearfully thanked Trump for changing her life. She said she proudly stood on stage with Trump as Miss Wisconsin USA in 2005. However, years later she found herself struggling with an incurable illness and during her darkest days, she explained that she received a handwritten letter from Trump telling her she's the bravest woman, I know. She said the opportunities that she got from Trump and his organizations ultimately provided her Mexican-American son with a full-ride to college.

Lynne Patton, a black female executive for the Trump Organization, released a statement in 2016 defending her boss against accusations that he's a racist and a bigot. She tearfully revealed how she's struggled with substance abuse and addiction for years. Instead of kicking her to the curb, she said the Trump Organization and his entire family loyally stood by her through immensely difficult times.

Donald Trump's kindness knows no bounds and his generosity has and continues to touch the lives of people from every sex, race, and religion. When Trump sees someone in need, he wants to help.

Two decades ago, Oprah asked Trump in a TV interview if he'd ever run for president. He said: "If it got so bad, I would never want to rule it out totally because I really am tired of seeing what's happening with this country.'"

That day has come. Trump sees that America is in need and he wants to help. How unthinkable! On the other hand, have you ever heard of Hillary or Obama ever doing such things with their own resources?

Now that's really unthinkable! Might be worth passing on!!!

Just shows we hired the right guy. If Hollywood , the liberals and the

media ever STOP harassing him, Trump will have time to do many more positive things for our country....the good ole United States of America!!

PS ~ To those who are already Fact Checking, don't bother . . . already did it, and all the stories are TRUE!

The Liberal, progressive, socialists want to destroy this guy. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2021



I remember, growing up the image of digging a hole deep enough to pop us out in the country of China. Well, it looks like we’re almost there.  Unfortunately, many of us who like our country, the USA, have allowed the diggers to bury us beneath a pile of their dirt.  We can plead, we can argue, we can vote and we can attempt to have our voices heard, but we have allowed the diggers to take our voices away.  One of the reasons the diggers have put us in such a deep hole is due to the utter complacency, thinking our lives and our system of freedom under the law, was too beautiful to be taken down. We became vulnerable instead of vigilant.  Through tunnel vision and our focus on providing along with the search for success, we failed at what we needed to preserve.

There are reasons the people from around the world have wanted to come to our country, legally and illegally, and none of those reasons included the opportunity to become slaves, to starve, or to stay stagnant in their position in society. People came by the millions from all corners of the earth just for the opportunity to join the experiment of a new type of government.  They took part in the creation of a society where the individual could achieve self-fulfillment and income through their own effort and abilities. They took part in banding together as one unified people to wage conflict to maintain those freedoms in the face of enemies with-in and with-out.  That was a lot easier when our enemies were not afraid to show themselves.  Not so today.

Our society has been likened to that of a stew-pot filled with all nationalities, cultures, colors, and belief structures and because of all those ingredients and flavors the stew was and is magnificent. 

Shamefully in the last fifty years or so we have allowed poisons to be sprinkled into that stew.  As in the bible we have allowed the thief, dressed in the mask of deceit, to transform our society, our government, our entertainment, and our educational and information outlets.  Dressed in the shiny cloak of making our people more acceptable and of a higher moral standard, than those who came before, we have become a divided nation no longer blended in unity.

Rather than actually being at a higher standard, many have decided that we are arrogant and proud, therefore fitting into the hierarchy as a leader of improvement we should lower our standards of example and move behind.  One of our former leaders actually promoted “leading from behind” as a model for our country.  To my way of thinking that’s much the same as saying, don’t take a plane to “where-ever” take the donkey.

Those who think that a new World Order is what we should aspire too, are the diggers of that deep hole.  I ask the question… why should we go backward?  The New World Order concept reminds me of one I’ve read about before, I think it was in Genesis and it involved a tower or something, look it up.

Wake up folks and recognize those who are digging us deeper and deeper into failure as a society.  Recognize that partial truth is the same as any other lie and the thief has used that same device since the onset of time.

Remember that the “Good Samaritan” did not lay down beside the man wounded by robbers, he lifted him up and took him to a place where he could heal and get better.  We can not help any other nation or people by laying down, only by lifting them up.


Sunday, January 10, 2021


 As I watched my favorite source of information today, (1/6/2021), I saw a group of people with good cause become infected with the same evil that we saw in those who have spent the last two, or more, years destroying cities, businesses, in the name of protest by violence, looting, and shootings.  It is totally unfortunate that some have become mirrored versions of the same mobs that we have been against.  It is sad that the majority of those who believe in the rule of law and democracy will be stained with the paint of a few.  Let's face it, what happened this week in our capital was not a one-day event. It was not JUST the result of one speech, one tweet, one disappointment, one slur, it was the result of five years of acrimonious activity culminating in a result covered in doubt. 

In the previous Presidential election (2016) we elected a non-politician, and instead of supporting him as our President, he was attacked constantly and consistently for the duration of his tenure.  If we were to look at the explosive events of Wednesday being a result rather than an event, it might make more sense.  The result of all this “Russia collusion”, liar, liar pants on fire, attacking of our President resulted in pent up anger towards the weight of those spewing the hatred toward President Trump, namely those folks he threatened with shining light on their games. What took place in the hearts of some 70 million members of our society was similar to someone filling a balloon with gasoline, it had to burst at some point in time.  The last drop of gasoline was forced into the balloon during the unbelievable election of Joe Biden and when it was not allowed to be questioned, for the legality of the process, one too many drops caused an explosion.   As in most explosions, more than one thing was damaged, sadly it gave President Trumps’ enemies an opportunity to say, I told you so.

Under the strength of a President that put our country and our society as a priority, the United States of America, was steering toward a better place in the world in terms of economics, world peace, and improvement of living condition for all strata of our society, however, we were also shown how far we have removed ourselves from our roots.  We watched as the media, the body politic, entertainment, media, big tech, academia, and our in place bureaucracy attacked our president with a consistency of a starving animal on the hunt. 

The pandemic of Covid dealt a blow not just to our country but to the world, touching every continent on the planet.  Unfortunately, this occurred during a year that politics entered every nook and cranny of our land. The typical method of smearing a political opponent with every bit of innuendo, fact, and or fiction brought us to a position that has defiled the very existence of our country. 

The date January 6,2021is a point in time that will be written in history as a date of great awakening.  We had allowed our body politic to create a volcano of rot to infect our society. Our population no longer has any solid rock to stand on, instead of being able to find a source of fact and truth, we flail about blindly in a sea of propaganda, partial truths, and outright falsehoods.  The media is no longer a watchdog that we can rely upon to help us make logical and basic decisions.  Instead of giving us factual data they are propagandists dispelling whatever words will prop up their particular biases.

Don’t let Satan’s best weapon, the lie, turn us against our neighbor.  Don’t let anger infect our society.  Don’t let our enemy create doubt in the beauty of our system of governance.  Some may have cast votes against a personality instead of effectiveness of the persons results time will prove that as an error in judgement.


Trump said a LOT of crazy stuff in his tweets the past four years... Let's examine them;

He said: My offices are bugged. He was right.

He said: The FBI, CIA, DOJ and the Obama administration were plotting against him. He was right.

He said: The media both liberal and social are liars. He labeled them FAKE NEWS. He was right.

He said: Russian collision was a hoax. He was right.

He said: He could bring manufacturing back. He was right.

He said: If we build a wall and manage immigration it will create jobs. He was right.

He said: Joe and Hunter got rich off of shady corrupt deals with the Ukraine and China. He was right.

He said: New trade deals would be better for the people. He was right.

He said: Moving the embassy to Jerusalem would be the right decision. He was right

He said: getting us out of un-winnable wars would create peace. He was right.

He said: The Clintons were corrupt. He was right. And still are!

He said: Locking up minority’s for decades for non-violent offenses was wrong, so he changed it. He was right.

He said: Jobs are worth way more than welfare so he gave the people jobs.

He was right.

He said: Our Government is filled with corrupt people and he will fight to drain the swamp and right the wrongs. He is right.

President Trump has been right on just about everything he said. So when he says the election was rigged, I’ll bet my life on him being right. 74 million strong Sir, we got your back.


Personally, I think this President, Donald J. Trump will be looked at in history, as one of the most productive and important Presidents.


Mr. President, should you ever get an opportunity read this article, please know sir that your hard work will result in one of the most cohesive political movements since the first breath of our beautiful system of governance.  Those who oppose you today will be long passed in time, but your results will be in affect for centuries to come.  I believe God chose you for a particular time an d for purpose.  You have put light into hidden areas and shown us our enemy.

 it was our society that disappointed… Not you. 

God bless you sir you have blessed our country