Tuesday, January 12, 2021



I remember, growing up the image of digging a hole deep enough to pop us out in the country of China. Well, it looks like we’re almost there.  Unfortunately, many of us who like our country, the USA, have allowed the diggers to bury us beneath a pile of their dirt.  We can plead, we can argue, we can vote and we can attempt to have our voices heard, but we have allowed the diggers to take our voices away.  One of the reasons the diggers have put us in such a deep hole is due to the utter complacency, thinking our lives and our system of freedom under the law, was too beautiful to be taken down. We became vulnerable instead of vigilant.  Through tunnel vision and our focus on providing along with the search for success, we failed at what we needed to preserve.

There are reasons the people from around the world have wanted to come to our country, legally and illegally, and none of those reasons included the opportunity to become slaves, to starve, or to stay stagnant in their position in society. People came by the millions from all corners of the earth just for the opportunity to join the experiment of a new type of government.  They took part in the creation of a society where the individual could achieve self-fulfillment and income through their own effort and abilities. They took part in banding together as one unified people to wage conflict to maintain those freedoms in the face of enemies with-in and with-out.  That was a lot easier when our enemies were not afraid to show themselves.  Not so today.

Our society has been likened to that of a stew-pot filled with all nationalities, cultures, colors, and belief structures and because of all those ingredients and flavors the stew was and is magnificent. 

Shamefully in the last fifty years or so we have allowed poisons to be sprinkled into that stew.  As in the bible we have allowed the thief, dressed in the mask of deceit, to transform our society, our government, our entertainment, and our educational and information outlets.  Dressed in the shiny cloak of making our people more acceptable and of a higher moral standard, than those who came before, we have become a divided nation no longer blended in unity.

Rather than actually being at a higher standard, many have decided that we are arrogant and proud, therefore fitting into the hierarchy as a leader of improvement we should lower our standards of example and move behind.  One of our former leaders actually promoted “leading from behind” as a model for our country.  To my way of thinking that’s much the same as saying, don’t take a plane to “where-ever” take the donkey.

Those who think that a new World Order is what we should aspire too, are the diggers of that deep hole.  I ask the question… why should we go backward?  The New World Order concept reminds me of one I’ve read about before, I think it was in Genesis and it involved a tower or something, look it up.

Wake up folks and recognize those who are digging us deeper and deeper into failure as a society.  Recognize that partial truth is the same as any other lie and the thief has used that same device since the onset of time.

Remember that the “Good Samaritan” did not lay down beside the man wounded by robbers, he lifted him up and took him to a place where he could heal and get better.  We can not help any other nation or people by laying down, only by lifting them up.


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