Monday, December 2, 2019



How sadly today must be viewed by all those souls whose blood was spent for the ideals of our country.  Thousands of those who believed in standing up for a great society and fighting to give the rights of freedom to others around the world.  How could they condone the fiasco and hypocrisy that is being played out in our body politic when the cause of good is spent on the theatrics of political gamesmanship?  How is it that the practice of falsehoods, inuendo and word-twists has put us in the position of moving backwards in time towards those other times that we pitted brother against brother.  I believe that history will see the last three years as some of our darkest hours in terms of how our elected representatives have abandoned their purpose for country in favor of party first.  How our higher educational system has failed to educate in favor of indoctrination which is seeping through osmosis into all of educational strata. Finally, how the Press and news reporting is now a partisan facilitator rather than reporting fact. They now actively change wording and meanings in order to give one party advantages over the other.

I wonder just how many of those fallen for just cause would view the travesty of the last three years in which we have watched our congress pursue the folly of attempting to negate our last election by any means possible.  This is being played out much the same as a sporting event pitting one side against the other when the purpose of our Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were established to give every corner of our country a voice.  We are a Federalist Republic, not a true democracy where the most in numbers dictates.  The founders did everything they could that would prevent governance by any small but powerful group or ideology.  It makes no sense to claim the higher moral position while doing whatever it takes to chalk up a win for a political party instead of working toward the success of our country and our society.

Why is it that while our President is overseas working for our country, that we have a faction of politic working toward wounding and weakening his standing as a international leader.  Why are they trying to force him out of office when our population has the opportunity to exert their freedom of choice in our electoral process.  Why have they wasted valuable time in chasing the past instead of fighting for the betterment of our country.  Why have they wasted the time they have had to improve our international trade agreements, our national safety, and our national economy.  They have wasted our time, our money and the  “TAPS PLAYED FOR OUR FALLEN WARRIORS”

Sunday, September 29, 2019


Abraham Lincoln: America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. Nakita Khrushchev: "We will take America without firing a shot.  We do not have to invade the U.S. we will destroy you from within."

It appears that we have reached a precipice in our country's growth toward enhancing the animal society called mankind.  We are watching as a portion of our body politic attempts a coupe against a legally elected President of the United States of America.  With a presidential election a few months away the party of dissent and disturbance have decided they can not take a chance on our Republics choices.
If I remember my civics education there was something about the oath of office as it pertained to the members of congress, the presidency, as well as many positions of states and cities "to protect and to obey the laws of the United States of America.  Recently that part of the oath is antiquated as far as our borders are concerned, and as far as our constitution is concerned.  The Press is no longer a reporter of facts. Our history is being rewritten and we are being sociologically reprogrammed by educators and the entertainment industry.
Reasons for impeachment: Increase in mutual fund retirement funds; Doing what he was elected to do (draining the beurocratic) swamp; pulling our country out of bad international agreements; reducing taxes; working toward securing our borders; lowest unemployment in history for minorities, including women; Working toward reducing the capacity of atomic weaponry in N. Korea and Iran; Working toward stopping the theft of intellectual properties by China; improving international trade agreements; Continuing working for improvement and making America Great Again. Reasons to vote for Democrat agendas: To nullify the votes of 60 million + Trump voters; No other important issues.

Thursday, March 7, 2019


Having been raised in the corral of Catholicism, guilt is a common internal guide for my behavior as well as a built in parent yelling in my ear DON'T DO THAT!  It has taken me many years for me to be able to choose my own belief system that will direct my do's and don'ts.  
Lent is one of those Catholic annual segments of time that says we are too fast, to give up some particular activity of our normal daily life that will cause us to reflect on the 40 days of fasting in the desert that Christ went through, (preparing him for the hell that he would eventually fall prey to during His crucifixion.)  
This year it occurred to me that we as a nation could get some benefit from a honest reflection regarding the state of our society. The current questions could easily be answered by some biblical and New Testament directives.  The early Jewish reception of the Ten Commandments into their society not only gave them moral and spiritual directives, but also gave them a guide for a common way of living together that works as the basis of law for any group of people. It boggles the mind that we require a legislative branch of government to justify, passing thousand page laws when the age old commandments would suffice.  Our society would be better served by the following of those directives, than by the party politics of today’s society.
To cap things off, today's politics get into the subject of the government forcing empathy, love, compassion, and caring for the poor and needy humanitarian situations when this is not really a government responsibility. Those are really the responsibility of the individuals within our society.   
In the New Testament, Jesus stated the two most important laws for mankind to follow are: love God with your whole self and; love your neighbor as yourself.  All that is required for a charitable people is for the individuals to follow those last two laws.  We don't need a government to direct what we as individuals should choose to do as a course of our own individual guidance systems.

 Believe in God, the redemption of man through the death and resurrection of Christ, or not, good is not a result of law, it is however, to be judged upon the individual. It is the individuals that are the judges of their own society.

God Bless our people, our President, and our nation.


After months of trying not to drive myself, my friends, my family, around the bend with all the things and subjects the can push me over the edge....there are too many things cluttering up my mind so here I am again.  Right off the top I can list a few subjects that act as a motivator for my ire.
     The continuation of the 2016 Presidential hate Trump agenda;
     The promotion of Socialistic tenants throughout our educational system;
     Party politics instead of the legislative branch doing what their oath of office requires, working to        achieve what our country needs;
     The erosion of ethics and morality in our society; and on and on and on adinfinitum*.
     More than enough subjects not mentioned that will make my yadayadyada  continue for years to          come.
and it seems that the same old anti-Trump verbiage from 2016 returns for the 2020 fiasco to come.