Sunday, January 10, 2021


 As I watched my favorite source of information today, (1/6/2021), I saw a group of people with good cause become infected with the same evil that we saw in those who have spent the last two, or more, years destroying cities, businesses, in the name of protest by violence, looting, and shootings.  It is totally unfortunate that some have become mirrored versions of the same mobs that we have been against.  It is sad that the majority of those who believe in the rule of law and democracy will be stained with the paint of a few.  Let's face it, what happened this week in our capital was not a one-day event. It was not JUST the result of one speech, one tweet, one disappointment, one slur, it was the result of five years of acrimonious activity culminating in a result covered in doubt. 

In the previous Presidential election (2016) we elected a non-politician, and instead of supporting him as our President, he was attacked constantly and consistently for the duration of his tenure.  If we were to look at the explosive events of Wednesday being a result rather than an event, it might make more sense.  The result of all this “Russia collusion”, liar, liar pants on fire, attacking of our President resulted in pent up anger towards the weight of those spewing the hatred toward President Trump, namely those folks he threatened with shining light on their games. What took place in the hearts of some 70 million members of our society was similar to someone filling a balloon with gasoline, it had to burst at some point in time.  The last drop of gasoline was forced into the balloon during the unbelievable election of Joe Biden and when it was not allowed to be questioned, for the legality of the process, one too many drops caused an explosion.   As in most explosions, more than one thing was damaged, sadly it gave President Trumps’ enemies an opportunity to say, I told you so.

Under the strength of a President that put our country and our society as a priority, the United States of America, was steering toward a better place in the world in terms of economics, world peace, and improvement of living condition for all strata of our society, however, we were also shown how far we have removed ourselves from our roots.  We watched as the media, the body politic, entertainment, media, big tech, academia, and our in place bureaucracy attacked our president with a consistency of a starving animal on the hunt. 

The pandemic of Covid dealt a blow not just to our country but to the world, touching every continent on the planet.  Unfortunately, this occurred during a year that politics entered every nook and cranny of our land. The typical method of smearing a political opponent with every bit of innuendo, fact, and or fiction brought us to a position that has defiled the very existence of our country. 

The date January 6,2021is a point in time that will be written in history as a date of great awakening.  We had allowed our body politic to create a volcano of rot to infect our society. Our population no longer has any solid rock to stand on, instead of being able to find a source of fact and truth, we flail about blindly in a sea of propaganda, partial truths, and outright falsehoods.  The media is no longer a watchdog that we can rely upon to help us make logical and basic decisions.  Instead of giving us factual data they are propagandists dispelling whatever words will prop up their particular biases.

Don’t let Satan’s best weapon, the lie, turn us against our neighbor.  Don’t let anger infect our society.  Don’t let our enemy create doubt in the beauty of our system of governance.  Some may have cast votes against a personality instead of effectiveness of the persons results time will prove that as an error in judgement.


Trump said a LOT of crazy stuff in his tweets the past four years... Let's examine them;

He said: My offices are bugged. He was right.

He said: The FBI, CIA, DOJ and the Obama administration were plotting against him. He was right.

He said: The media both liberal and social are liars. He labeled them FAKE NEWS. He was right.

He said: Russian collision was a hoax. He was right.

He said: He could bring manufacturing back. He was right.

He said: If we build a wall and manage immigration it will create jobs. He was right.

He said: Joe and Hunter got rich off of shady corrupt deals with the Ukraine and China. He was right.

He said: New trade deals would be better for the people. He was right.

He said: Moving the embassy to Jerusalem would be the right decision. He was right

He said: getting us out of un-winnable wars would create peace. He was right.

He said: The Clintons were corrupt. He was right. And still are!

He said: Locking up minority’s for decades for non-violent offenses was wrong, so he changed it. He was right.

He said: Jobs are worth way more than welfare so he gave the people jobs.

He was right.

He said: Our Government is filled with corrupt people and he will fight to drain the swamp and right the wrongs. He is right.

President Trump has been right on just about everything he said. So when he says the election was rigged, I’ll bet my life on him being right. 74 million strong Sir, we got your back.


Personally, I think this President, Donald J. Trump will be looked at in history, as one of the most productive and important Presidents.


Mr. President, should you ever get an opportunity read this article, please know sir that your hard work will result in one of the most cohesive political movements since the first breath of our beautiful system of governance.  Those who oppose you today will be long passed in time, but your results will be in affect for centuries to come.  I believe God chose you for a particular time an d for purpose.  You have put light into hidden areas and shown us our enemy.

 it was our society that disappointed… Not you. 

God bless you sir you have blessed our country

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