Saturday, November 7, 2020



 At a time in history when we are so separated emotionally, physically, and politically, why were we in such a hurry to condone lax voting requirements?

During the existence of our republic, our citizens have always been able to swallow the bitter taste of losing our political arguments.  We have always been able to out-number the outlying corner of dissent and to coalesce as a united force in the world.  I would expect we will be able to do so at this time, perhaps not to the degree of acceptance of the result that we have ever reached in the past.

Our divisions, due to the myriad of causes, have given us reason to doubt, to fear, and to dismiss every situation that we are on the different side of the coin.  The doubts created during the counting of our vote ballots and the gathering processes in progress are doing our country a grave disservice.  So much for reviving unity.

Our governing politic looms large in this formula as does our watchdog the “Press” which we gave the “freedom of the press”.  We no longer have the yardstick of honesty in fact to base our decisions of national direction on.  The factor of truth, formerly base on fact, has been replaced with the unending barrage of personal opinions coming from the mouths of those susceptible to the propaganda and partial truths they have been in contact with over the course of time.

In the jungle of politics, this weakness has allowed the predatory lure of political power and societal control, to attack our freedom of choice of whom we elect as leaders.  Using the basic and fundamental underlying foundation of the majority of our country’s people, “fairness” and “equality”, we have attempted to give our citizens easier means of voting.  This factor has put ourselves in a situation of potential national disaster as a society. 

Our politicians, in an effort to win, have not always had our country’s best interests at heart.  There are actually times in that “game” they have attempted to change the rules, the number of players, and the position of the goalposts.  The oath of office taken by those we have elected, hired and are paying for, should require those folks to put the country first, in front of self and party.

Using the “China Pandemic” fear-factor, as a cause for change, changes to our voting process have increased the opportunity and probability that vote manipulation will or can occur.  Instead of creating rules that would give us all a degree of trust in the process our leaders have managed to increase doubt.  Regardless of which side, red or blue shirts, ends up with the most points… doubt in the process has been established. 

Our democratic republic has received a systematic blow from our own hands. 

Without our individual effort to seek fact, over innuendo, propaganda, and self-serving rhetoric,

We are in danger of losing that which is inherent in nature.


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