Wednesday, August 3, 2016


DEFINITION of 'Bait And Switch':  A dishonest marketing tactic in which a marketer advertises a very attractive price/rate/term that is really a teaser rate meant to attract customers.  Once the customer comes into the store/office to inquire about the advertised price/rate (the "bait"), the advertiser will attempt to sell the customer a more expensive product (the "switch").

Is there anyone in our population who doesn’t recall who said “You can keep your doctor”?  Who said, “Ours will be the most transparent administration”?  Who was it that said “Hope and Change” would be a good thing.  In some states, if a car salesman made such statements and gave a similar grade of product in place of the car advertised, he might well face hefty fines and in egregious cases jailed for fraud.  I guess in our new form of judiciary certain leniencies are available.

This election cycle we get to make our best guess once again.  Let’s hope that we get lucky enough to make a better and more fruitful decision.  Hoping and praying to get a better result than what we had the last couple of times.  All we can hope for is that someone in this pair will be honest with us.  We also need to have a pretty firm idea of what we hope to get this time around.
One side of the debate is offering us the first woman nominee of a major party, a past Secretary of State with a dubious record.  Her ability to twist and bend the truth is at the top of her list of credentials.  On the other side of the coin, we have a candidate that seems to have no filter on what he thinks, but his record of successful business and ability to create wealth is indisputable. Which one is more apt to change things for the better?  We have to go to their track record to make our best guess.

Do we go with the one who is the polished politician?  The one who says what political expediency dictates? We know for sure that what she states as fact, may or may not be.  How probable is the old marketing trick of bait and switch and how much of what we see is merely a smoke screen.  Or do we go with the one who has spent the last 30 years being able to say whatever he feels like. Her opponent has a reputation for achieving what he sets out to accomplish and has the business reputation of doing what he says he will do.  His evidence of achievement is stunning.

We are at a crossroads. We know that staying on in the same direction leads to a cliff most of us do not want to go over.  We have a choice of staying on the same pathway or do we catch a ride going in a different route that may lead us to a brighter place.  The choice for me is simple.  I choose not to go over the cliff.  I choose not to follow or to be led by a person who lacks the moral compass of honesty and truthfulness.  I deplore the sick virus of political correctness that attacks the very core of honesty, a virtue that used to have much more esteem.  Whether I like what Mr. Trump dispenses vocally or not, the knowledge of what he says is totally unfiltered is reassuring.

Just ask yourself, “do I think I have been lied to during the last 7 ½ years?” Was Hillary complicit in those falsehoods?  Has Hillary shown any sign that honesty is an important part of her moral fabric?  Do you know for sure where she stands on the different factors facing our country?  Some of the things I believe she will hold to are: staying the current course regarding ISIS; status quo on education; raising taxes; excessive regulations inhibiting business; appointing liberal judiciary.  

I would suggest that our odds are better with an unknown with a possibility of a better economy, better education for all of our population, a return to the rule of law for all of our society and a chance to believe what we hear.  I’m pretty sure there is far less danger of political “bait and switch” with the unfiltered non-politician.

Pray for discernment, our country and your neighbor.  God Bless The USA  

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