Monday, August 1, 2016


There can be no larger, blatant, or more of a non-politician misspeak than Donald Trumps unforced error during an interview with George Stephanopoulos on this last Sunday.  There is no denying that a more polished politician would never have gotten himself into the mess Donald immersed himself in.  When Mr. Trump gives himself time to consider an answer, he does fine but he is like a boxer.  Just like he says he is a counter puncher and when faced with incoming, he has reflex mouth. 

If he had spent the last 35 years in the business of politics, he would have acknowledged the pain of the Khan family and the sacrifice they had made in the service death of their son.  When it came to the subject of sacrifice, I doubt if Donald himself believes his sacrifices are equal to that of the Khan’s. This error does emphasize his exact point.  He is trying to change a government manipulated and run by slick professional politicians and their cronies.   Trump has proved many times that he doesn’t belong to that club.

It’s not just the politicians that have taken aim at the large target he presents, this whole situation, with Mr. Khan, would never have occurred without the fuel of false reporting by the media and the “internet tag alongs”.  (See my blog of yesterday HALF AND HALF.)  The entire basis of Mr. Kahn’s attack at the DNC on Mr. Trump was based on a totally false narrative.  In the playbook, of the progressive mindset, it’s almost mandatory to expand parts of an opponent’s speech and to edit out what the complete context and meaning of it were. 

From the very beginning of his entry onto the stage of politics, his opponent’s goal has been to wound his entire persona.  Absent the moral compass that requires honesty his detractors have gleefully employed the tactics of adding and editing.  Changing the meaning and intent until the original is lost somewhere in “never never land”.  Soaking this all up are we, the gullible sponges, looking for any little bit of snide innuendo available.  There is a reason that the rule:  “Thou shalt not bear false witness”, is sorely missed in our society.  We are complicit in this lie. We have begged for “gotchya” interview tactics, and every time someone trips up, we jeer and laugh as if we are children on a playground.  This permission to give our population false information does not serve our society or our nation in any fashion other than a sickness.

Back to the false narrative believed by many.  Trumps words have had one primary tweak to their meaning and that is the implication of “all”.  That one word has the power to make Mr. Trump appear to be prejudiced, bigoted, and hateful, out of touch and yes, dangerous.  You wouldn’t think something as small as one word could cause so much consequence, but it has.  Mr. Trump says he wants to build a wall to stop illegal entry into our country of those people with drugs, criminals and terrorists.  Implication promoted by the insertion of the word all “Mr. Trump is against immigration, against immigrants, he hates Mexicans and he hates people of color period”.  Hogwash!  The current flap concerning the Khan family is a result of the same kind of trick.  Mr. Trump’s comments concerning the Muslim people and their faith, Islam, in regards to immigration and surveillance has been regarding and in reference to terms applicable to “Radical Islamic Terrorism”.  This has been pounded time and time again with the false intent of “all”.  At this point our Muslim citizenry has been led to believe this man is totally anti-Muslim, and once again the mighty word “all” comes into play.  I contend without the media, the progressive bloggers and twitter bunch, the manipulated beliefs that angered the Khan family would not even existed and this discussion would be nonexistent.

Honestly, most of us have enough common sense to know when the horse has feathers why do we continue to allow this manipulative method of discourse to continue.  Why do we allow our media to take liberty with truth in such a way we would find repulsive in a personal relationship?  Condoning the use of false narrative harms us all and makes no sense.  Wake up people.  Don’t ask for the truth, demand it!
Pray for discernment, pray for understanding and peace for our country.  God Bless the USA.

the transcript of Donald Trump's June 13 speech on national security and terrorism

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