Sunday, July 31, 2016


We are in for a rough and rocky ride.  We are caught in the middle and up the creek without a paddle. 

I thought I would be able to find out the “what is” and the “what isn’t” by using my trusty computer.  That proved as difficult as trying to sift through different colors of sand.  The experience was exasperating to say the least.  A truly dutiful little conservative I called upon the well-known prolific knower of all, Google search.  Much to my chagrin after typing in carefully the phrase “lies Clinton uses about Trump”, it came up with more topics about the unreliability of statements Mr. Trump has used against Hillary.  Hmmmm.  So those choices seemed to be pretty biased.  My next stop was MSN and then Bing.  Surely I would be able to find what I was searching for; bad guess.  Then I was hit with the sad truth.  I am not impartial, nor is the media, nor is almost all of the internet chatter.

Things were a lot easier back when I was born. There was a code of morality drummed into my head in my childhood and early adulthood that eased the torture raw choice can invoke.  Disagreement still existed between folks but it seemed contained within the boundaries of civility and societal decorum.  Right and wrong, good and bad, truth and lies were all easily recognized and we reacted accordingly.  Those fences seem to have steadily eroded over the course of half a century.   It seems some of the very things that made the United States into one of the strongest statements for freedom, have also contributed to the sad skeleton we now experience.

Freedom of speech is no longer the just freedom to express our viewpoints.  That freedom now gives us the freedom to use slander, half-truths, innuendo and rumor without any repercussion.  Our media, which used to exist in only printed form has grown into a massive giant of persuasion, granted the permissive use of propaganda.  Originally, freedom of the press was granted under the belief it would provide truth to the people of our society.  Clear cut truth and opinion are no longer the norm.   We are getting just what we ask for.  Clamoring for entertainment and sensationalism, our minds are bombarded with the half and half as well as some full blown baloney.  Lapping it up like sheep devouring the landscape, we are left with nothing of value.  There are those who decry the sad state of affairs and those who feel justified by the belief that they are getting the short end of the stick.  

Once upon a time a great city and a great government were brought to its knees in submission by a “Trojan Horse”.  Once a great army suffered the same fate from within their own, a “fifth column”.  We are in the process of accepting the same fate from the same type of deceivers. Unfortunately, it is not just one Trojan horse or one column (as the demons told Christ) they are legions.  Those who would cost us our very core are not just outside our society, they are within.  We are being sold out by those who are full of the deadly force of greed.  The greed is not just for the wealth of things but for the power of control.  Our society is being manipulated by the power of propaganda by the media, our educators and our elected officials.  The blame rests not on those who manipulate, but on those who know better and still allow it to occur.  We deserve better and we should be demanding more from those we once were able to trust.  We deserve more than the acceptance of half and half, propaganda mixed with truth.  We need to demand a full dose of the truth.

We have a choice this November and it will determine the course of our society.  The “who” we promote to the office of the Presidency is not important, who they will appoint to the Supreme Court is.  Now is the point in history where we decide what direction we want to send our children and grandchildren.  I for one don’t want them sent down the road leading to “Troy”.  Don’t be misled by the “Trojan Horses” of our media and educators, or by the fifth column of some in our government.  Take a real long hard look at all the facts before you pick your bandwagon.  Selfishness is not a good reason, nor is pride.  Reason based on the logic of what has been good for all of us in the past provides for a wise choice.  What systems have been and have given the most to the whole of mankind?  Fire, the wheel, language and print have all been enormously significant in mans’ progress.  The freedom of self-determination brought us to the moon and back and that’s because of what the “Fathers of our Country” gave to the people of the United States.
We do our descendants an unbelievably tragic disservice if we continue to allow the deterioration of those things that made our nation and a lot of the world a better place for mankind.  

Love your neighbor, lift him in spirit, and pray for discernment.    God bless the U.S.A.

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