Monday, July 18, 2016


The ugliness of unintended consequence twists its way into our collective lives.
 Ignorance of the future caused by today’s actions are all around us.  As a society, we have mistakenly condoned, as parents we have fueled, and as educators we have failed, and as leaders we have given permission to act out.  In our country "We the People” have the right to dissent, to disagree and to enact change.  As a society, we have given permission to act out however we want.  We have given permission for rappers the right to spew out profanities, race baiters to embolden age old hatreds and politicians the right to lie and educators the right to instill personal bias into the minds of children.  It’s little wonder that we find ourselves at the precipice of anarchy.
The new face of ignorance, fueled by anger and intended manipulation, is one of death.  Under the guise of justified right and permission we are watching a small percentage of our society rip our way of life from the rest of us.  We are not alone receiving the ill effects instilled hatred, prejudices and indoctrination.   On the World’s stage we can see the results of century’s old indoctrination and implied permission.  No one with any degree of civilization would condone any of the horrors perpetrated by those hiding behind the mask of Islamic jihadism.  In the same manner’ no member of our society with any knowledge of right and wrong would condone the murder of law and order.  Unfortunately, we face another result of unintended consequence.  Our society has given permission and our media has magnified the voice of those promoting the rise of anarchy.
As individuals, each of us acts out our lives according to our beliefs the best we know how.  It is almost impossible to act against what we truly believe.  Our beliefs are what give basic permissions to act in one way or the other. The appearance of agreement from other people simply re-enforces that permission.  In some cases, in which society wants to bring awareness to a situation, in order to bring about change, the act of magnification continues long after awareness has been achieved.  The use of violence to promote social change comes out of an ignorance of the law of cause and effect.  Sometimes what we have been taught, what we perceive and what we believe are blatantly wrong.  If those we continue to learn from are affected by the same ignorance, we will continue to act out in ways that are going to cause a detrimental effect.  Violence may change action but it is never going to change belief.
The results of historical blame are something we all have to live with but not always entirely justified.  Our collective belief focuses on the bad and the ugly while ignoring factual truth in its entirety.  There is no doubt in our collective memory that bad things occurred between white and black historically.  We are already aware of that.  Anger, riots and killings are not going to make our society more aware.  The unintended consequence is not the creation of repair but the ugliness of confirming and affirming justification for new fears.  If you want someone to trust you and to listen to your viewpoints, smashing them in the face is not going to advance your point of view.  Think about what you are doing and don’t maintain an ignorance of result.
Infusion of hatred is not going to have a desired effect, nor is the injection of fear and mistrust.  Recognizing why someone is angry and hateful is not going to have the effect of cure.  Effecting a correction entails a lot more than explaining the “why”.  Shouting the “why” from the rooftops has a corresponding unexpected result.  The result is increasing the feelings of mistreatment and the search for revenge.  Politicians today in their divisive rhetoric give permission to everyone to show their worst.  Instead of speaking about positive correction, they speak on how one side is against the other.  That understanding of why they act badly sometimes appears as permission to continue with the bad activity.  Understanding why you are smashing me in the face doesn’t give you the right to help correct your form of communication. To change the direction, we need to understand each other; to change interaction between both sides; and wanting improvement.  To have a positive effect requires positive action.  The law of cause and effect is universal and is absolute.  If I act out of fear and misunderstanding the result is predetermined by cause and effect.  Anger is not a positive fuel, violence is not a positive fuel and as such their effect is bad for us all.
Recognizing fault is easy unless it lies on our own shoulders.  It’s always easier to see when we are looking away.  Like it or not, if we look to the common sense of proverbs the unintended consequence of looking at the “log in your own eye before the splinter in the other person’s eye” is one of positive action and correction.  If you want to fix a problem, be brave enough to ask yourself, are you partially responsible for it in the first place?
Pray for our country and our people for understanding of the truth.

God Bless America

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