Thursday, July 28, 2016


How is this going to work out?  Let’s just imagine what could be the worst outcome of this election coming to fruition.  As the first woman president as she takes the oath of office,” "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."    
 Will she be able to audibly say the magical “I do affirm (or swear) to?”
Under Article II of the Constitution, the President is responsible for the execution and enforcement of the laws created by Congress. 

We all know those provisions have been sorely abused by the current administration when illegal, undocumented non-citizens come into our country without our invite.  The Democrat Executive Branch practice of allowing catch and release, sanctuary cities and flat out ignoring current immigration laws have prevailed. 

With the giant push to gain voters from the Latino segment of our population (legal or not), The Democrat Party has persistently pushed back against the existing laws regarding immigration.  What a way to increase the voter base.  It is no longer a question of what is best for our country or setting the example to our society that abiding by the laws are important.  It has become a method of acquiring power for the future and it has very little altruistic value. 

Approximately 70% of our population thinks our country is headed downhill or in the wrong direction.  There are approximately 42% of registered voters calling themselves Democrat and 39% Republican.  That’s just about an equal amount.  How can our blatant law breaking be taking place and why do we allow it to continue.  Breaking the law seems to be condoned by 42% of the voting population.  Why does the American electorate see fit to elect an Executive Branch in charge who ignores our laws? How is it we keep electing folks more interested in keeping their office and getting votes than they are in making our country strong, vibrant, economically sound and protected?  Somewhere, somehow we have become so lazy and uninvolved that our ability to make better choices has evolved into national gullibility. 

I don’t know about you but I’m pretty careful about making sure the door to my house is locked.  I’m careful who I invite into my house.  I don’t want any probability of someone coming in uninvited, unknown or with criminal intent.  How is it racist to want the same consideration for my country’s hearth?  If you come into my home uninvited or when I’m not looking, that’s breaking and entering and that is against the law.  The doorway into our home is open to those we invite to come in and when you enter we have a right to expect a certain set of courtesy and decorum.  If we rule in our home, we should be able to expect you to follow those rules or make the choice to leave.  If I invite you into my home you do not have title or ownership.  Be honest America, how different from our own individual position should our nation be?  If you refuse to disrespect the rules of our home, does asking you to leave make me inhumane?  If you refuse to leave, would I be within my rights to summon the police to remove you?  The answer is, yes, of course.  The same is true for our nation.  The problem with our nation calling for the police to protect our home, they are unavailable.

In order to make the GOP conservatives into absolute enemies of all that is good, it becomes necessary to interpret the desire for a rule of law into the divisive terms.  To make themselves appear kind and loving, labels of racist, bigot, hater, uncaring, selfish and any other derogatory terminology that suits the agenda are gleefully put into use to describe the other side.  Truth and fact matter not, the power of perception is the rule.  There is an old adage: “fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice shame on me”.  We have already had a full taste of the second bite of the apple.  I might add a third part to the above mentioned adage.  I’ve let you fool me twice, if I allow you to fool me again, lock me up for I have truly gone insane.

I recently listened to a sermon that suggested folks of a certain age should stop scaring our children with all the gloom and doom talk.  I would like to know how many parents would be silent if they observed their child headed into a street full of traffic.  Do we advise children when to be careful and to be aware of dangers?  I’m pretty sure we do.  Those are all common sense warnings, in most cases derived from experience.  Parents not caring for their children in a responsible manner are in jeopardy of jail time, fines or both.  A thought for you young’uns out there, we’re not trying to scare you, we just want you to be aware.  Without enforcing and practicing the rule of law, expect anarchy.

 Pray for discernment, knowledge, and safety.  God bless our country.  Love your neighbor.

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