Wednesday, July 27, 2016


CLINTON CASH a you-tube movie about the Clintons climb to wealth.  This movie is about an hour long.  Time well spent.
This was so unbelievable and so full of food for thought, if you are not a Mensa genius it will boggle the mind.  This could not have any validity, but it does. Like most informational things today, there is most likely some stretch going on so it’s up to you to do your own fact searching.  I have only done a minimal amount, but one source I checked with gave it some validity.

I'm one of the first to admit that my man Donald appears to be a bit narcissistic but we've proved we can survive 8 years of that personality defect. The choice on the other side is very much akin to what third world countries have to contend with and I’m not so sure how well we will survive if we go in that direction. We have the opportunity to elect what I (if this movie has validity) would classify as an opportunistic sociopath and her enabler. Before you get all bent out of shape, educate yourself without blinding your mind with your side, my side clingy and sheep like ignorance. 
High intelligence and communication skills give some folks a real ability of persuasion.  If that’s connected to a strong drive for achieving power and the personality defect of a sociopath, we have the ultimate con artist.  For the last thirty years I have heard all the conspiracy theories regarding the “Clinton Machine” and for the last thirty years I have sprinkled salt on them and forgot them.  Like most of us, the thought of someone being able to fake their way into the Presidency of the United States was way past reality.  The one thing in our favor is that most people can be fooled some of the time but all the people cannot be fooled all the time.  We need to be sure we are smart enough to salvage what is ours.

Watch this movie.  If it raises questions, look for answers.  Just don’t trust there to be a pot of gold waiting for you.  Some rainbows exist only in the mirage of hope.    

Pray for discernment, our country and your neighbor.  God Bless you and our country.

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