Wednesday, July 27, 2016


I listened to one of the most talented speakers of our time as he used his magical abilities to paint pictures in our mind.  He painted the picture of a modern Joan of Arc fighting courageously for those in need.  He spoke of a nimble quick mind surrounded with the heart of gold.  He told a story about the perfect politician for both then and now.  I am absolutely certain that every one of his claims those positive exploits can and will be substantiated throughout the next few months. 

One thing the past has shown us is that “Bill cannot tell a lie”.  If Bill says he didn’t, he didn’t and if Bill says Hillary is all good with no bad we are almost forced into believing that scenario.  Bill did make a little tiny mistake towards the end of his eloquent flowery painting.  He asked the question of the American voters.  How can we square what we heard in his speech with what we heard at the RNC just the previous week?  We can’t, and like he said, one of the Hillary depictions must be a falsehood.

The problem with lies of omission is they are very hard to disagree with.  You cannot disagree with something you don’t even hear.  As usual, the use of semantics makes it easy to say “Bill doesn’t lie”.  Hillary may well have done all those great things with great altruistic purpose, but some of the other things we have seen and been witness to didn’t make it into the painting.  One problem with that practice is somewhere in time and space. the omissions are a glaring reality.   There is an old adage in play and it is this “the truth will out”.  The missing colors to the painting set before us are pretty much of the same hue, not good.

Most of us are aware of the current missing items:  

·         Benghazi (a video did it)
·         Missing e-mails (30,000 compared to Richard Nixons missing 6 minutes of taped conversations)
·         Playing fast and loose with classified documents (General Petraeus called guilty and lost position)
·         Lying to Congress (“ I never had classified material on the personal computer)
·         Possible use of the Clinton Foundation as a personal slush fund ( Bill and Hillarys speaking fees took a giant increase, over $26 million from Clinton Foundation donors; donations tied to positive government decisions in favor of donors)   

This trend did not appear magically in the last decade.  Here are some others that are there for you to peruse: 1978 $100,000. Profit on a $1,000 investment in cattle futures (I think Martha Stewart served time for some similar act); 1980’s Castle Grande drafting of misleading documents to deceive bank examiners; somehow documentation of her complicity in the former was somehow lost and didn’t reappear until the investigation had closed (sound familiar); Travelgate; throwing women under the bus during Bills sexual scandals; verbally abusive to White House and security staff; there is also some question as to her role in the suicide of Vince Foster  What a little sweetheart she is.

One of the things that Mr. Bill said is that Hillary is one of the smartest people he knows.  Smart doesn’t mean you are moral and it certainly doesn’t mean mental acuity can’t be used to attain wealth and personal power.  Hillary states that when the Clintons left the White House and Bills presidency they were flat broke.  What part did her being smart play in going from zip to $120 million in just one decade’s time?  Warren Buffet would be proud of her business acumen.
Hillary in her younger period was so enamored with the Saul Alinsky model of sowing discontent and taking down governments (Rules for Radicals) that she carried on a correspondence with him.  I would suggest that you look up the tenants of that writing and realize that is a part of Hillary’s deeply rooted belief system.  Alinskys ideology is based on creating revolution by anger and division.  I have to think the diviseive methods we have witnessed fit right into his methodology.  I might note that we have just completed 7 ½ years of governance under another one of his close followers.  It’s pretty hard to say that we are more united as a country than we were in 2001. Transforming every difference into have and have not’s has the effect of changing reconcilable difference into civil disobedience and violence.  Nice job guys in proving Saul knew what he was talking about.  American society can be brought into the socialist fold.

We, at least, were spared explanation, excuses, or statements common to Clinton defense methods.  Missing was Mr. Clintons famous defense of “ I did not have ___ with that woman”, or Hillary’s “everybody else did it” and “I didn’t know it was (classified).  I guess no defense was needed other than just plain ___________________________________               (silence, the soothing sound of crickets and birds chirping).

Pray for our country, pray for discernment.  Seek the truth.

God bless our country and God bless each of you.

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