Friday, July 29, 2016


I have known people in my life who operate under an ethical sense, giving permission to say whatever it takes to get your way.  Truth is not important, the objective is.  The majority of us would not stand for that type of interaction in our personal relationships so why do we allow it in politics?  How can we allow it when that fine bunch cares more about getting votes than caring about their country?  Wake up people!

Not all politicians are bad folks. Some have our best interests at heart, and some work their ---‘s off to make a difference.  Some have been led down a path lit by ideology and misinformation, acting honestly without the factor of truth.  I’m sure that neither Democrat nor Republican understands the other side’s language. They both just have different meanings for the same words.

Since my dictionary is printed in common sense and conservatism, it is difficult to understand either side completely.  When we can watch over 200 speeches containing components of prevarication designed to pump emotion without getting a hint of raw fish smell, something has failed us.  It seems those two different languages may sound identical but the meanings are totally adjustable to suit the means.

When I hear Mr. Trump talk about immigration, I hear completely different meanings when I’m listening to him speak than when I am listening to the progressives’ repeat of what he has said.  I hear him say that he wants to protect our borders.  I hear him say he wants to allow those who are invited into our country to come on in for as long as their welcome has been extended.  Once again interpreted completely different in progressive speak.  I hear him say he doesn’t want to allow murderers, rapists, thieves, drug dealers and criminals to come into our national home.  I hear him say that he doesn’t want other national neighbors to take our livelihood, our income, our protection without compensation.  I hear him say he wants to give all parents the right to choose the best schools for their children.  In my world, those are good things.  In listening to the DNC speakers, every one of those items took on new meanings.  An example that encapsulates the language situation best is when Mr. Trump identifies a problem, addresses it and says he has the resolve to repair and fix the problem.  The progressive definition of his words is, “America is lost and there is no hope”.

I understand that we are in a political adversarial point in time.  Let’s try to differentiate our policies by fact not by false innuendo.  I honestly tried to listen to the major speeches on the first and second nights of the DNC but the difference in language interpretation caused my head to hurt.  It’s a strange thing when you recognize the words and wonder how they can mean something so different.  Those meanings seem to change with whoever is speaking at the time.  It seems the use of language in propaganda has gained in strength, and honest, truthful dialogue has gotten the boot.  Someone please publish an understandable set of translations.  The best we are provided with are the fact checking web-sites, some of which I have included below.

Is the new language going to be a return to a likeness of the city of Babel?  Will our country face the same fate the tower suffered? If you’re not sure what my reference to Babel is about, look it up.  Suffice it to say if the strands of humanity that have given us the strength of togetherness continue to unravel our strength will evaporate like smoke in the wind.
Learn to separate kernels of truth from the chaff, weeds and fertilizer.  Learn to recognize the motivation behind what you are hearing.

Pray for discernment, pray for your fellow man.  God bless our country.  Love your neighbor.  Stop hatred.

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