Friday, August 5, 2016


Short circuit definition:  an abnormal connection between two nodes of an electric circuit. This results in excessive damage to the entire circuit, causing overheating, damage and possible explosion.  Although normally a result of a fault, there are occasions when caused on purpose. The result is a connection with almost no resistance. In such a case, the current is limited by the rest of the circuit.
(Or in the case of humans, caused by some pathological fault)
Pathological definition: adjective:  relating to, or manifesting behavior that is habitual, maladaptive and compulsive.
For some inexplicable reason these two definitions seem to be somewhat appropriate regarding Secretary Clinton’s recent “short circuit” during her interview with Chris Wallace last Sunday.  Mrs. Clinton seems unable to control herself when it comes to her struggles with truthfulness and her constant inability to get her facts straight.  It’s impossible for her to admit that she was lax, totally negligent and misleading regarding our country’s national security while in the office of Secretary of State.

I cannot fathom why she is even allowed to put herself in the position of becoming the next President.  I cannot understand how a major political party can support her in that quest.  We personally would not continue a relationship with someone who can’t tell the truth even when that truth might serve them better.  If you can’t trust someone why interact with them?  Most assuredly you would not allow them control over your finances, your children, your health or anything else.  So why are so many trying to infect the rest of us with her sickness?  With Hillary, I know what I will get and I’ve had enough political and personal fertilizer and I just don’t need anymore.

Do you think our politicians have served us well over the last 50 years?  Have they served us before themselves? Have they made choices for our country or have they chosen their own personal gain and power over common good.  I think it’s time to choose a non-politician to shake the sack up and see if some good comes out.  Trump’s methods, attitudes and ethics have given him a measure of success that would be great to see emulated in our vast government machine.  Perhaps he might be labeled brash, unconventional and politically incorrect but I can deal with that. I don’t like the direction we’ve headed in.  

We have accumulated enough debt.  We have wasted enough time money and national blood by not prosecuting wars to the best of our ability.  We have made ourselves vulnerable and I’ve had enough pathological liars to last a lifetime.  We need to make a change and one that works a lot better than the last one we were promised.  We need someone who is there for all of us.

Pray for discernment and pray for your country:

God bless you neighbor and God bless our country

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