Thursday, March 10, 2016


There are certain words and names that are used, in our society, too deflect or to halt conversation.  In our society the most common is the term “racist” and to be labeled as such makes you politically incorrect and therefore anything else you might say or do will have no credence.  This technique has been used in all sorts of discussions and venues to simply shut down discourse.  This election cycle seems to have spawned all sorts of these nasty little “varmits” that are used to describe those on our list of those we don’t agree with.
The latest and most noteworthy in my list of dirty names are those of “facism, fascist, racist, nazi, and Hitler”.  I personally can relate to being called these names for the simple “crime of being a conservative thinking individual trying to eat lunch in a liberal workplace lunch room.   Having one of my co-workers label me a fascist out loud in a lunchroom full of people had an effect.  The effect was one of intimidation that affected me at work and even gave me concern for my safety.  Words do make a difference.
What caused my concern, about this name calling deflection technique, was a phone conversation with my Canadian sister.  She asked me if Mr. Trump was going to be like Hitler if he was elected President.  She said that there was a lot of conversation in Canada about that.  I assured her that there was actually no comparison in reality, and that was a conversation started by his detractors.  Name calling has been a weapon used by politicians for ages, but this is beyond the pale of decency.  Ignorance is a partner of this technique and in this case the historical facts, regarding the spread and practice of fascism and the propaganda methods used by Hitler’s Nazi party, are not in evidence.  The sad thing is that we are always subject to what the ten commandments called the spreading of false witness.  Those spreading this hateful propaganda regarding Trump is part of the same faction that called President Bush hitler, and I submit that they are the ones emulating the practices of that scourge of humanity.

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