Sunday, February 28, 2016


Wow, have things ever deteriorated in the world of grown up politics.  The Trump phenome has brought decorum to one of the lowest points in my lifetime. Thanks to the childish nature of taunts, name calling and whining this GOP primary group has really lowered the bar.  If this is the tone of the non-politician, anti-establishment populous pandering candidate for President, I don't see how this can possibly reunite our country or redeem our lost status on the world stage.  This is a good example of what happens when anger and mob action takes over in any type of discussion, common sense and civility exit stage left, and I mean literally to the left.  Presenting a President Trump to the world stage of country leadership is catamount to taking a ship that has overturned in violent seas and rotating it 360 degrees and leaving it still in a overturned nonfunctional state.  The sad part in all of this mess is the part we the people are playing in this bunch of kindergarten candidates.  We are the ones who have given credence to a petulant billionaire showman, and allowed him the total freedom of acting like a jerk.  We have allowed this under the excuse of anger and retribution out of disappointment with a group of politicians that we perceive as non-functional.  Granted it appears that our votes in favor of conservative GOP senators and congressmen have netted no points against a POTUS that shows no respect for the things we deem important to our country.  That is not all the Republican office holders fault, and it's time we quit throwing a hissy fit on the playground.  It's time to come to our senses.  We all agree that the worst scenario is another four year term of government under a O'bammy type Hillarious semi dictatorship.  If that is true, we need to coalesce behind someone who is not a nine year old. 

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