Monday, February 22, 2016


The Secretary of State says it was due to some anti-Muslim video.  I don't think so Hillary.

While we in the United States were intent on paying our respects to the lives lost to Islamic extremists on September 11, 2001, Islamic Fundamentalists had another hate filled act in mind.  Knowing that 9/11 is a sensitive date to the Islamists our country failed to be vigilant and as a result American lives were again lost on American soil.  The current administration’s policy of “don’t offend the Muslim population of the world” exhibits the utmost naiveté and endangers our country and that of our allies.  There should be no doubt as to the tinder box the Middle East psychology is in reality, but this administration tries to act as if the Shariaist extremists are not our enemy.  In an attempt to salvage the President's sad excuse of foriegn policy and his presidency, the false narrative of the video was spread throughout the news media.  By the way, Madam Secretary was well aware that it was a militaristic attack. 

The administration’s policies of appeasement neglect utilization of information gathering capabilities and all resources available to keep our nation and our citizens free of attack.  The dream of “hope”, that all would be “lion lying with the lamb”, has proven to be a nightmare.  The numerous times this administration has thrown our country to the wolves in favor of a one world order, will be shown in history to be a massive trigger toward “Armageddon”.  Those who are ashamed of the United States position, as a powerful sheriff, need to put fact in front of fantasy.  It has been through the actions of the United States that there is a “Free World”.  Abdication of that responsibility, through weakening of our military, will lead to worldwide anarchy.  The riots in Libya and Egypt, along with the ongoing farce of talks with Iran, translate in the Middle East as American weakness. 

Nature has been a system of survival of the fittest, regardless of what is or is not pleasing.  When we appear weak, we incite violence against our people and our country.  We have shown our weakness to a myriad of governments and ideologues who would gladly join together to cause the downfall of the United States of America.  The fact that China, Russia and Iran have scheduled joint naval war games, that China and Russia have blocked every peaceful resolution to Iran’s nuclear program, is a sign not to be ignored.  The Mid-Eastern saying that your enemy is my enemy takes on a great meaning.  We do not dare ignore the threat to our country created by the “Appeasement Doctrine” of this administration under the Secretary of State Clinton.
Pray for our country, pray for wisdom and pray for our GOP candidates.

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