Friday, February 19, 2016


AR2          Why my choice is Marco Rubio
I am proud to be a conservative part of the GOP for we have put up some of the best candidates for POTUS as a stellar group.  
My choice Is Senator Marco Rubio followed by Jeb Bush, then Ted Cruz.  
Next Tuesday I will be at the Nevada Republican Primary Caucus so I thought I would refresh my own mind as to the why and for whom I will stick my neck out for.
Mr. Trump is the leader in most of the polls.  My stance on him would be to support him if he becomes the Republican nominee, but for me he is farther back in the pack.  The only redeeming part of the Trump candidacy is the business acumen that he brings to the table and brashness that would make our enemies insecure.  That same brashness is also the main reason I have placed him so far down on my pick list.  My opinion of him, as President, is that we are just finishing an 8 year term with a narcissistic, petulant personality and I am not in too big of a hurry to go through that again.
Ted Cruz is my third choice.  I sense that he would be quite good as far as keeping in line with the Constitution, but I think we would be in for another bout of stalemate in the government.  I don’t think Cruz would be able to garner agreement from either side of the aisle.  I am not sure of his stance on the 11 to 15 million illegals that inhabit our country and what and how he intends to deal with that problem.  I am not sure that he has the knowledge of foreign affairs that is needed for our country at this time.  I would really like to see him in another position such as Attorney General because he is truly an expert in that area.  The reason that I am hesitant to vote for him is a sense of him personally.  I feel that he is too much lawyer for me to trust.
Governor Jeb Bush is my second choice. My only problem with him is his electability. As far as his abilities go, his history is full of plus factors.  He has the advantage of the tutelage of two past presidents. He has proven his ability to respond to crisis circumstance as evidenced by his actions during six hurricane disasters. His stance in Florida regarding Planned Parenthood added jobs in the State of Florida and increased Charter schools during his governance.  I trust his moral fiber and think he is sincere in his love of our country.  When it comes to foreign affairs and keeping our country safe, he has a great understanding of current conditions in terms of enemies and allies alike.
Finally my first choice would be Marco Rubio.  I see in him a passion for our country, its history and its importance in the world theatre.  He understands that without leadership the vacuum created in its absence has led to the rise of the Jihadist movement.  Senate committee involvement on world affairs has given him an understanding and ability to make decisions from day one in the Office of the President.  I see a lot of traits in Marco Rubio that will mend the divisiveness that has plagued our nation to the point of weakness.  
Mr. Rubio shows traits that were prevalent in two of my most revered past Presidents.  I see in him the charisma of a John Kennedy and the communication ability of Ronald Reagan.  He has a vision for the future of our country and a passion for the rekindling of unity.  We had that unity in our country after 9/11.  We have watched that unity dissipate over the last seven years due to a lack of respect for our country by the current President, and the inability of a Congress to act; thanks to the power of the President’s veto threats.  Marco Rubio has shown himself as one who will stand and fight for conservative programs but will not waste time fighting unwinnable ideological battles. Marco Rubio would rather spend time winning the war.  He will rebuild our disseminated military and unstrap the hands that were told to prosecute a war of politeness.  Marco Rubio has my vote. 
Please consider Marco Rubio and vote him to be our next President.

God bless our country, our people and guide us as a nation back to an ethical morality.

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