Sunday, December 20, 2020




It’s a strange point in time, in which God-believing people are falling on their knees in prayer.  Hoping that He will answer their pleading and deliver our country into the hands of whomever.  We may even prostrate ourselves earnestly for a specific outcome.  God being God should know what is best for us, so why do we think we know what He should make happen.  I listened to a minister say that God wants to make Trump our President for a second term… but there was a caveat… Trump would need to be accepted by the believers.

In our nation, society is splintered into so many different groups, it would be difficult for there to be any consensus of opinion or of desire.  There is one thing certain God knows what’s good for us even if we don’t. 

We the people are being guided by what we think, what we are as a society as a nation is equally formed in the image of those thoughts.  Most of us are sincere in our beliefs but that is a pretty insecure way to operate when the information fed into those belief structures is fraudulent or just plain wrong.

I have been praying, asking God to protect our country and to help our current President.  I am sure that there is someone else out there with a different view of what that would entail.  So, I think that a different prayer might be in order.

Lord I pray that you would grant our people the gift of discernment and that you would expose those who unfairly weight the scales of truth.  I pray that you would expose those who hold positions in governance who do not have our country’s best interests at heart.  I pray that you put in place leaders that will serve your purpose rather than their own.  I pray that you put in place leaders that will heal the anger and the hatred that has taken hold in our nation.

Most of all Lord I ask that your will be done.

1 comment:

  1. I just pray God does what is best for the country, & for me, & mine. I hope what is best will not be a hard lesson.
