Monday, November 14, 2016


Fear is a natural response to danger whether it’s based on fact or fiction.  The inherent responses to fear are flight, freeze, and fight.  Regardless of what instigates it, there is always an action taken for self-preservation.  That is a fact of nature that crosses all boundaries of life on our planet. With our species (homo sapiens) we are different from other forms of a supposed universal ability for reasoning.  That ability is available to us in understanding the validity of threat which would seemingly give us another possible response, which would be to ignore the false.

We all translate our environment through the veil of our individual belief systems and because of this our responses can be manipulated by feeding our beliefs with false information.  This is the power of creating false perception through propaganda.  Fear is one of the most basic motivators and is also the most easily manipulated by rumor and outright falsehood.  There is a reason that the tablets presented to Moses on that mountain included the commandment  “Thou shalt not bear false witness”.

There used to a be parlor  game in which a line of people whispered a statement from one to the other and by the time it had migrated through the line of folks the statement had been substantially changed.  We have just been through a political campaign in which this phenomenon has been put to use in order to instill a degree of fear regarding an opponent's position on an array of subjects.  
Through the twisting of intent and verbal redefinition, misconceptions become part of a belief system affecting the electorate.  Similar to the effects of terrorism, fear is created by this manipulation of perception.  We can see the effects of this fear being magnified by a mob mentality that makes beliefs conform just because of the sheer numbers of repetition.  Reason does not occur and the examination for validity is no longer a factor as perception becomes a false reality.

Most of us, older folks, remember the old western movies where the sheriff has to protect a prisoner from a lynch mob.  The lynch mob whipped into a fury by the evil villain always results in violence.  Sound familiar?  We have watched this same type of manufactured hysteria take place over the last few years and the violence created has caused millions of dollars in property damage and loss of lives.  

Those losses can fall at the feet of politicians and the media.  The perpetrators of manipulation seem to have no shame nor do they take any responsibility for what is a real crime against our people.  If a parent did this type of thing to their children, we would be clamoring for punitive justice, not so in this case.  Their payoffs come in many shapes and sizes but all include a coziness with greed and lust for money and power.  Our people share in the guilt of loss to our society as we, as an ignorant mob, have allowed this to happen. 

We have failed to use our power of reason to inspect  the validity of what we are being force fed.

The United States of America originated on our planet as a result of knowing that we all deserve the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  This is true for the individual and for all of us collectively.  There are some that would deny us those rights through the power of angst.  Like it or not we are being manipulated and a large number of us, like cattle being herded toward the slaughter, are allowing fear to propel us.

Our country has enemies, that is not news.  That we are being directed, by people like George Soros, toward a type of government enslavement is not being recognized as newsworthy.  Common sense is being eroded by our own basic national desire to do good.  To be the gentler, kinder members of the world's community.  We are being led to believe that being responsible for our survival comes in second to making sure everyone has all the same things, no winners, no losers.  

We have been led to believe that those of us who want to ensure our existence are somehow the evil force in our nation and those who want to give are the good.  To make that more emphatic, our societal mob has come up with a list of criteria that must be met in order to be acceptable. “Governance by clique” and compliance to the new ideal is required and anyone who doesn’t conform is perceived as some sort of a “neanderthalic” moron.  
Common sense would dictate that survival of our democratic, capitalistic system is a priority if we as a nation are going to continue in our abilities to be charitable to people across the expanse of our planet, to create innovations that help our environment, to find solutions to so many different maladies that affect mankind.

To all those mob driven groups out there who are raising havoc, harming your own neighborhoods, creating danger for your fellow man, quit acting irresponsibly.  Take the time to examine your anger, your frustration, and your fears.  Are they valid or are you just a tool for someone else’s greed and lust?  George Soros has one goal and unfortunately he has the means to create fear in our society and he has been effective.  We need to take our country back.  We are a better people than what we are exhibiting to the rest of the world.

God Bless our Country and its people.  Protect us from false witness.

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