Saturday, November 12, 2016


Motivated by media induced fear our system of peaceful transfer of power is under attack.  Our society is being manipulated, and much like sheep we are being herded into a way of life that leads to slaughter.

I am not a scholar, not a politician, and not a 1%er.  I am just an ordinary citizen, albeit a senior by age, who was raised in an era of common sense.  My indoctrination was performed by family, religion, and public school which infused values into my beliefs.  Looking back across my lifetime it is apparent, to me, that the majority of my mistakes occurred when I moved away from that indoctrination.

The society I see emerging is so far removed from my point of entry into adulthood that it seems to be totally alien in nature.  The society I was raised in stressed the importance of honesty, patriotism, hard work, and an effort to excel in a competitive world.  I was taught the importance of always doing your best regardless of the task or the compensation.  Our society is no longer universally in agreement and I see the movement away from responsibility and self-actualization. 

Indoctrination has taken a new direction.  Language, speech, history have all been rotated to fit a new purpose and what was perceived to be an innocent difference of opinion has changed who we are as a nation.  I have stated many times that one of the most important books in my life is titled “As a Man Thinketh”, the premise being that our beliefs dictate who we are as an individual.  I believe that society acts and reacts in a similar way.  Unfortunately, what society believes does not generally receive the close scrutiny required to inject truth into perception.

We have been led to believe, (honestly) , certain things that are not necessarily supported by fact (truth) but are more importantly serving  a purpose that is detrimental to our nation.  Stalin once said that communism would defeat the U.S. not with weapons but with words.  So far the indoctrination of our educators has proven to be a powerful weapon in this war of ideologies.   The liberal progressive agenda, which originally had all good intentions toward our nation and our society, took a hard shift in the sixties.  Fueled by the anti-war sentiment that movement was used to educate folks not only against war but as a platform to rail against the entire concept of the United States of America.  This form of mental manipulation has metastasized throughout  academia, entertainment, and the media. 

This year we have been shown the practice and the power of using words, fragments of statements and the twisting of intent.  The practice of political conflict is taking its toll on our national unity.  The use of propaganda to create false beliefs and fear simply to gain political power has effectively created enough fear into the process that either outcome would result in social unrest.  For those folks who want to defeat our nation, and destroy our unity, you may have won this battle but I assure you the war will be ours.

To those of you who have bought into the Trump is an evil, dangerous, homophobic, misogynistic, racist bigot, whose policies will destroy our nation, I say where are the facts.
Is this what you fear?  You will be hard pressed to find those fears substantiated by his platform.

I don’t think any of us enjoy being used as tools, and that is the purpose behind dividing us into small opposing groups and pitting us against each other.  Our country is a rainbow of color and of beliefs, we are stronger as an intertwined cable than as individual windblown strands of humanity.  We are being manipulated into hate and distrust which will rot us from within and it’s time to put a halt to it.

I am not a conspiracy wonk, but there is some substantial backing for the belief in the existence of a shadow government.  I am including some reference sites you might want to look at.

Don’t let this bunch succeed.

Pray for our country, our new President-elect, and our people.

God Bless us all

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