Saturday, November 19, 2016


News flash this A.M. greeted from our West Coast city of San Fransisco me confirming that education has taken a back seat to indoctrination.
The teachers union which provides “education” for  over 57,000 young minds is offering curriculum training for a class that is definitely more indoctrinational than educational. 
San Francisco's public schools have been offered a classroom lesson plan that calls President-elect Donald Trump a racist, sexist man who became president by pandering to a huge racist and sexist base." It’s not surprising with the exception that the slanted lesson plan has been so openly presented. 

Presenting subjective opinion to young minds is like planting seeds in a fertile field with no proof of nutritional value, or of the overall safety of the results. Since the 1960’s our educational system, with teachers fed by the unions, has become increasingly political in nature.  
The ideology of the progressive liberal  agenda has made huge inroads in the practice of revisionist history education.  The old method of teaching the differences of opposing views during social studies has taken the direction of indoctrination over that of educating.  Instead of learning the tenants of the different systems and beliefs students are now taught the values of one over the other from the ideological leanings of the teachers.  Students are no longer taught how to think and discern, they are filled with subjective misinformation which wears the mask of false facts.
Our society is relinquishing the unity of purpose, national pride, freedom of thought and speech that helped us grow into one of the most productive and generous people the world has ever known.  We are giving away our positive history to a system of socialistic academia, and unionism that concentrates on our mistakes rather than our achievements.  This is not happening by accident but rather by the design of those who would see our system fail.
Our higher academia feeding on the false belief that they are much wiser than the rest of us, train our teachers that by emulating them the new teachers are also head and shoulders above the parents.  This is totally disregarding the absence of common sense in their attitudes to the detriment of our children.
While not all teachers are so full of themselves a large number are joined at the hip with their unions.  The unions gain power through the liberal progressive governing party and education helps feed them economically.  It’s no wonder that employees who benefit from a larger government vote time and time again for the Democrat party officials who support them.  The unions need the government on their side in order to maintain membership numbers that will  continue to pay for their existence. The practice of creating more and more little progressive minds should not be the focus of our educational system, but that is becoming an ultimate goal, a goal detrimental to the society as a whole. Not a pretty picture to watch.

It appears that the curse of Eve, “eat the apple Adam”, continues to inflict humanity even at this late date.  If given something good mankind will find a way to throw it all away out of selfishness.  
Politics has a way of corrupting and our system, of democratic federalism in conjunction with a capitalistic partner, for opposing powers to be.  The founding fathers found purpose in attempting to create a system of  government based on the consensus of the people to empower the people, not the governing body.  That purpose has been eroded through apathy and the mistaken philosophy of “if they (anyone else) take care of me and provide for my needs and wants”, then I will give them my power.
They, “the progressive movement”, will take our power and that of future generations until our entire system crumbles. Seeking temporary control and power from a new system of domination.  Letting the other guy support you only works until the other guy needs to be supported as well.  
The indoctrinating propaganda used on our society should be apparent to all, but it isn’t.  We see that insipid cancer spread across the streets of our nation,  being fed by folks, like George Soros.
Those we entrust our children too, the ones who teach our children, the ones who train those teachers and the media that feeds our society information have been infected with and spread that false doctrine. Most do that because they have been coerced into thinking they are smarter, kinder and basically better than the rest of the society.  Like Satan used Eve’s ignorance, of the end result , false indoctrination puts us on the same path toward destruction.  Our children, our society, our nation deserves better than they are getting.
Pray for our country. Pray for discernment. Love your neighbor.

GodBless the U.S.A.

* Just for clarification, very seldom are definitions of people correct when "all of them" are included in that definition. Pray for those educators who fight against false indoctrination, and they are many.

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