Monday, May 9, 2016


Disappointed!  You  betcha.  In so many ways.
There should be no doubt about my support, and hopes, for Senator Rubio’s success in gaining the office of POTUS.  That did not work out.  My hopes of a GOP and conservative win were still alive; after all there had been an agreement to support the elected candidate on the GOP side with the goal of defeating the next round of progressive nonsense.
In business there is a management style called “Management by Objectives” which allows for a unified goal and the use of any number of methods as the successful means of achieving that goal.  As the old saying goes “there are many ways to skin a snake” but the goal is the same… skin that critter before it fatally bites you. 
We of the conservative and semi-conservative GOP and the politically independent members of our country’s population have watched the erosion of our country’s strengths take place.  The systematic dismantling of attitudes, beliefs and the guiding principles by the progressive machine has brought us to a tipping point. Those cohesive beliefs that were once the binder for a diverse populace have been maligned to the point of separation with the strength of chaff in the wind.  We cannot, nor should we, hand over the keys of our country, the future that will belong to our children, to the liberal progressive movement.  Our way of life has been eroded, bit by bit, emboldening those who seek political power through the practice of false promise.  Our goal is that of returning to those ways of life that brought our country to the highest pinnacles of civilization, scientific growth, economic and militaristic strength.  We cannot achieve that goal by handing over the keys, once again, to the Democrat party.  Any goal other than the denial of their success is meaningless without that being the priority.  That puts our primary objective of electing our choice, not theirs, to the office of POTUS, and the congressional contingency needed to support our side of the political ledger.  We cannot hand this election cycle over to the liberal progressive movement just because we don’t get all of our ideological whishes satisfied.  Secondary objectives require success in obtaining the primary objective; priorities must be kept in perspective.
The new cycle reports that some very prominent leaders of the conservative side of things are with-holding their support of our current nominee, Mr. Trump, because he doesn’t fall 100% into their ideological box.  The box is what got us into this mess in the first place.  The inaction of our party in stopping the encroachment of progressivism has brought about the anger of the populace.  The stance of stubbornness that has prevailed on all fronts of our politic has handed win after win to the wrong side of history.   To think that we will all get our way, our wish list satisfied, is ludicrous and politically suicidal.  We need to keep our priorities, our primary objective in focus.  We need to WIN.  There are too many long term consequences to allowing our defeat while we captain our individual boxes.

Mr. Trump may not be our perfect answer, but our primary objective requires our support, so quit whining.

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