Monday, June 25, 2018


Sometimes I wonder at what point in time did our world flip on it axis.

I remember when the adults in our society were shocked and outraged by cyber-bullying, children being cruel and abusive to other children because of some trait or lack thereof.  I remember the campaigns and the assault on the act of bullying.  It’s no wonder that we see such rudeness, and actual hateful things taking place in our society today.  We have taught our children to act out, not in our best example, but in our worst. People will most generally act in ways that make them more acceptable to the herd and they are more likely to act in accordance with what they see rather than what they are told.

When we see the pictures, on our televisions of so called sports heroes, comedians, and stars using crude hateful ugly gestures and language in attacking people and ideas they disagree with, permission is being granted to our children, our society in training, to act in a similar way.  We are negating the importance of civility and denying the importance of exchanging ideas. 

When did it become ok to threaten our public servants, our law enforcement, and our leaders with physical harm?  When did it become ok to attack our politician’s families with crudeness, smearing them with the same ugliness and hatred as we are attacking the politician him or herself.  The attacks on our current Presidents family members goes way past any form of hatred seen in our country before.  You might ask yourself if you are going to be part of the rotting disintegration of our society, our country or are you going to be part of stopping the growth of the cancer of hatred.  You might also ask yourself if your hatreds and your biases are based factually or just emotionally.  You may honestly feel one way or another but did you arrive to that point through the avenue of truth of by the path of propaganda.

We are currently in a heated discussion regarding the separation of children and parents on our southern borders, and because of the extreme animus toward our President, and anyone or any idea connected to him, to many he is the cause and root of all our ill behavior.  Many say he is putting these children and their parents through unnecessary pain and mental anguish that the children from which they never recover. 

Just a thought here folks…

Our national public and loud ranting of obscenities toward conservative thought and actions, (or lack thereof) is giving approval for a real and actual danger to those children.  We refuse to agree on measures that will prevent this from happening.  We continue to send mixed messages to the sources of all these children and well-meaning parents.  We are a nation of law as a point of record, but in terms of example we have decided that is not a good thing.  In doing so we are giving permission to murder our law enforcement personnel, permission to our news media to spread rumor and innuendo to seek the higher good, and more importantly we are giving those who traffic in child abuse the ammunition they require to charge parents dollars to bring those children into the USA.  The simple cure would be for congress, all members, to come to a consensus on law that would correct our broken immigration laws that have gotten us into this mess.  Donald Trump did not create this problem but he has set himself up to be a major scapegoat in the narrative.  Our current incivility is granting permission for criminal activity and is putting money into the hands of the cartels at the expense of families, children and our own country. 

This is happening because we are giving them permission.  We have not secured our borders, we have not upheld laws that are on our books, and we have not given any indication that we care about correcting the problem.

To complain while showing our worst instead of solutions is allowing ignorance to dictate the direction of our society.

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