Tuesday, August 25, 2020


Here we go again. It’s time to stand up and be counted.  It’s time to decide what’s really best for me, for you and for our children and their children.  Like it or not we have a responsibility to do this based in fact and truth.  Like it or not we need to vote not for someone, but for the resulting impact of purpose.

In today’s climate of propaganda and miss-direction, information being fed to we the people, for the purpose of selfish self-interest, it is our personal responsibility to seek fact.  Fact is not a feeling about an individual it is about what history has proven in the form of result.   We can’t really rely on how we feel about someone because the human in us is to easily swayed by gossip and innuendo in sync with our individual personalities.  We tend to judge others in agreement with our herd associations. 

In our country today we are experiencing the results of herd thought, mob mentality in some, cowardice, greed and apathy in others.  Some of us have taken refuge in the title of the “silent majority” and in our silence, we have given approval to what-ever happens.  Our silence is a condemnation of what we have allowed to take place in our country.  Some of us have even chosen not to vote at all, some choose not to vote for someone we feel is not a good enough person to vote for.  It’s time to vote for what we want to see happen and against what we don’t want to see happen.

This election cycle is not just about a guy called Donald J. Trump, it is about a congress that has spent the last four years chasing a lie.  That lie was perpetrated by some who knew it was false and some who were complicit because of team mentality.  I, for one, would prefer a congressional body that concentrated on the purpose of best for Us.

I also don’t want a society that is ruled by poorly informed anger, a disregard for the rule of law, a lack of respect for our country, our flag, our history.  I don’t want a government that removes the word God from our people’s speech.  I particularly resent a government that dictates what is acceptable speech and what is not.

We need to have an honest look at what has happened to our country, to our large cities, to the increase in crime.  The why, what and who of that is important.  We need to take an in-depth look at our body politic and how it has served our people in the last fifty or so years.  It’s time that we put a limit on the term of influence any one individual can have on their influence on the direction of our country.

In the last three years of the current administration, we saw the greatest economic growth in the history of our country; the reinstatement of our military; the defeat of a murderous caliphate; a reduction of our military’s involvement in the middle east; the lowest unemployment percentages and the highest employment in all minority segments of our population.

We have listened to those who would divide us into every possible group and pitted one against the other just to gain some preference at the ballot box.  False promise and false blames have become a predominate method of reportage in our news media, the one place we have looked to for truth in the past.  That puts the responsibility on each of our shoulders to look at facts not rumor.  You may rest assured that some folks in the past hated the father of our country and Presidents throughout our history, but somehow our country survived.  History is how a President, how an administrations’ accomplishments and failures are judged and pragmatism is a tool of that judgment.

This cycle of choice, in terms of history, is important and the history of administrations is available to study.  We can pragmatically examine the result history of the current administration against that of those seeking to replace it.  We can see the results of the actions our governance, Senate, Congressional, and Judicial.  Do we want another four years of the debacle that has held our nation the captive to a false narrative?  Not I.  Do you want the loss of companies, the loss of jobs, the high cost of pharmaceuticals, the high cost of energy, the reliance on foreign energy sources that we experienced under the previous administration?  We have witnessed one of the greatest reversals of fortune, in our country’s history under the current administration’s leadership.  I, for one put more trust in the promise kept administration than the administration that boasted they were going to fundamentally change the United States of America.  I am more closely aligned to the administration that is proud of who we are as a people and what we represent in the world as country.  I am proud of our flag and our history and don’t consider either as something to denigrate.  I am proud to think that I belong to a culture that continues to march toward the brotherhood of mankind in one nation UNDER GOD.



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