Friday, February 11, 2022


I just finished watching, for the fourth time, one of my childhood heroes unleash justice upon the criminal element of Gotham.  Where is that Bat-creature when our cities are over-run with the unfettered abuse of laws, property and lives?  Gotham was infected with governance that played patty-cake with the criminal element, a judicial system that gave no jeopardy to those who harmed the society at large.  Sounds all too familiar to be pure fiction and sadly too easily recognized as what has become part of our everyday lives in the good ol' U.S.A..  Our national game of politics, as the priority, has taken us into the realm of fiction becoming reality.  Had this been a real sport, the game would have been called a long time ago due to rule infractions and downright cheating.

Batman was, or is, a fortunate vigilante accepted by the majority of regular folks in Gotham and as such he was able to wage his war upon the criminal element.  He was lucky because the society he was trying to protect were not anti-law enforcement.  We are not so fortunate.  We will continue giving up our safety, our income, and our lives to the anarchists and criminal elements as long as we allow the seditionist elements of our country to survive.

Batman may be a figment of one’s imagination but the uprising of vigilantism that will eventually occur will be real.  The society will not allow criminality to continue as long as the population is capable of physically protecting themselves.  If the current trend, in some metropolitan areas, of taking the teeth out the rules protecting the public continues, there will be a war in the streets of our country.  I am not suggesting I am predicting.

What we are experiencing in our country in this time period is the result of our desire to be understanding and forgiving.  In order to concentrate on our everyday lives we have trusted, and trusted but we have not verified.  While we were busy trying to give our children a better world, give ourselves some sugar to go with the lemons of life, we neglected our primary obligation to the preservation of a society that held (still holds) the best hope for mankind’s  future.

It seems the power of ulterior motives much like the “Trojan Horse” has crept into our politics, our educational system, and our entertainment.  We are under constant bombardment of propaganda and indoctrination methods designed to change our society at its foundations.  We may not have the vigilante “Batman” to turn things around but there are still enough folks who care, about the future, that can.  We can see the results of no reprisal for crime throughout our country that is a result of our educational system failing to lift students, in all corners of our society, with the tools to rise above expectations.

What describes the individual person and what dictates his actions is the result of what has been accepted into his thinking. We individuals are naturally forced to act on our beliefs whether they be fact or false.  We have to act according to the information we have gleaned from all phases of our lives.

Most adults in our society are law abiding folks who want to see our world as a peaceful place where we are allowed to live a pleasant life.  We expect our children to learn how to be good little humans who can add, subtract, write and read.  Well folks that just isn’t going to happen if you trust the other guy to make it happen.  You have skin in this game and as such you have some responsibilities.  You can’t depend on Batman.

Pray for our country, our children, and our future.  Most importantly love your fellow man, brother and neighbor.

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