Monday, June 20, 2016


It seems ironic that under a President who promised his administration would be the most transparent in the history of our country, that transparency had a different meaning than we expected.  Unfortunately, he did not inform us that the history he referred to would be rewritten and that the facts of current events would be revised while taking place.  I am reasonably certain that most administrations have juggled the facts in order to make their mark appear positive in the view of future generations, but this is taking place now, in real time.
Yesterday, we once again witnessed a spokesperson for the “Justice” Department put forward the administration’s best foot forward in describing their transparency.  Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, stated in keeping with the policy of transparency, her department would release, to the public transcripts of the Orlando mass murderer’s 911 conversations.  What she said to one interviewer, most likely unintended, was that they would be deleting parts of the call referring to connections to Islamic terrorism.  What a great example of redefinition of current events.  The infectious disease of political correctness strikes again.  What is it going to take for our sheep-like population to understand that saying or not saying does not make you better, worse or smarter than the average member of society?  What it can do is make you a liar. 
In the case of this President’s transparent administration, let the “facts” reflect that they were totally against, guns, intolerant conservatives and anything else that does not coddle their superior ideology.  They are right about one thing; they are smarter than the average member of our society, who does not take the time to be factually informed and who swallows the malarkey out of an ingrained ideology.  Transparency is fiction when viewed by eyes blindfolded by methodical indoctrination and revisionist reportage. I understand the use and importance of propaganda during the World War era and even into the Korean “conflict” and the Cold War.  It was used to create cohesiveness within our society that gave aid and comfort to our fighting men and women.  This gave full support to defeating the enemies that wished for our demise.  What a difference we are experiencing today. 
Today’s propaganda, just as important to the current administration, was hinted at by our Attorney General: “What we’re not going to do is further proclaim this man’s pledges of allegiance to terrorist groups and further his propaganda,” Lynch told NBC. “We are not going to hear him make his assertions of allegiance [to the Islamic State].” 
What is being scrubbed from the transcripts, in the name of political correctness, you might ask.  This is the before scrubbing version of what the, Mateen wrote in one post during the attack.:
“I pledge my alliance to (ISIS leader) abu bakr al Baghdadi..may Allah accept me,” “The real muslims will never accept the filthy ways of the west” …“You kill innocent women and children by doing us airstrikes.  Now taste the Islamic state vengeance.”
This hardly fits the narrative of the most transparent administration in the history of our republic.
The narrative would have us believe: the global war against terrorism was an overreach of semantical nature; radical Islamic terrorism is not an ideological conflict; America has caused the anger that causes the attacks upon our country.  We do not have stringent enough gun laws in existence to stop the massacres that are currently taking place in the name of a non-existent enemy who shall remain unnamed.  If guns were all confiscated we would all be safer; If you are against changing the traditional definition of marriage, you hate all of the LGBT community; If you are against abortion, you are misogynistic;  if you want to protect our borders, you are against undocumented  workers, you are an uncaring cold racist human being;  If you disagree with our current administration’s policies, it’s only because of our President’s skin color.  I could keep going but the more I see myself mentioning this tripe, the more upsetting it seems.  I can see now why they don’t want to listen to the facts, it’s just too upsetting. 
There is no doubt that our current President views himself in a future context of history as the great savior and unifier of a worldwide society that feeds, clothes and maintains the health of all members.  No mention, of course, as to the economic monetary supply needed to provide this golden era of mankind.  We would all like to live in a world without any conflict, we would all like to know our homes, our food, our health, our education, our entire futures would be handed to us.  The sad fact and reality is that eventually supply diminishes, demand and shortages rises, anger increases and conflict is inevitable.  Those who feed on the needs of our populations are not the rich business men, (we are being taught to abhor), but are more apt to be the politician who sees position as power.  They are correct in that, it is fact.  What they are mistaken about is where they will eventually be in the food chain.  History is full of examples of leaders and politicians secure in their positions, deposed by anger and retribution in the pursuit of individual freedom.  Today is no different.  The struggle for population dominance is occurring on the stage of today.  History, when viewed logically, shows that although weaponry is important in these struggles, the actual struggle is most generally a result of dominance run amok.  The practice of limiting the population’s ability to horde and have weapons is an effective way of limiting the damages caused to those in the chair of political dominance.  Thus the confiscation of those weapons would quell any anti-government activity and makes the politic more secure and more powerful.  

If recollection serves me well, somewhere in this foggy old memory are tales of the Nazi government changing history, removing literature, confiscating weapons, and branding dissenters as non-patriots.

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