Monday, June 20, 2016


“History is full of examples of leaders and politicians secure in their positions, deposed by anger and retribution in the pursuit of individual freedom.  Today is no different.  The struggle for population dominance is occurring on the stage of today.  History, when viewed logically, shows that although weaponry is important in these struggles, the actual struggle is most generally a result of dominance run amok.  The practice of limiting the population’s ability to horde and have weapons is an effective way of limiting the damages caused to those in the chair of political dominance.  Thus the confiscation of those weapons would quell any anti-government activity and makes the politic more secure and more powerful.”  Excerpted “GERMANY HERE WE COME” Arbee responds 2
The Second Amendment to the Constitution allows the citizens of our republic to own weapons, not for providing food but for providing our safety and the preservation of our freedoms.  An amendment designed specifically to provide all of us a means of protection against oppression by governments foreign and domestic.  The meaning of this amendment is quite simple, succinct and easily interpreted.
We have allowed the discussion to revolve around the devastating effects of guns being used to effect harm upon innocent individuals, specific groups  and children just to mention a few.  The havoc and body count left behind these occurrences have fueled one of the most contentious arguments of our time.  The feelings of sorrow and devastating effects of these shootings are felt by us all, liberal and conservative alike.  Unless we are mentally ill, we generally despise this type of violence.
Facts and logic have an ugly way of ruining another wise, lovely, intelligent and sensitive way of looking at these occurrences.  It’s simple to maintain the belief that the tool used is causal. That answer is way too simple in fact.  The fact is that before guns were even invented atrocities existed.  The discourse weapon of today’s discussion is misdirection.  The recent tragedy of Orlando has been quickly moved from the horror and emotional aftermath into the realm of political justification.  Not justification of the act but a justification of political position.  It is politically correct to call the tool used in these events as a portion of the why instead of merely the how.  Using this approach is a means of hiding the neglect of our politic in taking care of the underlying cause of each event.  How is important to the discussion, but why is where the discussion should be focused.  Even though the how, or tool, has been the same in many of these tragedies, the why has been a variable.  As long as we argue about the tool used, we neglect to correct any of the real factors that could prevent it from happening.  Political ideologies have long infected this discussion; pitting feelings and sensitivity against logic and in some cases fears.  This misdirection, used by both sides, hides too many failures of those we entrust with our safety.  We might think the politic wants the removal of guns as a power protective measure, after all an insurrection with rocks and sticks would be a relatively impotent adversary.  Good thing I don’t believe in such nonsense.
Facts of discussion are:  guns are just a tool, not the only tool; guns never pull the trigger by themselves; there are many more tools available to perform the same amount of devastation; ideology, mental illness, crime, anger, intoxication, all of these can be causal factors.  Guns cannot be causal.  In the case of deaths caused by drunk drivers I have never heard of or seen any reports of the car being the cause, or for that matter even the alcohol, neither of which end up being put in jail.  Facts are in any case the disaffected human being is the ultimate factor of similarity.
In terms of preventing these mass murders, both shooting and by other means, one other item seems to be threading its way into oblivion.  We have experienced a lack of communication between our law enforcement, a misleading of public sentiment to intentionally protect those in current positions of political power.  The dissemination of facts to our society has taken a miserable turn for the worse.  We have seen this proclivity for lies under the guise of political correctness take a firm grasp on our media and population.  We have an administration that refuses to bring fanatics adhering to a fundamentalist view of Islam as a part of the conversation because they believe we are too stupid to know that some never equals all.  This climate of spinning fact is getting quite tiresome and until we start reacting to the fact instead of the spin we all are in jeopardy. 

Why are we unable to separate the how from the age old law of cause and effect?

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