Saturday, January 14, 2017


O.K., even though I really hate to admit it, I am not known for being able to be patient forever. I also have to admit that I am at my wit's end trying to understand a society that seems intent on committing historical suicide. I have been on this lovely planet for a little over ¾ of a century and in that time I’ve witnessed quite a few examples of self-inflicted pain, but this one is winning the cake.
I have to believe that at least some 98% of our citizens want our country to be healthy, we want what is best for our people, we want to respect and be respected by others.  We want to earn a respectable living, we want to be generous and kind to others, especially those in need.  We want to be honest and fair in our dealings with others and hope for the same in return.  We want to be able to speak our mind and be listened to and, hopefully, we will allow others to do the same.  We all basically want good, not ill, for ourselves and others.  We all want to feel safe and secure and somewhat protected. So how is it that we find ourselves in such a state of national self-abuse?

We have just gone through a time of the most contentious political races that my brain cells can recall.  Our population is still so divided emotionally on issues, both real and contrived.  Divisions and anger that in many other countries would result in a stronger conflict than words would be occurring.  A poem/prayer that I wrote during the election still rings true to me even after the results are in.

Father, I know that you have chosen leaders among men

I know that your wisdom greatly exceeds that of mankind

I pray that whoever is chosen to lead our country

That they will be molded into being a servant of our people and our nation

That they will help our nation return You to the position above all


The most recent attempt to delegitimize the results of that election brought to mind an even bigger problem, for our society, than that of the despair over the result felt by many on the left side of the political system.  I almost have an empathy for that feeling of displeasure as I have had similar feelings for the last five or six years.  Like most of us I had hopes for good things out of the first President of color, a healing of the old racial animosities for one, and the promise of a government that would work together to make our country onto a higher level.  Imagine my disappointment to some of the actual miss-steps that have occurred since that inauguration.  My displeasure was not a product of false information but of observation of the course of action and the results of those actions.  Early on in that administration, after promising more transparency, closed door activity forced the Affodable Care Act upon our nation.  The lack of transparency and the lack of responsibility took front with the Speakers statement “We don’t know what is in the bill we can find out after it is passed”, and pass it they did.

Now that brings me to the prompting of this outpouring of verbage. My displeasure with the last few years was not a product of race, creed, but of actual visual and auditory verification of what transpired.  Allowing for the partisan nature of the different media outlets was a given and taken into account, but things changed. In a huuuuuuge way.  The internet, the play of Russia, Soros, China, and our own people have joined together to create the total confussion of fact.  We no longer have a press that we can rely on, we can not depend on the next layer of watch dogs on the internet, nor can we trust the words we hear out of the mouths of our politicians  or of the intelligence gathers.  We have seen the politicizing of our legal system.  Most of all our minds and ability to make logical decisions have been attacked by the practice of outright lies and propaganda.  The use of rumor and innuendo has so infected our society, along with the PC movement has infected our country to the point that our country is no longer that bright city on the hill.”  In that we have taken steps to tear down the example that our ”great experiment set” and rejected our destiny.  We have legitimized Satans greatest and oldest weapon, and it seems perfected it, that weapon is the use of partial truth within the lie.

Our nation suffered through the last year and a half of bitter paritisanship and the spreading of rumor, the arguing and the bickering, the name calling and the childish game of he said she said.  The day of the election most of us heaved a large sigh of relief, knowing that the deluge of yadyad dumped by the advertising was soon to end.  We looked forward in anticipation of the end of all the fertilizer that was being spread.  Not so fast folks, sanity would not prevail.  Needless to say, over half of our population got hit in the face with the unexpected pie of Donald J Trump.  Instead of following the adage of a free and non-physical transfer of power, that our country has been known for, the pie fight has escalated far past anything experienced in my lifetime.  In the words of the PEOTUS, SAD.  In the efforts to delegitimize the outcome of the election a frantic search for the means of accomplishing that task have escalated exponentially.

I would suggest a diffent strategy might be in order.  Why not return to the preferred method of power transfer, reject the schoolyard rumor method, and return to truth rather than innuendo.  Since we, the people, have already proven the prognosticators not to be infallible why not give Mr. Trump a chance to lead our country to a better place.  If he fails, does not fulfill his contract with our nation and our people, then we have the opportunity to fire him in the year 2020.  That would be a more adult approach.

Pray for our country, its leaders, and our society.

God bless our warriors, our first responders, and the USA

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