Saturday, November 19, 2016


News flash this A.M. greeted from our West Coast city of San Fransisco me confirming that education has taken a back seat to indoctrination.
The teachers union which provides “education” for  over 57,000 young minds is offering curriculum training for a class that is definitely more indoctrinational than educational. 
San Francisco's public schools have been offered a classroom lesson plan that calls President-elect Donald Trump a racist, sexist man who became president by pandering to a huge racist and sexist base." It’s not surprising with the exception that the slanted lesson plan has been so openly presented. 

Presenting subjective opinion to young minds is like planting seeds in a fertile field with no proof of nutritional value, or of the overall safety of the results. Since the 1960’s our educational system, with teachers fed by the unions, has become increasingly political in nature.  
The ideology of the progressive liberal  agenda has made huge inroads in the practice of revisionist history education.  The old method of teaching the differences of opposing views during social studies has taken the direction of indoctrination over that of educating.  Instead of learning the tenants of the different systems and beliefs students are now taught the values of one over the other from the ideological leanings of the teachers.  Students are no longer taught how to think and discern, they are filled with subjective misinformation which wears the mask of false facts.
Our society is relinquishing the unity of purpose, national pride, freedom of thought and speech that helped us grow into one of the most productive and generous people the world has ever known.  We are giving away our positive history to a system of socialistic academia, and unionism that concentrates on our mistakes rather than our achievements.  This is not happening by accident but rather by the design of those who would see our system fail.
Our higher academia feeding on the false belief that they are much wiser than the rest of us, train our teachers that by emulating them the new teachers are also head and shoulders above the parents.  This is totally disregarding the absence of common sense in their attitudes to the detriment of our children.
While not all teachers are so full of themselves a large number are joined at the hip with their unions.  The unions gain power through the liberal progressive governing party and education helps feed them economically.  It’s no wonder that employees who benefit from a larger government vote time and time again for the Democrat party officials who support them.  The unions need the government on their side in order to maintain membership numbers that will  continue to pay for their existence. The practice of creating more and more little progressive minds should not be the focus of our educational system, but that is becoming an ultimate goal, a goal detrimental to the society as a whole. Not a pretty picture to watch.

It appears that the curse of Eve, “eat the apple Adam”, continues to inflict humanity even at this late date.  If given something good mankind will find a way to throw it all away out of selfishness.  
Politics has a way of corrupting and our system, of democratic federalism in conjunction with a capitalistic partner, for opposing powers to be.  The founding fathers found purpose in attempting to create a system of  government based on the consensus of the people to empower the people, not the governing body.  That purpose has been eroded through apathy and the mistaken philosophy of “if they (anyone else) take care of me and provide for my needs and wants”, then I will give them my power.
They, “the progressive movement”, will take our power and that of future generations until our entire system crumbles. Seeking temporary control and power from a new system of domination.  Letting the other guy support you only works until the other guy needs to be supported as well.  
The indoctrinating propaganda used on our society should be apparent to all, but it isn’t.  We see that insipid cancer spread across the streets of our nation,  being fed by folks, like George Soros.
Those we entrust our children too, the ones who teach our children, the ones who train those teachers and the media that feeds our society information have been infected with and spread that false doctrine. Most do that because they have been coerced into thinking they are smarter, kinder and basically better than the rest of the society.  Like Satan used Eve’s ignorance, of the end result , false indoctrination puts us on the same path toward destruction.  Our children, our society, our nation deserves better than they are getting.
Pray for our country. Pray for discernment. Love your neighbor.

GodBless the U.S.A.

* Just for clarification, very seldom are definitions of people correct when "all of them" are included in that definition. Pray for those educators who fight against false indoctrination, and they are many.

Monday, November 14, 2016


Fear is a natural response to danger whether it’s based on fact or fiction.  The inherent responses to fear are flight, freeze, and fight.  Regardless of what instigates it, there is always an action taken for self-preservation.  That is a fact of nature that crosses all boundaries of life on our planet. With our species (homo sapiens) we are different from other forms of a supposed universal ability for reasoning.  That ability is available to us in understanding the validity of threat which would seemingly give us another possible response, which would be to ignore the false.

We all translate our environment through the veil of our individual belief systems and because of this our responses can be manipulated by feeding our beliefs with false information.  This is the power of creating false perception through propaganda.  Fear is one of the most basic motivators and is also the most easily manipulated by rumor and outright falsehood.  There is a reason that the tablets presented to Moses on that mountain included the commandment  “Thou shalt not bear false witness”.

There used to a be parlor  game in which a line of people whispered a statement from one to the other and by the time it had migrated through the line of folks the statement had been substantially changed.  We have just been through a political campaign in which this phenomenon has been put to use in order to instill a degree of fear regarding an opponent's position on an array of subjects.  
Through the twisting of intent and verbal redefinition, misconceptions become part of a belief system affecting the electorate.  Similar to the effects of terrorism, fear is created by this manipulation of perception.  We can see the effects of this fear being magnified by a mob mentality that makes beliefs conform just because of the sheer numbers of repetition.  Reason does not occur and the examination for validity is no longer a factor as perception becomes a false reality.

Most of us, older folks, remember the old western movies where the sheriff has to protect a prisoner from a lynch mob.  The lynch mob whipped into a fury by the evil villain always results in violence.  Sound familiar?  We have watched this same type of manufactured hysteria take place over the last few years and the violence created has caused millions of dollars in property damage and loss of lives.  

Those losses can fall at the feet of politicians and the media.  The perpetrators of manipulation seem to have no shame nor do they take any responsibility for what is a real crime against our people.  If a parent did this type of thing to their children, we would be clamoring for punitive justice, not so in this case.  Their payoffs come in many shapes and sizes but all include a coziness with greed and lust for money and power.  Our people share in the guilt of loss to our society as we, as an ignorant mob, have allowed this to happen. 

We have failed to use our power of reason to inspect  the validity of what we are being force fed.

The United States of America originated on our planet as a result of knowing that we all deserve the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  This is true for the individual and for all of us collectively.  There are some that would deny us those rights through the power of angst.  Like it or not we are being manipulated and a large number of us, like cattle being herded toward the slaughter, are allowing fear to propel us.

Our country has enemies, that is not news.  That we are being directed, by people like George Soros, toward a type of government enslavement is not being recognized as newsworthy.  Common sense is being eroded by our own basic national desire to do good.  To be the gentler, kinder members of the world's community.  We are being led to believe that being responsible for our survival comes in second to making sure everyone has all the same things, no winners, no losers.  

We have been led to believe that those of us who want to ensure our existence are somehow the evil force in our nation and those who want to give are the good.  To make that more emphatic, our societal mob has come up with a list of criteria that must be met in order to be acceptable. “Governance by clique” and compliance to the new ideal is required and anyone who doesn’t conform is perceived as some sort of a “neanderthalic” moron.  
Common sense would dictate that survival of our democratic, capitalistic system is a priority if we as a nation are going to continue in our abilities to be charitable to people across the expanse of our planet, to create innovations that help our environment, to find solutions to so many different maladies that affect mankind.

To all those mob driven groups out there who are raising havoc, harming your own neighborhoods, creating danger for your fellow man, quit acting irresponsibly.  Take the time to examine your anger, your frustration, and your fears.  Are they valid or are you just a tool for someone else’s greed and lust?  George Soros has one goal and unfortunately he has the means to create fear in our society and he has been effective.  We need to take our country back.  We are a better people than what we are exhibiting to the rest of the world.

God Bless our Country and its people.  Protect us from false witness.

Saturday, November 12, 2016


Motivated by media induced fear our system of peaceful transfer of power is under attack.  Our society is being manipulated, and much like sheep we are being herded into a way of life that leads to slaughter.

I am not a scholar, not a politician, and not a 1%er.  I am just an ordinary citizen, albeit a senior by age, who was raised in an era of common sense.  My indoctrination was performed by family, religion, and public school which infused values into my beliefs.  Looking back across my lifetime it is apparent, to me, that the majority of my mistakes occurred when I moved away from that indoctrination.

The society I see emerging is so far removed from my point of entry into adulthood that it seems to be totally alien in nature.  The society I was raised in stressed the importance of honesty, patriotism, hard work, and an effort to excel in a competitive world.  I was taught the importance of always doing your best regardless of the task or the compensation.  Our society is no longer universally in agreement and I see the movement away from responsibility and self-actualization. 

Indoctrination has taken a new direction.  Language, speech, history have all been rotated to fit a new purpose and what was perceived to be an innocent difference of opinion has changed who we are as a nation.  I have stated many times that one of the most important books in my life is titled “As a Man Thinketh”, the premise being that our beliefs dictate who we are as an individual.  I believe that society acts and reacts in a similar way.  Unfortunately, what society believes does not generally receive the close scrutiny required to inject truth into perception.

We have been led to believe, (honestly) , certain things that are not necessarily supported by fact (truth) but are more importantly serving  a purpose that is detrimental to our nation.  Stalin once said that communism would defeat the U.S. not with weapons but with words.  So far the indoctrination of our educators has proven to be a powerful weapon in this war of ideologies.   The liberal progressive agenda, which originally had all good intentions toward our nation and our society, took a hard shift in the sixties.  Fueled by the anti-war sentiment that movement was used to educate folks not only against war but as a platform to rail against the entire concept of the United States of America.  This form of mental manipulation has metastasized throughout  academia, entertainment, and the media. 

This year we have been shown the practice and the power of using words, fragments of statements and the twisting of intent.  The practice of political conflict is taking its toll on our national unity.  The use of propaganda to create false beliefs and fear simply to gain political power has effectively created enough fear into the process that either outcome would result in social unrest.  For those folks who want to defeat our nation, and destroy our unity, you may have won this battle but I assure you the war will be ours.

To those of you who have bought into the Trump is an evil, dangerous, homophobic, misogynistic, racist bigot, whose policies will destroy our nation, I say where are the facts.
Is this what you fear?  You will be hard pressed to find those fears substantiated by his platform.

I don’t think any of us enjoy being used as tools, and that is the purpose behind dividing us into small opposing groups and pitting us against each other.  Our country is a rainbow of color and of beliefs, we are stronger as an intertwined cable than as individual windblown strands of humanity.  We are being manipulated into hate and distrust which will rot us from within and it’s time to put a halt to it.

I am not a conspiracy wonk, but there is some substantial backing for the belief in the existence of a shadow government.  I am including some reference sites you might want to look at.

Don’t let this bunch succeed.

Pray for our country, our new President-elect, and our people.

God Bless us all

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Finally the torture of constant bombardment of propaganda and confusing rhetoric, known as a Presidential campaign, has concluded.  A conclusion that no one I know, ever viewed as probable.  There has been a toll paid by each of us during this last year, a result of the propaganda rhetoric has cost relationships for just about everyone.  The sharp divide in our society has been widened by half truths and innuendo which taint our perceptions.

There is no time for the victor, of this process, to gloat.  Our country is weakened when divided by ideology and anger and now is the time for rebuilding what has been lost.  It is a time for rewinding all those individual threads, we have been divided into, into the strong, intertwined cable of  one nation.  This is a time for us to unite behind a President-elect who, at most, satisfies only partially what we wanted as  a president.

There is little time for despair for those who fought so fervently to prevent the election of a man they perceive to be unsuitable to be our leader.  What ultimately took place did not look, even remotely, possible until the last few hours in this hard fought contest.  Understandably  shocked disbelief will bring  stages of grief to be suffered over the loss of this battle, but hopefully, our nation will come out of this stronger and eventually more unified than it has been in years.  God willing.

Now is the time for we the people to unite in the cause of repairing and rebuilding our nation.  Now is the time to re-affirm our position in the world as a peacekeeping force, leading from a position of power.  Now is the time for we the people to force our governance to serve us rather than self-serving particular ideologies and political parties.  Now is the time for all of us to sift the fact from the fiction and to discard perception in favor of truth.  That will be no easy task after being force-fed fear and distrust of the man chosen to be President-elect.

Some thoughts we all might ponder and spend some time considering:

Because you want to vet incoming refugees does not mean you hate all Muslims.  The Muslims in our country need protection from Islamic terrorists and Sharia law as much or more than the rest of us.

Because you want to build a wall across our Southen border does not mean you hate Latino’s.  It simply means you want to prevent illegal entry into our country and to prevent the flow of illegal narcotics.  The “coyote” smuggling business is guilty of atrocities against many of the Latino’s they charge $$ to bring through the open border.

Because you want to give inner city children of minorities a chance of school choice doesn’t mean you hate minorities.
Because you want the rule of law, including that of immigration, doesn’t mean you hate immigrants.  It simply means you want it done legally.

Because you want to rebuild our military and re-examine our rules of engagement, doesn’t mean you want to blow up the world.
And the list continues almost into infinity.  

I would suggest for our own good that we give a bit of time to see if he really loves our country.  A bit of time to see if he really intends to help the inner cities.  Time to see if he will be President for all of We the People.

Pray for our country, pray for our people
Pray that this man will help heal our nation and repair the divide
God Bless the USA

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Finally!  We the people have reached the point of choice completion.  In the next 14 hours, the country will have made their choice as to whom will lead the United States as President.  Whatever reasons each of us has used for that choice, we all hope that more people agree with our own purpose than not.  We have done all we could do to support our choices, and now our hands, our minds, our voices have stretched as far as they can go. 

I am a Christian, a believer in an almighty God, because of that I still have one more thing I can do to help the candidate of my choice.  Pray!  I could pray that my candidate will win this election, but I choose a different prayer.

Father, I know that you have chosen leaders among men
I know that your wisdom greatly exceeds that of mankind
I pray that whoever is chosen to lead our country
That they will be molded into being a servant of our people and our nation
That they will help our nation return You to the position above all

the Most High has power over human kingdoms. He gives them to whomever he wishes. — Daniel 4:17

Now I know that not everyone will agree,that God is ultimately in charge, or that He even exists, but in the big picture I can still have Hope and Faith that good will come from the result.

God Bless America

Friday, November 4, 2016


As most of us have heard, those who listen anyway, the generosity of the Clinton Foundation has applied only 6 or 7 percent of their received donations to charitable causes.  To top that disgusting fact off, many of the donations were in the furtherance of a pay to play income enhancing ploy for the Clintons e enhancing ploy for the Clintons personally. 
These numbers were similar in the foundation's 2013 tax returns, which revealed that the Clinton Foundation raised over $140 million but only used $9 million in direct aid, according to the New York Post:  “It seems like the Clinton Foundation operates as a slush fund for the Clintons,” said Bill Allison, a senior fellow at the Sunlight Foundation, a government watchdog group where progressive Democrat and Fordham Law professor Zephyr Teachout was once an organizing director.

I can’t personally write about all of the evidence, the books, and the e-mails that support the accusations, but I can give some informative articles.

“The Clinton Cartel Defrauded Bernie and His Supporters”

The Clinton Foundation Scandals, Explained
This is just a few articles on these folks…\

Pray for discernment   Vote for what serves our country



Rude and no filter when it comes to speaking and talking as a rash blue collar background billionaire, but not the mysogonist portrayed by his opposition.  Here are some excerpts you might cogitate upon.

many women who have worked closely with Trump say he was a corporate executive ahead of his time in providing career advancement for women.
“From the standpoint of being a woman, I just thought he was phenomenal,” said Sunshine, 74. “So supportive and encouraging. . . . He gave me the ropes, and I could either hang myself or prove myself.”

Today, according to Trump’s attorney, Michael Cohen, there are more women than men holding executive positions in the Trump Organization, heading such departments as human resources, golf, and hotel management, and global licensing, even though women make up just 43 percent of the overall workforce. Women who are in similar positions as men, Cohen said, “are compensated at equal and in many cases higher pay rates.”

Women Who Have Worked With Trump Say He Was “Ahead Of His Time In Providing Career Advancement For Women” And Promoted Women In A Male-Dominated Industry. “But many women who have worked closely with Trump say he was a corporate executive ahead of his time in providing career advancement for women. While some say he could be boorish, his companies nurtured and pro­moted women in an otherwise male-dominated industry.” (Frances Stead Sellers, “Donald Trump, A Champion Of Women? His Female Employees Think So.,” The Washington Post, 11/24/15)

Deirdre Rosen, Vice President Of Human Resources For The Trump Organization, Praised Trump For His Flexibility In Allowing For A Family Life. “Deirdre Rosen, 42, vice president of human resources for the Trump Hotel Collection, said that after working for big public companies, the seven years she has spent at the family-run Trump Organization have offered her the flexibility to ‘be present at soccer games and drama club’ with her children.” (Frances Stead Sellers, “Donald Trump, A Champion Of Women? His Female Employees Think So.,” The Washington Post, 11/24/15)

Jill Martin, “Assistant General Counsel [For Trump], … Described A Boss Who Helped Her Overcome Her Caution About Her Abilities And Encouraged Her To Grow.” “Jill Martin, 35, assistant general counsel, who joined the Trump Organization five years ago, described a boss who helped her overcome her caution about her abilities and encouraged her to grow.” (Frances Stead Sellers, “Donald Trump, A Champion Of Women? His Female Employees Think So.,” The Washington Post, 11/24/15)

"Black Female Executive Speaks Out About Working For Trump Family"
“I can no longer remain silent about the repeated and reprehensible attempts to align my boss and his family with racist hate-mongering groups, campaigns and messaging,” wrote Patton, director of the Eric Trump Foundation and assistant to Eric Trump, Ivanka Trump, and Donald Trump Jr. She said the video was not part of her employment but was triggered by the reaction Trump has received during his campaign.
  • Donated $25,000 to a mostly black women's basketball league after the founder was killed in the 9/11 attack.
  • Barbara Res at 33 years old became the first woman to ever be put in charge of supervising the construction of a skyscraper when Donald Trump hired her in 1980. A section from her book:
he took a chance on a part-time position she parlayed into a career beginner with a major Construction company in NY. After holding several "men's jobs" in contracting, Res met Donald Trump, at the Grand Hyatt project he was developing for the hotel company. She impressed him and when he had a new ground up project, he installed her as Executive in charge of Construction. The project was the world famous Trump Tower and the rest is history - a history filled with travail and triumph."



Honesty does not require Truth, Truth requires fact, cover your honesty in truth.
 many women who have worked closely with Trump say he was a corporate executive ahead of his time in providing career advancement for women.
“I can no longer remain silent about the repeated and reprehensible attempts to align my boss and his family with racist hate-mongering groups, campaigns and messaging
  • Trump helped Jennifer Hudson after her family members was killed
  • Trump dated black supermodel Kara Young in the early 2000's.
  • Trump's spokesperson is Katrina Pierson, a black woman.
  • Trump's daughter (Ivanka) and son-in-law (Jared Kushner) are Jewish.
  • His wife is a (legal) immigrant.
  • “To equate racism with my boss’ call for a temporary moratorium on a flawed immigration system that radical Islamic terrorists continue to exploit, or the construction of an impassible wall to protect our borders from the influx of illegal drugs, is not only incendiary, it’s wholly irresponsible and only serves to embolden the very hatred these draconian groups espouse,”
Honesty does not always follow the facts, truth does.  Better to follow truth.

Pray for discernment. 
Pray for our country   God Bless America