Saturday, September 24, 2016


 I Miss You Daddy (Police Tribute) via @YouTube

Time and time again as tragedy strikes our country, as people lose their lives and law enforcement is involved we witness a form of chaos.  I understand the pain of family, friends and community trying to make sense of their loss.   I understand their disbelief that the person who once had that life could have given justification that would allow the police to take that life from them.  I can empathize with that disbelief shouting for an explanation, some reason that could never be adequate in softening the pain they feel.

There is also the element, in the community, of the anger stemming from the frustration of living in a world that seems to treat them as second class citizens.  In a society that is perceived as one forcing a quality of life on one group far inferior to what they see existing in the rest of the world.  Human nature demands that inequality be eliminated.   If the maintenance of that inequality continues over generations an inherent anger boils out of the resentment carrying with it anger, hatred and mistrust.  In that context understanding the BLM movement, as a megaphone shouting enough is enough, is not that difficult.

The African American and Latino communities in our country are also individually divided within themselves.  Those who find their direction as that of striving through life by hard work and integration into the predominantly Caucasian society co-existing with those who see their only hope is in the survival of their clan. 

Confrontation is inevitable between the clan and the larger society in which it fights for survival.  The distrust and hatred that flows generation to generation is a form of belief structure that becomes a natural part life.  This belief system, in our society, gains in strength every time a perceived injustice occurs.  Every time a member of their clan is detained, questioned the first inclination is to assume that is a result of bigotry on the part of other party.  

That is a condition of society that needs to be questioned and the malignancy cured.  That is something that we need to correct based on mutual understanding but most of all based on reality and fact.  Trying to sort through the perceptions on both sides will demand understanding and concessions to be given by all components of our societal make up.  The fact of the matter is that any of us can feel threatened and intimidated, and we need to be aware that is occasionally justified, just not in all cases.  The BLM has brought that problem, the one of racial inequality, into society’s awareness.  Now the how to fix it stage is in progress, public awareness is demanding that progress.

One day live in a nation where they would not be judged "by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."  Martin Luther King.

The culture that is trying to grow and evolve with-in the United States has been struggling ever since the inception of slavery.  That malignancy has stained our goodness for almost 200 years and has weakened the strength of the cord that bonds us together.  The United States as a country, as a society has achieved things in our world far surpassing that of any in the history of the world.  We are the experiment intent on giving an example as to what can happen to the human race when the individual is given the opportunity to excel.  The stain of slavery is used to paint the whole of the experiment a very nasty color.  That failing, along with some others, continues to be a weapon in the hands of other who would see it fail.  Those others have hijacked, and stolen the message of the BLM movement, they have taken the grief and the pain of honest family and community and used it as a weapon against our way of life.  
Some interesting and pertinent informational sites below:  

The theft of purpose has no good result for the BLM as the methodology of the Soros funded rioters is not intended to find any solutions.  Their intent is on creating anarchy, raising the temperature of hatred and resentment within our borders.  The MSMedia, and some politicians are complicit, driven by ideology, they feed the narrative expanding the anti-American sentiment.  These factions are the equivalent in nature to predators and devourers of carrion.
Pray for our Country, our people, and for peace.  Love your neighbor.

God Bless the USA

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