Thursday, September 8, 2016

THEY ARE _ _ _ _ _ HE IS _ _ _ _ _

Propaganda mixed with ideology is a very difficult technique to counteract.  Most Americans are very aware of the use of propaganda during the election cycle.  What is generally missed is the use by our own individually supported side of the conversation.  I use the word conversation loosely.  

I’m not sure what we gain in the practice of gross over-generalizations to describe people with whom we disagree.  As a society, we no longer seem to care about fact, truth, honesty or the adverse of these traits.  It is so much easier to use one adjective branding our opponent than it is to take the time to understand what is actually being said.  

We don’t want to know the fallacies in our own argument or the logic of the reasoning behind what the other side thinks.

The terms, racist, bigot, xenophobe are some of the most emotionally charged words in the English language.  Those terms are used as a tool to shut down discussion and any chance of mutual understanding.  I view that activity as nothing less than an act of intellectual failure. 

In terms of psychology it allows the protection of errant beliefs by denial and by the projection of the traits our society views as abhorrent.  So instead of coming to any sensible or reasonable solution to a subject, the discussion is wasted.

Last night I came across a video on this subject.  The video is a short excerpt from Fox commentator Bill O’Reilly not listened to by most liberal leaning folks.  You may not like him but what he says is pretty much on the head of the nail.

Our country is not short on divisive speech, on hatred and distrust.  What our country needs is civility and productive discourse.  
Come on folks we can be so much better.

Pray for our people.  Pray for discernment.  Love your neighbor.

God Bless our country and our people.

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