Monday, September 5, 2016


Raising the “minimum wage” will guarantee less employment opportunities.
From deep in my previous postings:

Bringing in 60,000 refugees (without proper vetting) and placing them in low income under serviced areas of our cities is a plan formulated to garner votes and to keep those areas in need. It’s another means of holding back the young men and women in these areas.  Just another way to guarantee the inner-city populations need for the welfare state mentality.  Without the need for government assistance (which is a real need) there is no real cause behind the Democrat platforms.
“The one who is given fish never learns to fish for his own food and eventually will become a slave to the one who keeps feeding him. 
I have always found it hard to understand why someone would choose to jump from one form of enslavement right into the same situation with the only difference being the name.  I don’t get why the methodology of that enslavement is so difficult to see.  There is such an evident line of progression from plantation to ghetto and the insidious political methodology used just to gain power. 
If you want control over a group of people it is easier to do if:  you keep them hungry; give them no opportunity; deny them education; give power to crime; give them drugs to dull the mental pain of no hope.  Make them dependent then thankful.  Sound familiar? 
The use of this technique by the party of “Donkey” is morally reprehensible.  The tenacious grip on our citizens of color is particularly cruel. 
What is truly sad is the fact that resentment and division between races is becoming more prevalent with each generation as the truth of cause becomes hidden.  Our society has fought so hard to fight against the racism that existed, white for black.  Like it or not, admit it or not, anger over the past wrongs and the continued indoctrination used to create today’s resentments, serves no positive purpose.
If you want a better life, make one.  If you want a better world, make one.  If you are tired of enslavement, don’t accept it.
Pray for our country. Pray for understanding.  Pray for your neighbor.

God bless the USA. 

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