Monday, September 5, 2016


Today it has really struck me as to just how many in our country view abortion as a freedom. It is viewed as a right of womanhood to disallow the birth of a child. Yet the majority of Americans abhor the deaths of humans in any other form. This subject encompasses all varieties of underlying beliefs and feelings, as well as creating new moral and ethical dilemmas for our society and as individuals. Abortion has given rise to both political and religious groups on both sides of the issue.

Our society has increasingly become “me “orientated over the last century and our ethical moral sensitivities have adjusted accordingly. This is not unusual and is something that has occurred many times over the course of history. Our society is no different. The question will eventually boil down to who and what comprises human decency towards another human, and at what point does the human animal come into being.

We as a society have taken a role and position of total permissiveness sexually and that has driven the numbers of abortions to the high numbers we now see. This permissiveness is exacerbated in our educational system by trying to treat the symptom of pregnancy as a matter of prevention rather than a matter of responsibility that should be part of parenting. As those children move into young adulthood choosing sex as a recreational activity because they have the ability and the right to do whatever, is also a matter of responsibility that should have been taught to them by their parents as a part of parenting responsibilities. Our children need to be taught it is not ok to do everything they feel like and that the things they do have consequences. If you have sex when you can’t afford to give up your life for your children’s food, clothing and lodging, don’t have sex. At some point in time the reality of your action will come back to slap your psyche. The taking of your child’s life will be a hurt that bandages can’t cure for you.

The fact that our society accepts termination of life as an alternative form of contraception is a terminal sickness that should not be condoned by any of us. If you have an unwanted child inside your body, give it to someone who cares. Adoptions are a much better solution. It gives your child a chance at greatness and the new parents an opportunity for unimaginable love.
There was a time in my life when I was not in solid belief regarding God and His Son Jesus Christ. During that lapse, I considered the abortion of one of my children. It was a decision based on not wanting to ruin a relationship with another of my children by having to share love with two rather than one. I am happy to say that the birth came to fruition, and because of that the world is a richer place. I also found out that love is an unlimited, boundless blessing from an all understanding God.

Pray for our country.  Pray for our children.

God bless us all.

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