Friday, September 16, 2016


o.k.  Enough with the foot stomping, hand ringing, temper tantrums.  I fully recognize you staunch strong perfect constitutionally correct conservatives don’t think Trump fits under your banner.  Our country is not just about your specific ideology.  Our country was established for each and every citizen, legally, within the borders, even if those borders are being mishandled.  I don’t know of any conservative, mild or just lukewarm, that wants to see the Executive Branch or the Judicial Branch trampling over the constitution. 
This election is not about getting your way on everything.  Our country is much like a freight train with 330 million head of citizens on board.  At this point in history it has gotten onto a track that is headed straight into a wall of solid peril. That train has been picking up speed, accelerating close to maximum speed and we have a chance of altering the course of that train.  If you think you can force that train into making a u-turn you exist in a fantasy world.  If you think for one minute that direction will be reversed completely with just one election cycle you are certifiably nuts!  If you think giving up on this one election cycle won’t be a disaster, you once again are nuts.  If you think this election cycle results can be changed four years from now, you are one giant bag of squirrel food.

Donald Trump was most assuredly not my first choice in this horse race but he is without doubt the only viable choice left in contention.  Getting back to my train analogy, my hope and prayers are not for the u-turn but for enough of a deflection of direction we can get back to the track our founding fathers set us out upon.

The last few years have given us a look at what happens when the progressive liberal faction is in the head office.  Even with a Republican House and Senate, when the veto pen comes out passing anything conservative is virtually impossible.  Equally important is the activity of the Supreme Court.  We have also been witness to what happens when those Justices have tendencies toward progressive views of our Constitution.  A President can be voted out of office. His control can be limited to one, no more than two, terms.  
The President can affect our nation for up to forty years with just one appointment to the Supreme Court.  We are facing the possibility of three of those appointments during the next Presidential tenure.  If you think that’s not very important, you had better revisit your thinking ability.

What is the average length of a Justice’s tenure?
The average number of years that Justices have served is 16.
Who was the longest serving Chief Justice?
The longest serving Chief Justice was Chief Justice John Marshall who served for 34 years, 5 months and 11 days from 1801 to 1835.
Who was the first African American Supreme Court Justice?
Associate Justice Thurgood Marshall (1967-1991).
Who was the first Hispanic Supreme Court Justice?
Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor (2009-Present).
Who was the first woman to serve as a Supreme Court Justice?
Associate Justice Sandra Day O’Connor (1981-2006).

I agree, Trump is not perfect but he can change the direction on some impending problems: education, immigration, sanctuary cities, military, rules of military engagement, Guantanamo prisoner releases, inner city crime.

Those are some of the possibilities. The probability of affect is probably around 70% which is a lot better than letting Hillary or any other Democrat from gaining the Executive branch power ring.

Don’t cut of your nose to spite your face fellow conservatives, which would make you look stupid and would make you “Squirrel Food”.

Pray for our country, our people and your neighbor.

God Bless America

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